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Posts posted by Bizaz

  1. Why would you ever want to -hide- your love for a girl? That'll never accomplish anything...O.o

    This advice is for guys that are to shy to say the truth that you love a girl... Well a lot of kids do that because of others are stupid and go like "Your GF is a b*tch" or stuff... It's really anoying... Damn kids... But the advice is good for those that want to hide feelings of it... Well i almost do everything like here... but not cuz of me but cuz of her... =\ That really sucks a little bit but w/e ;) Still the advice is good...

  2. Hmm... Just sit somewhere and chat with her about everything... Then u could ask about that "Do You want to go out with me? " If it wasn't a joke say that ur sorry or smth and that u agree... I ain't really good at this stuff but it could be a good thing to do, maybe it would work... ;) Then it's up to you... But really if you like her just be honest and ask her about that... If she likes you she will tell u the truth ;)

  3. A Lot of people says that life sucks... Well i don't aggree with that, life is the best thing u can ever do ;) Well... to me, my friends, and my girlfriend makes my life special, dunno why... But i can do alot of things with tem talk about everything and other.... Well when life really starts to suck you can always have a party... Party always cheers me up ;))) Hm... Well for those who thinks that life sucks... I tell you what, get a girlfriend, good friends and your life will be more bright ;)))

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