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Posts posted by adriantc

  1. I don't think the age is such a big deal, as long as he was trained prior. There are farmers' kids that learn how to drive at very young ages, and you can even get a "hardship" license at 14 in a lot of states.


    If he had just tossed the keys to his son to go have fun, or his son learned via driving games like Forza, I can see the problem. But there's a definite possibility he already knew how to drive before this.



    I have to disagree with you. He doesn't look like he has a rough life driving a Ferrari. Not to mention he isn't actually fit to drive... and not because of the skills or knowledge of the regulations, but because he can barely reach the pedals. He is physically unable to safely drive. Just imagine that in a certain situation your life (as another driver on the road) may depend on his decision or reflexes. Would you drive with him on the same road in this situation? Would you trust him with your life? I'm sure you wouldn't. It's a well known fact that the main danger of driving does not come from the way you drive yourself, but from the others driving on the road. Driving is not that dangerous. Driving with other kind of drivers is extremely dangerous.

  2. First of all I don't think that such events should get such huge amounts of news coverage. It may be cynical but all these terrorist acts are nothing more then publicity stunts. All they want is prime time to spread their twisted ideas and make everybody scared. And of course they get glory in the eyes of those thinking like themselves. They should be denied all that and maybe (just maybe) some of them will think twice before blowing themselves and others apart. Terrorist attacks should be reported and, of course, generally know, but they should get as much prime time as any other piece of news. On the topic of news covering such events I want to discuss the way they coverage sport events in Europe. For example a few years ago there were a lot of individuals routinely interrupting an event by running into the field with a banner or just simply naked. For the same publicity even if infinitely more harmless to everybody involved. So now whenever someone does such an act they never get him on the screen... they don't even mention them. And since they are not getting what they are looking for, they stopped doing it (not entirely, but those events are not a lot more rare).


    As for the terrorists themselves... I think it is wrong to apply our logic to them. I do not want to generalize to all Muslims (because this is a real danger whenever such an attack happens), but some have the same attitude as in the 14th century, but with the weapons of the 21st century. And, again, I don't want to generalize that or make us, the Westerners, look all civilized... I can look no further then 70 years ago to the Nazis and the Holocaust to find out the same disregard for life (if not more horrible) then now. Religion in this case is just the bullet, eduction (lack of or twisted one) is the weapon, but the main trigger is the disregard of life in all its forms. I am sure that over 50% of us would do just the same if we were grown up with the same twisted eduction and propaganda, not questioning what we are told, taking everything for granted. But if you don't respect all forms of life (and human life in particular) with the right conditions you can do anything and you can find reasons for everything. So don't just blame them... that is an easy way out, but blame the society, their civilization that has yet to grow up, the education that they must receive and their weak minds (because I think there is a strong genetic component) and principals.


    And since we have opened this discussion there is another point that must be said. The US foreign policy up to this now has been terribly wrong. Its single purpose for 40-50 years has been to make the US the number one world power and more recently (after the USSR broke up) to maintain the status quo. Nothing is too much in order to achieve this objective. And such a policy won't be of any help in making any friends. If you ask me the budget of the CIA is way too big. Instead of making the US number one in scientific developments or in space exploration, money is being wasted on a flawed foreign policy (with interests protected by covered operations, coup-d'etat and other such events). I can remember how over 20 years ago the CIA armed the talibans because back then the USSR was the enemy and of course the enemy of my enemy is my friend. But this kind of friends, 20+ years later use your weapons to kill your soldiers citizens. Button line... while these terrorist attacks cannot be blamed solely on US foreign policy but I'm sure that doesn't help at all.


    Unfortunately I don't see any end of the terrorists attack on the short term... You cannot fast forward the East to the current century, people minds and habits don't change fast enough. Maybe in 2-3 generations they will be well on that path. Meanwhile the US could act more like a teacher and less like a dictator for the rest of the world. Events such as Arab spring should be encouraged by all means, but (and that is a big but) the CIA should stop trying to push them in a direction or another.

