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Posts posted by Omegashine

  1. Valakan, who was strong but lazy, only loved himself and the beautiful mountains he sees. He had fire red eyes, red, long hair and was tall. He was friends with Hercules but Zeus Didn?t really like him because he was a titan. The son of the titan Prometheus and the titanesse Minaeva. Minaeva died during the fight against the gods. A full-fledged titan he was stronger than most gods were. Once, while Hercules was fighting many challenges that he had to in order to become immortal, Valakan had an idea to help Hercules: ?Why not stuff fire into a mountain and let it blow out?? He said. Then he remembered Prometheus. ?I should ask Zeus for permission?. So he asked Zeus and he said: ?No that would cause too much destruction?. ?But Zeus, Hercules needs all the help he can get?! Valakan said. ?No and that?s that?! Zeus proclaimed. The next day, Hercules was in trouble while fighting a vicious unrelenting chimera. Hades said ?Come on Valakan try it no one will know??. Hades kept on tempting him until Valakan just couldn?t take it so, he opened a hole in a mountain an stuffed fire into a mountain and not long after the pressure blew out lava and destroyed the Chimera, however, it destroyed a near by city. Not everyone died, but a lot did. What Valakan didn?t know however is that the fire could spread from mountain to mountain. Not long after, Zeus found out that Valakan made a volcano, as it was now called, and Valakan was put on trial. Then volcanoes erupted all over the world as Valakan got angry at Hades. Many towns were destroyed, many killed and many injured as Valakan?s emotions rose. However islands were formed as a result and there was more room for survivors. Zeus said: Valakan do you want to be part of the volcanoes you made? And Valakan said: Yes as long as there is no punishment for my wrong doing. They agreed and Valakan was turned to ash and smoke and put in the volcanoes so he could warn people of a volcanic eruption. As for Hades however He was angry his volcano plan didn?t work and didn?t try to meddle with fire again for fear of punishment. plz rate/10

  2. Ok, I don't want to start any religious fights here, that's not what this topic is meant for. So PLEASE hold the religious comments.


    I was at school one day, I turned to a friend and said "I bet the world will end on June 6th of this year". Now I think they'd know what I meant(goth kids, ya, no I'm not one). But they didn't! So I sat there and explained it, all of a sudden "Bing" the light in there brain goes off, they said that's really a possibilty.


    For those of you who don't get it;

    June 6th, 2006


    Or without the 0,

    6-6-6, 666




    more like 6-6-2006

    come on now this is utter B.S. poeple. the world wont end for a while, i hope. the theory of this is based on assumption, unless the antichrist is born :lol: but i highly doubt that will happen soon. humanity DOES deerve to end for a while with the corruptedness, but not NOW or this generation

