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About -King-

  • Rank
    Member [ Level 1 ]
  • Birthday 04/09/1991

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    I'm play World Of Warcraft, Guild Wars, Silkroad, Call of Duty 1, UO, 2, Unreal Tournament 2004<br /><br />I'm gamer freak :D

    Hello (anita60jones@yahoo.com)www.knowledgesutra.com

    My name is anita i saw your profile today and became intrested in you,i will also like to know you more,and if you can sende mail to my email address,i will...

  2. hi my name is jessica

    you soud so lovely wen i foud your

    proflile on www.knowledgesutra.com my dear that

    is why i went you to send me your emial aderess

    to my emial aderess weahjessica@yahoo.com

    and for you to now whom i am and my foto

  3. Mybe that is cheat ( on some way ) but for peoples who dont have time for playing much World Of Warcraft, they will need these guide, if you ask me, i dont use these guide
  4. Yes you can play it on single player, or on LAN, or on Internet on illegal server's, but for Single player, you will be only man in whole world, and you need to download WoW server ( i have one ) and then you most configure that server for your computer, that is mybe hard for someone,( but i know that) , i have my own server, but it sucks, i play now on Orginal server called Kharazan ( PVP )
  5. Notice from jlhaslip: Copied from http://www.wow-pro.com/node/739.Seriously, you are risking your HOSTED status by cut and pasting this material. Your lose of credits for having the quote tags added is greater than the credits you received. Warning issued.
  6. I'm playing on PVP servers becouse i think that Player VS player is much better of PVE or something else, becouse here is all the time killing, and ganging just how you sad---- I like that
  7. Does anyone of you have any FREE FLASH program or mybe link to there? Something like Menu FX Flash, Flash Saver, SWF text but thay most be registred (full versions) If you have send me on e-mail: matejhalgas@yahoo.comIf you have any link please tell me._Thanks_
  8. And i want create something like these it is incredible, sooooo good that i just want that right now, but i dont know how can i make that that is a problem... http://www.dreamlinestudio.com/ http://www.free-flash-template.com/templates/game/ Sites are on these links What do you think about these?
  9. I dont know where i need put these Topic, but i', pretty shure that these is right place...--- --- --- I have some questions, can anyone of you suggest me few names for my web site?? Becouse i cant remamber any good name for my web site on Xisto, it will be about all things like some big ??? Dont know yet soo that is why i asked for suggestions, and these was my names---> The Dark Knights-- About game clan---> Nexus-- About all things_But that names already exist soo i need some better which ones doesnt exist_--->Please help me if you know some names please<--- Notice from serverph: moved to Hosted Members Area, from The Internet > Website Reviews.edited topic title. please improve on the use of topic titles so members can help you better.
  10. All can say that WoW is much better game then GW, i play WoW official server Vek'nilash and Kharazan, and it is soo cool game
  11. I'm using notepad, it is realy helpful program and easy to use, you only need to know HTML language..
  12. I'm using Dreamweaver and Flash, for creating site, and for picuter, i use Photoshop, Gimp, Kool Movies and some flash programs. I think that flash is the best for creating website, but only if you know work in it, if you dont know, you can start with Frontpage....
  13. These is my new web site here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  14. I dont know for you, but i like running around the world, and completing quests it is fun...
  15. I know, that is loosing your life time, but what i can... It is simply soo good and i need to played it... If you ever played these game you will know for that is hard to go offline when you are in game, but if someone dont wanna lost hes time i can suggest that he dont try ever start play World Of Warcraft, becouse you will moste get level 70 and that is about 70 days of normal playing, some peoples can get level 70 in few days but if you play like me, you will need 60-70 days...---> <---
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