  3. As I see there are two issues regarding this story (which by the way I also noticed on our news channel... half-way around the globe). Of course the first would be why a responsible parent would let their kid drive a car... let alone drive with his younger brother as a passenger. I wouldn't let my child drive the car at 10 years old wherever he may do it (residential area or not). At 10 years old he cannot possibly make any sound decision if any situations may arise.


    On the other hand there is the connected issue on how such a irresponsible parent managed to make such a fortune to allow him to give a Ferrari to his 10 year old. You can only wonder how someone that made such a fortune, maybe with a great idea, work and knowledge...Of course in this cases it's pretty obvious how the parent managed to get where he is. When you work the money, you will know their value and would not give such an expensive car to a kid. You might even teach him it is a good thing to obey the laws.


    But this is the way it works in countries still no civilized... such as India or my very own Romania. Here is is pretty common to have somebodies rich (and of course politically connected) kid have a car accident or even try to run over someone (there really was such a case) and get away with it. If he were my kid I would take care to stay as much as possible in prison. The laws in our countries are something of a guideline to the rich but are strictly enforced to the poor. America has many problems, but this is not one of them. The laws are enforced for all citizens no matter their fortune (or at least this is how it looks to the general public).

  4. As an old member I am also a fan of the old name Xisto if the name is to change. Some might say it would be like going back to the origins. But I find the current name as a very happy choice. It is harder to write, but it expresses the spirit of this forum very well. If it has to change and Xisto is not an option ForumsUnleashed is a nice option (although a little too commercial) or TalkSense.net which is easier to write.


    I fully support the reorganizing of the main forum and the sub-forums. Some parts do really need to be expended... Like the news section - since it contains recent developments it will include some of the most discussed topics... they really need to be better organized - a few sub-forums for that would do the trick. On the other hand there are parts which should be contracted... like spirituality and consciousness or entertainment. (of course that is just my opinion as I do post quite a lot in the news section and I think I never posted in the spirituality and consciousness topic) To be as objective as possible any change should be done considering how active that sub-forum is.


    As for the Lo-Fi version that will become mini-sites... Hope you won't be mad on me OpaQue for this - I do appreciate the effort (both in time and money) you put into this (I am also an open-source developer and I know some of the sacrifices), but I can't really understand why there is such a feature. I am sure it is hard to maintain for you, and more so with the mini-sites and I think your time is too precious to spend on such complicated feature that is only going to be seen by new (unregistered) users. I know you want to use it to attract new users, but I think there are other ways to do that... I have to admit that what got me into (what was named back then) Xisto was the free hosting... and the quality of the hosting... now that you can also buy domain names with MyCents it is even better. That should attract new users. But what kept me coming back was not the hosting, but the quality of the discussion, the exchanging of ideas, even the possibility to express myself in English.


    I would like make a suggestion for the upcoming changes. It is an update to the MyCents system. I start from the basic idea that the forum has value if it has active users, so I would change the MyCents system in order to better reward day to day posting rather then many postings done once a month or once every two months. It doesn't have to change the current working system, but just to give something extra to the people posting every day while still keeping with the quality of the posts and everything else. On the other hand people posting a lot very rarely should take a loss. I would loose from such a change since I do not post every day, but it would be an incentive for me and other users to do so. Once again with the rules of quality in full force.

  5. I too wish you all the best for the New Year. May it bring you health and good luck, may it be without disasters or "end of the worlds". May it find you with the loved ones or, why not, may you find your loved one this New Year. In a word, may 2013 be better, much better then 2012.

    And to Xisto (still part Xisto for some of us) I wish to be once again a huge active community, spreading news and ideas.

    I would like to wish everyone on this forum (although I am a bit early in my Timezone) a very happy and prosperous 2013.
    Hope it may be a year filled with happiness, good health love and friendship (no use wishing you any money, you only have to give it to the tax man anyway) for every one of you.