  3. In year 200X An archaeological scientist discovered the Zohar. Around 2600 years later, Technology has advanced almost to the point of magic. Joachim Mizrahi made a Zohar Emulator and the gnosis were released. Many Emulators were made. Years later, U.R.T.V?s were made to combat U-DO, a space-time anomaly of unpresidented power. In the same period a war broke out between the Realians and Humans, The cause is thought to be The Song of Nephilim which controlled the minds of the relians. A realian, named Cannan and a human called Chaos(I?ll get to his real name later) boarded the E.S. Asher to combat the infected realians. The E.S Asher was destroyed by infected realians piloting mechs. Jin Uzuki however saved them and joined the party. Jin fought with Margulis, head of the U-TIC organization, and almost lost. Shortly after, the U.R.T.V?s linked with U-DO. Many were destroyed and unit number 667 ,a la albedo, went crazy. Eleven years later, Prototype KOS-MOS was made by the hands of Shion Uzuki and Keven, however the U-TIC organization invaded the lab and KOS-MOS malfunctioned. KOS-MOS killed everyone, including Keven, exept Shion and Allen, Shion shot KOS-MOS in the head and killed her. Keven was Shion?s Fiance. Two years later, The KOS-MOS project was almost re-completed aboard the Woglinde. Then the Gnosis attacked, killed most of the crew, once again, Shion and Allen a longh with the Captain were spared. Also a lietinnet was spared, his name was Virgil. They all would?ve died if KOS-MOS didn?t awaken and activated thehilbert effect, allowing the gnosis to be destroyed. KOS-MOS had to take Virgil out to save the pod?s. They then escaped from the Woglinde. The Elsa Crew found them and picked them up. They met Chaos, Captain Mathews, Hammer, who was the techinacal wizard and Tony, The pilot. At the same time, Cyborg Ziggurat 8, was hired to save the 100 series realian MOMO on the U-TIC base. He eventually found MOMO. They needed to fight a bunch of mechs to get out. MOMO used the Hilbert effect to lower the weapon potential of the mechs and defeated them. Then Margulis attacked and they barely won. They had to enteer the UMN network to get out. The Elsa detected them while they were in the UMN network to get to the durandal, And joined them. They had to destroy the mechs at the source, a spider like carrier. They destroyed it. Then the U-TIC attacked the durandal. The gang wasn?t on it though). Jr. Had to fight them off by going into the bridge and destroying a giant mech enemy. They did. The Elsa crew stopped by the dack colony then was swallowed by a giant gnosis called the cathederal ship. They got out, but they had to kill the captain of the Woglinde. They boarded the Durandal, and met Jr. The Durandal was persecuted of the destruction of the Woglinde. They dived into the Encephalon divice inside KOS-MOS?s mind in order to find proof of innocence. They explored and met Nephilim, a girl who appeared in many of Shion?s visions. They learned of some of the coming events in the future. Later on after they came out, the song of Nephilim played, and Gnosis overtook the Durandal. They saved a lot of people and destroy Gigas, a dangerous Gnosis. The song of nephilim appeared and Albedo kidnapped MOMO for the Y data. The Elsa crew Boarded The Song of Nephilim. They fought through and met Albedo and his mech Simeon. The team saved MOMO, fought Albedo and En Rugiel. The Elsa Crew Escaped from the song when Proto Merkabah appeared. Albedo then threatened to blow up 2nd Miltia. The team went in to Proto Merkabah in an attempt to stop Albedo. They defeated Albedo, but he creatd a super Gnosis named Sophie Pethos. The team beat Sophie and had 3 min to get out before Proto Merkabah. KOS-MOS stayed back. She successfully set the self destruct mechanism and got out in 1 min. They Destroyed Proto Merkabah.END FOF EPISODE 1BEGINNING OF EPISODE 2The U-TIC organization attacked 2nd Miltia. Jr. Ziggy, MOMO and Chaos were caught in the middle. They defeated manyh solders and at the end they fought Pilum and Scutum and won. Shion is on 2nd Miltia. Shion went to Moby *BLEEP*?s caf?`. She met her brother Jin, much to her dismay, Jr. and Chaos. They went to the UMN center. To dive into the encephalon divice in MOMO to get the Y data. Yet a trap was set by Albedo, MOMO had to shut down her realian body. The crew dove into MOMO to recover her conciousness. Jr. experienced many flashbacks about MOMO?s ?sister? Sakura. At the end, the fought Albedo. Even though they won, Albedo received the Y data. The door to the original Miltia opened. The party went into the door to retrieve the real Zohar, OR DID THEY. The Ormus stronghold was in the way. They had to beat Pilum and Scutum again along with Orgulla. They activated the self destruct mechanism and had to escape in 30 min. At he end the encountred the E.S. Issachar and destroyed it. Then they got to old miltia and had to enter labrynthos to get the Zohar. At the end of seemingly endless puzzle?s they went to research the data inside Cannaan. They encountred Margulis again and defeated him. Then the Patriarch of the immigrant fleet A.K.A Orrmus appeared and he awakened Proto . Proto ?s awesome power destroyed Miltia and awakened the system. The team Went into the system to stop the Patriarch. The eventually fought Cathederal. At the end, they fought the Patriarch. Patriarch took down Albedo, but after the battle Testament killed the Patriarch and revived Albedo. Then Albedo fused with U-DO and caused a space time anomaly. Jr. Went out alone to stop him. After a seies of disturbing visions, he encountered Albedo. There was an awesome fight between the 2 brothers, and at the end, Jr. defeated Albedo. Albedo died permanently this time and Jr. was heartbroken. Sakura and chaos came to Jr. to comfort him and Jr went back to the Durandal. THEN chaos? true name was revealed and his name is?. Yeshwa! Sounds kinda queer don?t it? At the final sequence, Wilehiem talks with testament and a new person in a robe is reveled? Who I (and many people probably) believe is Albedo?END OF EPISODE 2Or is it?.ALTENANTE STORY ASIDE FROM PROTO Well they were supposed to go to the system but the professor wanted them to go find the dark professor, who is NOT related to him in any way? The crew had to go to the other professor to get the first sequencer. They had to travel to the Encephalon desert to get another sequncer but they had to defeat Scarabeille. Then they had to defeat Dullea Soul inside the factory and then Nepos Rigas inside heaven?s ruins. Then they traveled to the Space Collesium to Defeeat the dark professor?s Robot, Dark Erud Kaiser. The Dark Robot was very powerful but in the end they succeeded.by doomsday55

  4. I hate people who think they are better the people just because of false claims like "I beat emeral weapon on level 3!" or "I played ff7 before it was poplular!" those kinds of things JUST PISS ME THE HELL OFF!!!!!! why do those poeple have to be such *BLEEP*ers?????? IT DOESNT MAKE ANY SENSE!!!!! :lol::lol::lol:;) and that is the end of my rant

  5. I would have to say its supirior, BUT only as far as religions go, not to THE god worshipping religons, they are all equal in my eyes, you arent classed socally but in HOW you worship. Ex. In Hinduism, if you just happen to be born in the wrong family, your life is basically ruined. Also Chritianity doesnt call for sacrifices of any kind, and that is pretty sweet, you want wake up one day on an offering table and having you heart cut out or pulled out indiana jones style :lol:

  6. Aww Omega man, dont say that dude. You'll regret it. At least you have a mom! :D Smoker or not! My mother and I dont even speak but maybe once every 4 or 5 months! I wish I had a better relationship with her!


    Besides, its not nice to wish death upon anyone!


    Weed is not healthier, it has a lot more tar in it than cigarettes. The only reason weed is better (not healthier) is because it has a more powerful effect on you.. But even then, that effect can be bad. I've known people who smoke weed, who become very paranoid, thats not a fun way to be..





    I love my mom a lot

    i dont want her to die WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH

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