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About Cammy

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 03/07/1973

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  • Location
    Toronto, Canada
  • Interests
    Blogs, Reading, Forums, Graphics, Poetry, Working Out, Health, Family, Beauty, Paint Shop Pro, Arts, Festivals, Music( Soul, R&B, Hip Hop, Rap, Reggae, Soca, World, Rock, Alternative, Pop) lots more...
  1. Happy birthday! I hope all goes well!

  2. If they had it the past 3 years I dont see why they wouldnt. I would be afraid to go for one reason. The threat of terrorism. That would be a major target. Hundreds of people could get hurt. Security would have to be high and everyone checked before they entered a designated area.
  3. Yahoo does send mail for new updates etc but its official, easy to spot...they go out of their way to let you know its them. If you are involved in groups and change your email they will ask you to verify you address but other than that they dont mail attachments so beware.
  4. I think it has become socially acceptable for us especially women to pick ourselves apart. We say "oh Im fat" " I cant eat another bite" "I hate my hair, lips, hips everything!" Every commercial, television show and magazine tells us that we are not ok every single day. We need to be thin to be liked, popular, have the best shoes, clothes purses makeup hair. Women are bombarded with these notions from day one. Its subliminal. It takes a strong person to fight through all the nonesense and build their self esteem. Im still working on mine. The problem seems to be worse with young girls, their hormones, the pressures from school and family. Im a large woman or BBW(big beautiful woman)and gorgeous at that but it took me many years of hearing fatty and fatso and other cruel things before I could accept the fact that I am ok just the way I am. I am happy that plus size models are more visable in the media such as Queen Latifah and Toccora from Americas Next Top Model season 2. however I was sad to see they gave her a hard time knowing she is a BBW. If you want their attitudes to change you'll have to start with the source. Its going to take a while. If she asks you if you look fat in those jeans say ya fat with a capital P-H-A-T
  5. Cammy

    Honest Opinion

    It was poorly written someone may think it was by someone who's first language is not english.
  6. I like Evanescence and Im not too much into the rock/alternative scene. btw I think Jay-Z rocks too Its all a matter of musical tastes. There is room for us all. Amy is beautiful. I like the video for Everybodys Fool, awesome!
  7. with 100% accuracy 45-50 wpm
  8. I enjoyed this film. Others who have seen the first one disagree. I see the original. I like Eva although I dont think shes all that atttractive. I think shes a pretty good actress and its nice to see her coming into her own. I saw Hitch last week, I liked her in that one too.
  9. I get weird attchments from Yahoo all the time but in my bulkmail. I just delete them. Its good that you tried to contact Yahoo cause if its a hoax they will appreciate the heads up plus they can inform others. Dont click on any attachment if you are not certain of the source.
  10. Everyone cries many times when no one is around to see or hear. Its the first thing we do when we are born, besides take a gasp for air . For years its acceptable but then its seen childish and immature. Ive made a few men cry. Its hard to watch. Men have made me cry too and just sometimes the harsh realities of life. I cry during commercials if Im especially moody that day. Crying makes me feel refreshed or cleansed if its due to stress. Its sort of purfying. I dont cry for nothing though. Tears are precious and should be used with care.
  11. Some of my favourites were Bugs Bunny, The Littles, Robotech, My Little Pony, Carebears, Ghostbusters, Hercules, The Smurfs, He-Man and She-Ra. Its nice to see that some of them are back again.
  12. Ok thats funny and embarrasing. Someone called me Michelle(its not my name)cause they said I looked like a Michelle.Someone called me mean but they borrowed money from me all the time, never paid me but back. The thing is he called me mean after I stopped lending him money.
  13. There are a lot of women who didnt have a say in regards to the feminist movement cause they werent even born. Also there are women like myself who secretly would love to be a happy housewife but that view is looked down by men and women alike. "Or you're JUST a homemaker?" could almost here them dripping with discust. "Why not use your brain and do something important." So I went out into the working world. Homemakers or full time parents wish to be valued and respected as highly as a man who puts in 40 hours a day at work outside the home! Many women pay day care workers to take care of their own children. These Professionals get paid to do what women get looked down upon for doing. Raising children. How ridiclous is that? I have worked hard outside the home and it bothered me during my dating life that some men said they believed in sharing responsibilities early on in the relationship but down the road they expected me to wait hand and foot on them. I would have much rathered them say. Im old fashioned I was raised not to do this task or cook dinner, that way I would know what role I was expected to play in the relationship. I wonder why some men pretend to be all for equal rights but when its all said and done they are nothing but frauds. I am flexible. Most women are flexible and expected to be so otherwise they are lables bit**es. I had this problem with a couple men in the past and they acted like spoiled brats when I said if you say you are going to share in the duties share in them not just in the beginning of the relationship and later treat me like an unpaid field hand. Im in a great longterm relationship and my guy said something to me that made me smile. He said he wish he made enough money that I could stay home, raise the children and not have to worry about money ever again. Some may say that is sexist I dont. I believe this is how things were meant to be. I also know that many women feel this way and they are in a tug of war with their emotions especially when they have to return to work after having a child. We are told to suck it up and do whats got to be done. Deny our natural born need to nurture our children and make money. Most men do not make enough to support an entire family, nor women for that matter. See I am independant. I have never lived with a man or had a man take care of me. I did everything on my own. Im not materialistic. I buy my own clothes, pay for my salon treatments, my rent my bills. If I see something that I like I buy it. I never waited on a man. My father skipped out on his responsibilites and seperated from my mother when I was one. I learned early. Men like to play but don't like to stay.(my experience) Something inside of me tells me that its wrong, that its not supposed to be that way. Why men seek out women and vice versa. Just to procreate? Then why do people fall in love. We do we want to share our lives with a significant other. Ive seen the learning channel. I learned biology and chemistry at school, sure we are drawn together but its more than just to make babies and more babies. If you are familiar with the bible...Adam and Eve, Eve was formed from Adam as a help mate for him. Women have an important role. Why did Adam a helper?Why couldnt he do things on his own. Some may say cause men are dumb(joking, feminist rant.) I am not a feminist, bet you are not surprised. I dont believe that women are superior or that men are either. We, men and women have gifts that are meant to be shared with each other. I wish that men and women could respect each other more, their decisions, roles, choices and their right to go against majority dictates. Is I sound somewhat confused. You know what I am? Sometimes I want to go this way other times I want to go another. Seems that I cant please anyone even myself at times. Its merely a reflection of todays society.
  14. People keep messing with mother nature and mother natures is going to butt them in the behind. Not saying Im not a fan of technology(obviously I am) but I rather people spend time fixing problems we already have or the ones we created.
  15. The Bible ...it inspired me all my life, made me laugh cry, given me inspiration a sense of justice and morality. Showed me how we are all human and flawed. To Kill A Mockingbird I fell in love with the character Scout , daughter of a lawyer defending a black man who was being tried for the raped of a young women in the American South. Don't Sweat The Small Stuff , taught me not to let little things bother me. Stop worrying and start enjoying life. Runaway Diary Of A Street Kid. It was very sad. A story about an Asian girl who was pressured so much that she ran away from home and became a prostitute and drug addict . It was very dark, and gritty.
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