    I personally am ending what has been a terrible year for me (struggling with my health and the financial problems that flow from that, lots of stress and uncertainties, people letting me down, about anything that possibly could go wrong did).

    One positive thing I will be taking with me into the new year is that I will have been a non-smoker for six months in two days' time.
    At least that is something positive (although it is not always easy and the urge sometimes raises its head still).

    All I wish to others, I would obviously like for myself, so I am hoping for a year in which things work out better for me than they have that whole cursed year 2012 (I sometimes wonder if anyone has cursed me, because it sure looks like that).

    I only hope I have the strength and energy, and also the physical capacity to be artistic again, and to do what I love doing without being stopped from doing so by ill health or other reasons that could possibly stop me from doing my usual thing.

    And this, my friends, i would like to wish to every single one of you, may 2013 make you forget all the troubles you had in the past and bring you joy, good health and happiness for all the time to come.

    Welcome back to Xisto mrdee. I am glad to see old members coming back. I am sorry for the year you had, hope 2013 will be a lot better for you, starting with your health which is the most important.

  6. This is a very complicated subject considering the latest happenings in India... The story of the young woman who died after being gang-raped and beaten on a bus is truly horrible and so fresh on everyones mind - it makes me loose faith in human kind when things like this happen. In my country we also have problems and I'm sure every country has its very own kind of animals (because you simply cannot label such individuals as *person* sapiens - wise men), but usually the problems not from the laws, but from the way they are imposed. From what I have read in articles and from the news, in India the problem is bigger since the laws themselves seem to not be harsh enough to discourage such behavior. And, sadly, from what I have read this is pretty common event. As I have heard India still has the death penalty, which I consider necessary for some crimes (like murders, rapes and so on) when the evidence is strong enough to justify the harshest penalty a civilized society can impose (some may say a society which still imposes the death penalty is not so civilized after-all, but I can't stop remembering the face on Anders Breivik when he got twenty something years in prison for the 2011 Norway attacks - with 3 warm meals a day, warm bed and entertainment). Of course in the case of this poor girl (a very mediated one) it is very important to send the right signal for the rest of society. If after such a horrible attack those animals walk out as if nothing has happened (from what I have heard the policemen tried to make a deal between the two parties... maybe getting the poor girl to merry one of those animals) imagine what kind of signal people with such a conscience get. Maybe after the protests somebody might consider doing something about it, other then giving those eye-watering statements.


    But enough of an outsides view on this... What do Indians think? Where is the problem? Why this things happen so often in India?

  7. In my country you can get a gun with a permit, but that is kind of hard to get. Most of the guns here are not lethal... guns with rubber bullets and so on. Even bad people don't usually have guns. While you might feel better (safer) owning a gun, most of the thieves also don't have access to guns. So there is kind of a balance.Also we must not forget there are already law enforcing institutions that are paid to do just that... make sure nobody comes into our homes. I don't think arming everybody is the answer... because if you can get a gun, I'm sure the one forcing his way into your home is also going to have a gun and I'm pretty sure he is going to be more prepared to use it. Maybe the police force should be increased, better laws passed, prison conditions shouldn't be so easy. If everybody starts arming like it's the doomsday and starts shooting it's just like anarchy. I don't think a society reacting to a school massacre by arming itself and the teachers is heading in the right direction. And while they are becoming more frequent and deadlier, lessons could be learned for that trend. It may mean the current policy (whether it's gun policy, society education, etc) is not effective.

  8. Seems they started thinking about a "better" solution to the problem... It seems someone had the "smart" idea to arm... guess who... the teachers :blink:. That's one way to deal with the problem. :wacko: And if you don't trust me here is the source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/14/connecticut-shooting-armed-teachers-gun-advocate_n_2304654.html and https://thinkprogress.org/gop-rep-suggests-teachers-should-be-armed-with-assault-rifles-96c1aab7b2e1?mobile=nc&gi=bd219fb00df9


    If that is not plain stupid, I don't know what is. It's like trying to kill an ant with a bazooka. You can't fight fire with fire in this issue.

