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Posts posted by coreydresser

  1. I am pretty sure we all know what the first three dimensions are. I believe the fourth is time, but I also have a theory on the 5th dimension, life/death maybe? I do have some ideas for it though...First off, the 0th dimension is a speck, nothing special, its just there. The first dimension is a single line, which is the dimension of length. Its entire universe is within itself, it cant go anywhere else. The second dimension is the two variables of length by width. So in theory, if you draw a 2D person on a piece of paper, the only place it can go is with in the paper itself, but if you draw a box around the person, he is enclosed within it and cannot get out. This is because he cannot cross into the third dimension to get out of it. Also, if the 2D person saw a 3D image, then as he looked around it, it would get variantly wider and skinnier because his dimension does not have depth, so he cannot percept the depth of the 3D image. In the third dimension, it is llike a cube, inside a bigger cube, it cannot ecape its prison, because it is trapped within its own dimension. 4th dimension however, if it was time, it could be manipulated in the third dimension as to go back or foreword in time until the cube it is enclosed in would no longer exist, so to speak as a third dimensional thing could just go around the square because it has depth and the second dimensional person does not. Now for the fifth dimension, i believe, is life or death. As you hear from ghost stories (I dont really know if i believe in them or not), they can go through walls and disappear in a flash. They can possibly walk through walls because they have already been all the way through time because they died and can manipulate the lower dimensions such as we can to the lower dimensions under us. They also I believe they can disappear in the same way a 3D apple gets skinny to the 2D person. Also, since ghost sightings the spirits appear in the era of clothing of when they lived and died in. Also, with the fourth variable being time, there is ways to slow it and speed it up. In the theory of relitivity by Einstein, he states that the faster you go, as in the closer you get to attaining Lightspeed, the slower time goes by, and according to the theory of Kherr black holes, they are spinning black holes with no center becasue of the mass amount of rotation, that it would create a parallel, or negative force on the oppite side of the space time contium called white holes, which is another theory of time travel. goto HowStuffWorks.com if you want to know more about time travel. :)

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