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Posts posted by Son_Gotenks



    So yes, the fillers of Naruto (in Japanese) are ending soon so I'm really happy :rolleyes: They are to end in February. Of course Studio Pierrott will be calling the time skip Naruto: Shippuden which when is translated into English means Naruto: Hurricane Chronicles. Get ready for the end of the fillers guys!



    BTW, nothing has been said about whether Kakashi Gaiden will be animated yet. :)

  2. Hey, it's just like how Oriental people have problems saying their "l"'s in the middle of a word, such as "engrish," it's no different here. If the picture is not Photoshopped, this is my hypothesis. They sounded it out and couldn't pronounce the "l" in "select," so it was "serect."

  3. Do you think the PS3 will be Sony's Downfall. I think it is. One the price of the console itself. It is going to be

    $500 and $600. Yes 2 versions of PS3. That is just the console alone. THE GAMES ARE $100. Sony thinks this is a reasonable price for what it includes. But do you. I don't. And if they stop making PS2 games I bet Microsofts XBox sales will go up. Or Nitendoes Gamecube. Like no one will pay through their noses just for a video game system and the game.


    What would you do. Pay through your nose for the PS3 or pay 1/2 to 2/3 the price for an XBox 360.


    I will go for the XBox 360 instead of PS3.


    Also do you think the price for the console/games are crazy.


    And finally do you think Sony is going to loose a lot of customers with the price of PS3 and it's games.


    Buddy, games sell for like no more than $70 CAD. American prices must be $60 USD. Get your facts straight :) On-top of that, the 360 will win the war for the next-gen system, not because it's better in anyway (in terms of specs/games), but because it had a 1-year frame of a lead comapred to Nintendo and Sony.


    The Nintendo Wii seems to be gaining more momentum though, due to the fact that it's innovative, and has a very attractive price tag on it.

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