  9. You are, of course, right that there is always a certain percentage of population with some deeply disturbed minds, but my question for you is... Do you think he could have done the awful thing without the help of a gun, a gun so conveniently placed for him. (complete with all that ammo as if his mother was getting ready for World War III) Of course everything is illegal, that is out of the question. He might have killed his mother and one or two more people, but I am sure killing so many innocent is out of the question. You have to admit things like this don't happen everywhere and I am sure there is another reason for this other then just saying there are more disturbed individuals in the US.

    I can't agree with you on the fact that guns lower crime rate... Europe for example, where gun possession, is strictly controlled has very low crime rate (at least for the south, north and west part) - it is half of that of North America (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate)

    I admire the way your police force treats gun use... here he must be nuts to use the gun - all the paperwork and inquiries and all... not to mention to shoot somebody. They take they gun and shoot in the air, but almost never do they actually shoot somebody. And threating with the gun is just as rare. I also realize it's not really a thing of choice the way your police use their gun, but the result of the fact that everyone can have a gun of their own. Don't get me wrong I completely agree with the fact that you can shoot anybody that trespasses your property, but the fact that anyone can all big guns capable of doing so much damage, with so many rounds and all... that sounds wrong. I think there is a difference between what you need for self-defense and what you need for offense. And I'm sure you agree with me when I say that what that boy had was not self-defense weaponry.

  10. I actually wasn't aware of that, but it makes sense. The sad thing, though, is that it (probably) won't make that much of an impact. I hear people that don't even know much about technology using the term "retina display," and things like that will stick with them. I think even if Google were to surpass them on the quality side, people would still be siding with apple just because they feel more familiar with them.
    I'm personally all for open-source development and such, and I don't like proprietary hardware that forces you to use their own stuff or nothing at all. So for me, Google is my friend.

    Just a few days ago Apple's stocks went below 500$ which is quite big news.

    Regarding the hardware and software environment... I've had the opportunity to buy the latest iPad last week for a more then decent price, but because of their environment I said no. It is a pretty big step for me... just like with my Kindle and the Amazon environment - you must really be sure you want to be a part of that environment before starting to buy all kinds of devices running that environment. Once you put in all your data, buy all that software and make all kinds of customizations (not to mention getting used to the OS) it's costly and complicated to make a switch. So when I'll take that big step I need to be sure of it.

  11. Of course nothing is going to happen... It is just the news agencies and Hollywood trying to make a living out of nothing. I remember the Y2K and the new millennium - everyone was hysteric as if the number 2000 has any impact on the order of the universe. Planes were going to start falling from the sky, nuclear reactors would start to melt and so on... It is just the same with 2012.Nobody knows when the world will come to an end. I am sure that way before the Universe tries to kill us with a meteor or something we will grow up to defend ourself or kill ourselves (as we are right on track for that). Anyway I am sure that the real danger is not the alignment of the planets or some imaginary Planet X on crash course with Earth, but our own species driving itself to extinction.The universe will be here, Earth will be here tomorrow. In will, unfortunately, have to go to work tomorrow... ^_^

  12. I can't say I have much experience about this as I am fortunate to have a very stable, reliable and helpful family. (far more then most people are fortunate to have) As I have seen from your profile, you are just two years younger then myself. I don't know if you study right now or what are your career opportunities, but it seems to me the best thing for your would be to move out. I can perfectly understand your need for a stable lifestyle, not moving from room to room every time. I also appreciate stability more then anything. I am going to move out in a few weeks (and thats because I was dying to be independent) and I'll also have to make some changes in the way I spend money. And if you are still studying be sure to look for a career that not necessary making you lots and lots of money, but something you can bare doing every single day and offers you a sure paycheck. A sure paycheck this days is the most important thing. Once you have that you can rent something and live your life as you like it, not as somebody forces you to.

