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Posts posted by Iceblade

  1. Download it today here:


    But, what mods does it have you say?

    Well, heres the list:

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    For more please visit here:


  2. I can't find them anywhere I searched on google "free vbulletin skins" and I can't find a whole bunch of them does anyone know a site which might have the most on the internet but, it must be free because paying for vbulletin is one thing and then paying for a skin it's too much for me :P I know they were some I found in the past but, I had this error with them so try finding some which don't involve version 3.6.5 :(

  3. As of late, when I used the original URL I bookmarked for my CPanel, I was not able to access it. Perhaps they have made some modifications which made it like that, I just accessed using e.g. [youruser].trap17.com/cpanel and it is working fine.

    Maybe he frogot his password did you exactally look at what the pm said?

  4. Whenever I go on Xisto forums to post I always get the welcome guest thing and it's starting to annoy me..The first time was ok but, when it started doing it the fifth time then it made me annoyed..there must be a way to delete or fix something i'm thinking it could be your or mine cookies..if they are please tell me because I really want this to be solved..also, a couple of times I try to post something I get the log in screen and I have to type the whole message again :P

  5. vbulletin is the best board it's the fastest and best looking there's also ways of getting it for free which I can't tell anyone ho to but, if you want a forum software which won't put you down I would use vbulletin :P Phpbb isn't bad it's just you have to add so many mods to it like if you need sub-forums (which will happen when version 3.0.0 comes out) it's just a pain of a neck but, vbulletin can solve this problem so, the main scoop is that if you want something for free then get phpbb but, if you want something that is nice to use then get vbulletin but, mainly it's up to you :D

  6. The iPhone doesnt get released until June or July.

    No it got released already I don't like it..What's the point of it just buy a ipod and phone you don't need something like thta plus it doesn't hold enough songs if you have a lot and another bad thing about it is that you need to put your iphone in the computer with that hook I just don't prefer it

  7. It's when you add your site to google and when you go on a site you can see how much rank does your site have you can either have a low rank or high rank but, the highest rank is the best the sites that uusually get that is google ect..wat do you expect? lol..well, if you want a lot of people to go on your site I would think baout doing this :P

  8. We are already lazy enough!No what is going to happen when we have our own personal maid that does not eat, sleep, or ask for a pay check!

    lol are country is lazy and if this will happen everyone will be fat and ask for everything to robots then, the robots will get mad and destory are planet because, of revenge so, If I was you I wouldn't get a slave robot because they can always turn on us in a second or a year you will never know!! That's what I think.. ;)

  9. If I had to say my very first game system was it had to be the Nintendo 64. It was christmas and when I was little kid and opened it I was so excited to play mario 64 I played it everyday it was so, fun! Then mario party came out..I started to play it wasn't bad I just love the felling of playing it and now a days I still go with nintendo I have a wii and DS I would never go to another company because mario was the game I was always good at.. ;)

  10. I thought it was ok when i played it on N64. But when you have played Super Mario 64 you couldn't like paper Mario as much. I really prefer Super Mario 64 but i would still say paper Mario was very fun. I never played number 3 but i can't wait to try it out when it comes out for the wii. It should be pretty good if it is like number 1.

    Yah I like that game too...My favorite part is when you face the penguin at a race I couldn't beat the fat guy again it took me awhile but, I did it..Another good game with a story is super mario sunshine it's on the gamecube have you ever played because I would recommended it to anynone who played 64 also, there making galaxy on the wii so, there should be much more to come ;)

  11. It Has to be mario if there was no mario then, none of his games would of been out..I know almost every game he made like Paper mario, mario 64, sunshine and galaxy comming out on the wii plus, the old classics like super mario bros., Dr. Mario, Mario kart 64, Mario Party 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, Mario golf ect.. if you look every game has to have marios name in it so, now you would know that mario is and has to be the only choice for me ;)

  12. 1. Well once you get the file onto your computer, your going to need an FTP client. I suggest Core FTP, just do a Google search for it, and theres a free version, which I use, and is just great.


    2a. I'm guessing you already have an unzipping program to unzip the file you're downloading, so we'll skip that step.


    2b. Go to http://phpbbfm.net/. On the left side, e little below the top, click on the Zip link, which will download the file. Unzip the file you just got.


    3. Once all the files have been unzipped from the main file you just got, find the folder that you unzipped all the files to. It should be name pretty much the same thing as the big file you just got.


    4. Rename the folder to whatever you want. The one I use is "base" because the name of my forum is "Shadow Warriors Base of Operations", for this online game I play called Darkthrone. You will probably be happy to use a folder name such as "forum" so when your users go to your site, it will be easy to remember. Also, whatever you name this folder, will be the folder name of your forum. For instance, this forum, they use "forums" I think you get the point.


    5. Now open your FTP program, and enter the details of your login, which you should get via e-mail, these include the FTP site, which may be a series of numbers, like or something like that. Or if you don't get any numbers, just use ftp.YourSubDomain.YourHost.com or whatever your site is, with an "ftp." before it. Now enter your username and password, which will most likely be with the e-mail that hass all the numbers and stuff.


    6. Once connected, (I'm assuming your using Core FTP, but most FTP programs are very similar) use the left side (windows) to find the folder that you renamed from step 4. And just find it, don't open it or anything. Then on the right, there should be some folders, one of them being "public_html", open that folder. If you don't have that folder, PM me, and I'll explain more.


