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Posts posted by <?me?>

  1. Did you try using the CSS positioning yet? I looked at the source code for your site and I didn't see any. You can position elements like this (inside a style tag or external style sheet):

    This will position the div element with the class '"left" 100px to the left of it's parent tag (normally the body).
    You can also use 'top', 'bottom' and 'right' to position.
    That should work in all modern browsers, I think. I would be surprised if you haven't tryed it yet but good luck to you on learning css and I hope this was some help.

  2. Hi. I'm 15 and I live in Ireland. The helpful people at Xisto just told me I can post my own personal info so my name is Conor (Only one 'n', and no 'e'). I like to learn programming languages in my free time, while talking to my friends online. I'm interested in php, java, and I know a little bit of C# and visual basic (mostly through learning asp.net).I like to play guitar and the types of music I listen to are Metal and rock (with one or two indie songs thrown in). I'm not in a band but my friends and I get together and play music just for fun sometimes.Oh yeah forgot to mention I'm a boy :P Wow that was an obvious one :P hmmmm... I don't know what else to say really. I meet up with some friends at the weekend, have fun, that's about it.I'm looking forward to posting on some more topics and getting my free hosting set up.see ya

  3. Hi. I live in Dundalk, Ireland. It is a big town but not a city and I have to say that most people's preconceptions about Ireland are wrong. Our lifestyle is the same as the UK in almost everything and that means that apart from using a different dialect of English, Its the same as America too.The main difference you'll notice is in the country areas where there are vast green fields but the6y're not much to look at if you ask me.The main attractions in Ireland would be the mountains and lakes and there are some beautiful places around (mostly in the west of Ireland). I have also visited the lake district in England and it is also beautiful in the same way.

  4. Saddam Hussein never attacked or threatened America. He did order his troops to attack an ethnic minority and kill them, but now American troops are killing the civilians, the women and children of Iraq. In my view this is exactly what Saddam Hussein did; And he got hanged for it!!!P.S. I'm not saying I support Saddam Hussein but I feel that the bad things he did are comparable to the things George Bush did.

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