  13. As you have no doubt have heard last week there has been yet another shooting in a school in Connecticut, another one in a long line of massacres that keep happening in school all over the US. This was one of the worst shootings with 20 kids and 6 of their teachers dead.The full article can be found here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    What I wanted to discuss here are the measures that should be taken to prevent future tragedies like this. I remember that after the Virginia Tech shooting (which was the worst in history) there has been a pale debate whether firearms should be banned or not. And I think such a discussion should be taken more seriously. I am not an American - probably that is why I cannot understand, no matter how much I try, why it is so hard to pass a bill banning firearms. I know that a gun for every person is a part of the American way of life, but it seems there are bigger issues... It seems all kinds of insane people can easily get a gun in there hand. I know my country is no where near as large as the US, but we have never heard of a school shooting. And I have never heard of a mobster doing the shooting. There are always normal individuals with deeply disturbed minds.It seems this time too there is going to be a discussion concerning firearms ban, (an article here: http://articles.latimes.com/2012/dec/17/nation/la-na-shooting-obama-gun-control-20121218) but as always the gun lobbyists seem to have the upper edge. What do you thinK? Should firearms be better regulated?

  14. This is some pretty crazy stuff! I'm wondering what the next step will be though. If we're able to get to the outside perimeter of the solar system, but most of the systems end up offline by doing so, it makes me question whether or not we'll be able to push further than that and get real information from outside the solar system as well (especially things like images).

    If most of Voyager's sensors are still online after so many years I am sure they will still be functioning for many years to come. However as I mentioned it does have a plutonium power source (known as radioisotope thermoelectric generator) which works on the principle of radioactive decay which produces heat and by the use of thermocouples generates electricity. Being a nuclear power source with a pretty high halving rate (halving every 87.7 years) it will end stop providing enough power to Voyager around 2025. Maybe by that time we will not need it to send information back to Earth... maybe some other craft from Earth with more advanced sensors will overtake it. Also I am pretty sure there aren't very many interesting things in the space between the solar systems, specially nothing interesting to photograph.

    What is more important about Voyager is the golden record rather then the few information it can send back. It does provide whoever finds it (hopefully an advanced civilization will find it and understand it long after we are gone) a remainder of who we were and where we were. As a trivia.... there seems to have been a big debate whether the naked image of a men and a women should be engraved on the Golden record. As if an alien civilization would giggle when they see them ^_^

  15. I am happy to let you know that Voyager 1 has reached, what NASA's scientists name, "the magnetic highway" - a part of space where the sun's magnetic field lines connect with the interstellar ones. It still hasn't reached the outer edge of this zone, that is due to happen anywhere from a few months to a few years. (see the photo below for a more "clear picture") Even NASA is not sure since nothing functioning (yes unbelievably Voyager 1 is still functioning... in part at least as some of its sensors have malfunctioned or have been disabled) has reached this far and it is hard to pinpoint where is the actual edge of our solar system. It is so far away that radio waves need over 17 hours to reach Earth. And as a tribute to human engineering Voyager 1 will continue to function at least for 15-20 more years (for as long as its plutonium core is going to provide energy to power its systems). So it will beam back information for years to come. Absolutely impressive feat... can't really put that in words.


    I find the Pionner and Voyager crafts to be one of the best (if not the best) investments humanity has even done. Far from their initial goal, going into space with those records, is a huge statement for mankind. It may very well be the last men made thing to survive our possible self-destruction. Only the remote possibility that one day space faring civilization will encounter it and try to understand that data (a small part of our civilization) is worth almost everything. Someone was saying that once mankind will take for the stars (if ever) we should retrieve it and display it in a museum. But I believe its place is out there, beyond the final frontier, a small bottle in a magnificent ocean. Something to remind the universe that we once lived here. This may be our final legacy.


    You can read the source here.