    7. Now that you are in the public_html folder, go ahead and drag the folder you renamed, over to inside the public_html folder, it will start to que up files, queing takes only a minute or two, but transferring for me can take up 45 minutes to an hour. Now if you want to take a break, go for it, the FTP program should do all the work from here.


    8. After your break, head over to the CPanel, that comnes with your account. Use the same username and password that you used to sign into FTP.


    9. Find the link called "SQL databases" or somehting that has "SQL" in it. Probably "MySQL Databases". Click on the link. Now this is kind of confusing, but bear with me. Your going to need to add a database, call it "forum" and click "Add Database". the databse will then be called "YouUserName_forum" remember this.


    10. Now go back to the part where you made the database. And find the two boxes together, one being username, and the other being password. This is where you are going to make a user for your database. Just enter "forum" as the username, and use whatever you want for the password, but remember the password. Click "Add User".


    11. Now your going to assign the user you just made, to the database you made before. Find where it says "Add user to database" and there should be 2 drop down menus. One of them, being the user, and the second, the database. Don't worry about all those checkboxes, it should already be set on "All" for you. In the first drop-down, find "YouUserName_forum" and then in the second one, do the same thing. And click "Add user to database".


    12. Now your done with CPanel. When your files have been transferred over, open a new window of whatever browser you use, or a new Tab (Ctrl + T) if you use Firefox. Go to your website. Which should be like YourWebsite.YourHost.com or whatever, but after that, add "/forum". This should take you to the installation, if not, go back to your site, and add "/forum/install/install.php"


    13. Now you have the installation page open. For Database Name, and Database User, enter "YourUserName_forum" and the password is whatever you set it to be when you made the user. Then go down, put in your e-mail, the Username you want to be your Administrator (I just use "Admin"). And the password you want to log in. These will be your username and password for your forum. Make sure all of the fileds are entered, leave the port and all that alone.


    Just do what it says here. Now click Next, or Install, or whatever it says. Then a new page will open, if you have errors, PM me, if not, click Finish.


    14. Now go back to your FTP thing, and on the right, the one that is your website, open the folder "forum" or whatever you named it, and delete the folder "install". Now go to your website plus the "/forum" and log in.


    Your all set!


    15. Somehting you will need to do, is in the Admin CP, click on the plus next to "General" then click on "Configuration". A new thing will pop up, and click on the plus next to "Cookie Settings". Make sure the cookie

    domain is ".xena-free.com" IT MUST HAVE THE "." before xena-free.com Then change the cookie name to whatever you want, no spaces. This step makes it so people don't have to log in twice to your forum every time.


    If you have any questions, feel free to PM me, as I am on pretty much every day. Just tell me what step you are stuck on, and where in the step. I hope this helps. And By the way, a phpBB FM is a phpBB forum, but it comes pre-modified, so you don't have to mod it yourself.


    Notice from cmatcmextra:
    Nice tutorial, don't double-space line


    breaks like this all the time because it make


    it harder to determine when the end of one point is.


    Double-line-breaks removed.


    Next time you create a list please use the [-list-][*]Point1 [*]Point2[/-list-] tags. More bbcodes here ;)

    Wow! Great Tut I never knew they had phpbb with a mod but, the only thing I wihsed they had was a way to get skins for this because the only thing they have is the subsilver and I would start to get sick of this no offence..My question to you is if they have any skins you can download or do you have to pay or create your own? Thank you,



  13. My hardest has to be the shadow queen on paper mario the thousand year door. It looks soo easy but, then you see her heart points are 150 oh boy! It took me about 1 month to win the game using badges, Stars, ect.. just to win the game!! I mean cmon who in the world can beat here without and star points and badges there's no way!! unless you have 99 in everything..but, once I killed her. My Heart points were only 2 or three almost dying so I was freakin lucky..Now, if I had to play that game again I would dread to play against the shadow queen again ;)

  14. Hey,
    I want to rant about something - thats why I am here. Today we went to the mall and I went past EB Games (they sell games hence the name). I picked up their catalouge and I was looking through it while we were walking around the mall. I saw a page on the Nintendo DS. I have a Nintendo DS (not a DS lite) and I think it's a really good system. On this page was the DS Internet browser, you of course need to have a Wireless Net connection or a Wi-fi USB Adapator for the DS to beable to connect to the net. I wanted a USB Connector anyway so that was no trouble. I was reading the page and started to read the text on the Image of the case of the Internet Browser Software.

    It said it was only for Nintendo DS Lite. I was like what the hell. The Nintendo DS Lite was released what like 6 months after the actual DS and now they have started making games/software that is incompatiable with the Nintendo DS, does this mean that any new game released will now be incompatiable with anyone who has a orginal DS system? If it is I think it's rediciulous and that Nintendo should make a version that is compatiable with the DS system and stay loyal to anyone who still has a orginal DS system. If they don't they are really letting us all down ;)

    By the way does anyone know of a place to buy blank Nintendo DS game cards/cartridges? I'm sure I can download a browser somewhere off of the internet and somehow copy the browser onto it, does anyone know of a guide to do this?

    I know it sucks I get a ds right? Then the lite version comes out and they make it internet compatible. If I was you I would get the wii it's a good system and u have internet plus what's so good about the ds internet big whoop..Get a laptop then, if your mad about this. And also, don't you have to pay money to go on the internet so, all it is is a waste of time..That's my opinion but, if you want to go on the internet with a small *BLEEP* ds which takes an hour to type one sentence then good luck ;)
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