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Posts posted by prix

  1. It?s been a year since I purchased my PSP and I have yet to see a good new third person shooter and first person shooter on this handheld. I said ?new? back there because one might say GTA was it, but it was just too similar to the PC version and frankly I would rather have a keyboard and mouse to play GTA any day.


    Gangs of London, starts off with an impressive start video that depicts the various groups in London, usually divided according to ethnicity. When the game starts you have to choose a group you would like to play, after which begins some very, very bad and stereotypical voice acting. For example, the Chinese speak like Elmer Fudd missing their ?R? and the Indians speak like Apu from The Simpsons.


    Now getting down to the missions; any gang you choose has a set of missions. The problem with that is the game doesn?t go forward unless all the missions are completed. This can be a pain because the missions themselves and the gameplay included are drab and repetitive. Aiming is difficult and even in easy mode you will end up dead more than once. The driving in the game is also annoying because the cars are unresponsivePosted Image

    and often don?t do what you would expect them to do. Another annoying thing about the missions is you cannot steal weapons. For example, I was trying to complete an infiltration mission for the Chinese, and I got caught, the weapon that was assigned to me was some melee weapon and with great difficulty I did manage to kill the gangster, after which I was left only with my melee weapon and not his automatic rifle. In some missions you are given a pistol where a rifle would be more useful. Even the games in the free roam mode are well, ?rubbish? as the Brits would say. But not everything is bad in this game.



    The saving grace of the game is pub games, yep, the game has a pub where you can hang out, play darts, skittles (a form of bowling), pool UK and US style and an arcade video game called The Getaway (read snake on steroids). I enjoyed every one of these games and spend most of my free time playing these.


    If you are planning to buy this game I would suggest wait for a friend to do so first so you can have a go at it and then decide for you self. As for me I think I would pick it up only for the pub games which even lets you play 2 physical players at once.

    Posted Image

    Gangs of London

    Rating: 1.5/5

    Distributor: Milestone Interactive

    Publisher: Sony

    Price: Rs 2499

    Platform: PSPPosted Image


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  2. The biggest difference between a video game and a simulator? Realism. Video games are meant to entertain, after all. Simulators, on the other hand, are usually educational tools.

    Posted Image

    A few games, however, manage to do a bit of both. Flight Simulator X is a good example: it’s not only fun, you just might learn something.


    The vast scope of this Microsoft game will overwhelm at first, especially if you’ve never played a flight simulator before.


    This latest version in the venerable 25-year-old franchise packs a dizzying array of features: there are more aircraft, more airports and more options than ever before.


    Beyond the included aircraft, there’s a growing online universe of additional planes and scenery available for download.


    The sheer number of airports alone


    – more than 24,000 worldwide


    – means you can fly over your neighborhood or some faraway locale with equal ease.




    Before you get airborne, there’s an important caveat: Flight Simulator X isn’t easy. There’s an excellent series of tutorials to help get you off the ground (and just as importantly, back down again). But it’s still going to take lots of trial and error to get the hang of things.


    This is one case where a keyboard or a mouse doesn’t cut it for controls. If you really want to enjoy this game’s more advanced features, you’ll want to invest in a flight stick, which can be very expensive.


    This potentially pricey piece of equipment can make the sensation of flight much better, it’s worth the investment



    There are several modes. Free flight mode is just that: pick an aircraft, an airport and other options such as weather, season and time of day, and you’re off in a few minutes.


    Special mission modes present some interesting scenarios such as one where you have to land on a moving truck – definitely something for pro pilots only.


    In another tricky scenario, I took a Cessna up to 5,000 feet then tried to fly around with the engine turned off.Posted Image



    Graphically, this is as real as it gets. There’s a high level of detail in every location, down to individual plants, moving highway traffic and weather systems.


    The trade-off for all this realism is a massive performance hit. This game will likely tax any computer system: I tested it on a computer specially built for gaming. Even then, the frame rate often slowed down.


    You’ll have to turn off quite a few visual features to get acceptable performance on most home computers.


    But when you have a game this packed with features and options, what do you expect? No other title on the market can match the depth of options or the sensation of flight like Flight Simulator X.


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  3. i have found this site well only use full if you think you have talent to whip out some serious tunes?If you do, then you must visit this Web site http://www.splicemusic.com/. The site is made for all you wannabe music producers who can?t really play any music but have an uncanny talent to make remixes and compose new songs just using samples. Splice music lets users upload or record sounds, make songs, listen to other user?s songs, make remixes and even make friends. With Splice, you can also sing along, play your own instrument, or just rearrange it so it?s more to your liking, or you can post the latest groove you recorded and see what someone else thinks about it or does with it. The entire software is online but the Web site lets you save your grooves on your hard drive. So if you are looking for some new music or just looking to showcase your work, visit this site and have fun.

  4. which monitors. do you prefer????


    this was the latestreleased by Samsung HDTV range called ‘Mosel’


    it offers 16:9 aspect ratio, 1920x1080 pixel high-definition resolution, coupled with a contrast ratio of 6000:1. The television set supports HDMI, S-video as well as PC input. For more information, on the Mosel that’s available between sizes of 20 to 52-inches with prices ranging from Rs 34,990 to Rs 4,00,000


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