    Posted Image

  16. Yes of course ecommerce is highly influenced by all the social media out there. And not only ecommerce can benefit from social media... any business can take some advantage from being 'social'.First if all the social media like Facebook, Twitter and so on are extremly powerful advertising platforms. Doing a great advertising campaign, with interesting and valuable prizes, something that gets tons of 'likes' with surely attract attention and increase sales of any enterprise... online of offline. Also each campaign also improves the chances of future campaigns. Not only you can increase the brand value, but you can also advertise the products directly. And even if that advertising is expensive it can be very well targeted to the visitors that need to be attracted.Second keeing in touch with the customers allows businesses to get free feedback, feedback which otherwise would cost a lot to get. Not only that, but a customer that sees a company is interested not only before buying, but also after buying will sure make a second order. It does give added value to the brand while also providing a platform to keep in touch with the customers, their needs... in other words to keep in touch with the latest market trends.So yes social media can have a tremendous influence on ecommerce.

  17. I am an open-source software developer and as much as I like programming and solving problems I also need, like everybody, the root of all evil... aka money. I am currently accepting donations and on the websites of my software I do use Google AdSense, but both of them aren't really helping me make any reasonable amount of money considering the number of downloads and the popularity my software has. For example considering the 2 softwares that are currently in development get around 250 downloads each every week (counted by SourceForge) and each has around 55000-60000 total downloads (also counted by direct downloads from SourceForge; more on other separate websites like Download.com and Softpedia) I get around 3$/month from Google AdSense and with a lot of luck a small donation (under 5$). Do you know any other ways to make money from the free software I develop? I am looking for something that does not alter the users computers (aka no malware, toolbars and things like that) and are not extremly annoying...

    Thank you,

    PS: If you want to take a look you can visit: http://tcpipmanager.sourceforge.net/ and http://dont-panic.sourceforge.net/

  18. As an observer to the American political scene I think Obama was the best of the two - I am happy he won the second term... When it comes to the external politics Obama seems to be much more balanced compared to Mit Romney. Although he didn't have any success when it comes to the economy... yes the US economy is on the positive side, but at what cost? The debt is now over 16 trillion dollars... Their fix to everything seems to be - just throw more money at it. It's just a matter of time till this ticking time bomb explodes in everybody's faces... and, as always, the poor are the ones who will suffer the most, the middle class will be smaller and smaller and so on.What I really like about Obama's policy is the medical care... I do believe people should be treated as equal when it comes to medical care. It shouldn't be any different if you pay 100$ a month for medical care or 10000$. Medical care should be exactly like the police or the fireman. It's a public service for which the public should pay a percentage of their pay, but expected equal service no matter what contributions they make to the system. The firemen for example won't ask you "How big is your paycheck?". They just put out the fire. Besides if you offer different medical facilities forpeople paying more you will do some kind of artificial selection on the people. The rich will leave longer, while the poor will die younger. And since the rich only make money because the poor work for them that doesn't seem fair. The objective of any political system shouldn't be to make the 1% richer but make the middle class stronger. Like in everything balance should be the goal.

  19. Even

    This is completely true. When it really comes down to it, the only real thing Apple has that others don't, at least as far as I know, is the "retina display." Other than this, it's purely marketing.
    You could also throw in the fact that all Apple devices work together, creating a system of unity, and therefore making it an all-in-one setup, but in terms of its usefulness, I find it as going a bit overboard.

    Even Retina display is becoming outdated... As far as I know Google is getting very close to Apple on display with the new Nexus 10 tablet. Almost the same amount of pixels per inch... over 300, just as the Retina display of iPhone 4S. Apple it losing all the innovation factor it used to have.

    Surprisingly at the release of the new iPad Mini there weren't any huge queues. People started queuing only 15 minutes before the official release so no more people sleeping 3 day in front of Apple stores. Welcome back sweet normality! Granted it was only the iPad Mini not a new iPhone, but it does show a clear trend on Apples popularity. In the last few years they have forgot to do the very thing that brought them on top... they have forgot to innovate. They are more interested in suing everybody for real or imaginary patents then inventing something new. Maybe that explains why it's popularity is going down the drain.

  20. Hello,I have a laptop with Windows XP Service Pack 3 and Romanian language pack installed on top. Everything in the UI is translated just fine except Windows Explorer (menu bar and buttons) which, for some unknown reason, is still in English. What can I do about it? Tried to install and reinstall the language pack, but without any success. On my desktop computer, which has the same software configuration has no problem the language of Windows Explorer. Does anybody know which files are responsible for the translation or what I could try to solve this annoying issue.This is what kills me about Windows. When something goes wrong, it goes wrong on only one machine, so many configurations, so many things to go wrong. Totally unpredictable.Thanks,Adrian

  21. In a normal world the three nominal powers of the state (with the media being the forth) would be total independent and would make sure that if somebody promises something and cannot deliver specially if it is within their capabilities he should take the responsibility. That control is very important... Every one of those powers must check the other two. But that never happens. The one thing that binds everything up is money. Remember the huge amount of money spent in campaigns. Every new election brings more and more funds. I have heard somewhere this years election had a total budget of 150 million dollars... that is just huge, specially considering the times we are going thru. Whoever is donating that amount of money is sure looking at it as an investment. Spend money on a candidates campaign and once he gets the job, he will take care of his debts. And when money is involved everything works very smoothly. Government business goes to preferred companies (the ones who make considerable "donations" for the elections), the laws are passed for their benefit and their friends benefit.In a perfect world it doesn't necessary mean if the two sides say two different things one of them is lying. Politics should not be an issue of promising stuff, but of promising a list of measures to take in order to get more jobs, better paychecks, better health-care and so on. They should be talking about two ways to get to the same result. As in mathematics an equation can have more then one result. But of course in politics the equation usually doesn't have any result. People just get fooled every four years by someone else.

  22. Although in different category from Katrina (level 5 vs. 2) a few years ago Sandy still managed to do a huge lot of damage... estimated 50 billion (no where near the 108 billion '2005' USD). I'm happy that there were a lot less casualties. As a foreign observer I think the authorities seemed a lot more prepared then they were 5 years ago. I guess some lessons have been learned.I am also pretty surprised of how well New York resisted compared to it awful position when it comes to getting hit by a hurricane. Once again the evacuations, the preparations seems to have paid of.But I can't help to notice this kind of disasters are coming worse and far more frequent. For a nation getting oil so cheap and using it so much nobody seems to sound the alarm. There is the occasional talk the causes and the effects, but nothing beyond that. Although the cars have changed (mainly because of the economic crisis rather then the ecological crisis) Americans still drive those huge cars eating away countless barrels of oil and putting it in the atmosphere.I know it's the American way, but nobody seems to learn this from the last disaster. Everybody is for making the dams larger and having more sophisticated technology to track them better, but nobody is addressing the issue of why they are getting stronger and more frequent. Nobody is addressing the root of the problem... our own actions.

  23. Most data wasn't actually live... more of an approximate... For example his speed wasn't in real time (took a few days to get a real/official reading), but what they expected it to be and I'm pretty sure wind speed was also just a guess. Maybe they can measure it near the balloon and near the surface, but there is no way they could have known the wind speed as he was falling.On a side note... have you seen the video taken from Felix's helmet... his point of view? You can find it here: [media]http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ spin looked a lot worse in real-time. And it's amazing to see the whole earth in just one spin. He truly is the men with balls of steel.

  24. Make that two... I too was unaware road runners where real. Guess you learn something new every day. Is he really capable of eating mice. He doesn't seem very large and a I wonder how he can eat a decent sized mice. Every time I see a bird I can't help but to be amazed of the fact that some millions of years ago this thing was related to the T-Rex. How beautiful, elegant and mesmerizing evolution is. I wonder how some pleople still deny it...

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