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Posts posted by Angela

  1. Hi Ghostrider! Well I figured it out.

    in my code... I used hex-table db "0123456789ABCDEF" instead hex_table db "0123456789ABCDEF". I used a hyphen instead of the underscore. That made the difference. In regard to the semi colons on my include statement.....that was intentional. I also removed the semi colons and my program ran. Thanks for getting my juices to flowing. I hope that your available in the future...because I am sure that I will have more assembly questions.


    I'm glad I was able to help you out. I know Assembly starts out boring and not fun, but ever since I learned it I have noticed that I prorgam more creatively, and problem solving is much easier. Both of those skills are great to have. Also, why do you have 5 semicolons in front of your include statement?

    ;;;;;%include  "NASMENV\lib\io.mac"

  2. Hi Ghostrider! Any help is elaboration is better than none...I will try this..and I'll let you know how it turns out. Thanks again soooo much for your time and Assembly knowledge. It's much appreciated.


    I'm sorry I can't elorborate on this more, but I found this on the internet. It explains the xlatb function. You need to put the address of the table in EBX, not the table itself.

    lea EBX, hex-table;lea stands for load effective address.  

    Here is what I found on the internet:
    Hope this helps.

  3. Hi Ghostrider! :blink: Thanks soooooo much for responding. I can't imagine anyone who would take this course because they want to. I am currently enrolled in the course because I have toooo...a tutor...I definitely need... anyway... I believe I am moving the hex_table into EBX...see a copy of the code below.... Any and all help is greatly appreciated...Thanks...


    mov EBX, hex_table; EBX = translation table






    I am brand new at learning Assembly...and can't seem to get this proram to execute....


    This is my code....


    ;;;;;%include  "NASMENV\lib\io.mac".STACK 100H.DATAchar_prompt  db  "Please input a character: ",0out_msg1		db  "The ASCII code of  ' ",0out_msg2		   db  "' in hex is  ",0query_msg	 db  "Do you want to quit (Y/N):  ",0;  translation table: 4-bit binary to hexhex-table	   db   "012345789ABCDEF", 0.CODE	.STARTUPread_char:	PutStr	char_prompt; request a char. input	GetCh	AL	PutStr	out_msg1	PutCh	AL	PutStr	out_msg2	mov	AH,AL; save input character in AH	mov	EBX, hex_table; EBX = translation table	shr	AL,4; move upper 4 bits to lower half	xlatb	; replace AL with hex digit	PutCh	AL; write the first hex digit	mov	AL,AH; restore input character to AL	and	AL,0FH; mask off upper 4 bits	xlatb				PutCh	AL; write the second hex digit	nwln	PutStr	query_msg; query user whether to terminate	GetCh	AL; read response	cmp	AL, 'Y'; if response is not 'Y'	jne	read_char; read another characterdone:	.EXIT	


    When I attempt to make...I get the below.... PLEASE HELP! This is driving me bonkers!


  4. I am brand new at learning Assembly...and can't seem to get this proram to execute....

    This is my code....

    ;;;;;%include  "NASMENV\lib\io.mac".STACK 100H.DATAchar_prompt  db  "Please input a character: ",0out_msg1		db  "The ASCII code of  ' ",0out_msg2		   db  "' in hex is  ",0query_msg	 db  "Do you want to quit (Y/N):  ",0;  translation table: 4-bit binary to hexhex-table	   db   "012345789ABCDEF", 0.CODE	.STARTUPread_char:	PutStr	char_prompt; request a char. input	GetCh	AL	PutStr	out_msg1	PutCh	AL	PutStr	out_msg2	mov	AH,AL	; save input character in AH	mov	EBX, hex_table; EBX = translation table	shr	AL,4	; move upper 4 bits to lower half	xlatb		; replace AL with hex digit	PutCh	AL	; write the first hex digit	mov	AL,AH	; restore input character to AL	and	AL,0FH	; mask off upper 4 bits	xlatb				PutCh	AL	; write the second hex digit	nwln	PutStr	query_msg; query user whether to terminate	GetCh	AL	; read response	cmp	AL, 'Y'	; if response is not 'Y'	jne	read_char; read another characterdone:	.EXIT	

    When I attempt to make...I get the below.... PLEASE HELP! This is driving me bonkers!

    J:\NASMENV\ASM\Hex2Char>makeMAKE Version 5.2 Copyright Š 1987, 2000 Borland
    /NASMENV/NASM/nasm-0.98.39/nasm -o hex2char.obj -f obj -l hex2char.lst -
    P /NASMENV/lib/io.mac hex2char.asm
    J:\NASMENV\lib\io.mac:7: warning: redefining multi-line macro `.STACK'
    J:\NASMENV\lib\io.mac:15: warning: redefining multi-line macro `.DATA'
    J:\NASMENV\lib\io.mac:21: warning: redefining multi-line macro `.UDATA'
    J:\NASMENV\lib\io.mac:27: warning: redefining multi-line macro `.CODE'
    J:\NASMENV\lib\io.mac:35: warning: redefining multi-line macro `.STARTUP'
    J:\NASMENV\lib\io.mac:49: warning: redefining multi-line macro `.EXIT'
    J:\NASMENV\lib\io.mac:57: warning: redefining multi-line macro `nwln'
    J:\NASMENV\lib\io.mac:64: warning: redefining multi-line macro `PutCh'
    J:\NASMENV\lib\io.mac:74: warning: redefining multi-line macro `PutStr'
    J:\NASMENV\lib\io.mac:84: warning: redefining multi-line macro `GetStr'
    J:\NASMENV\lib\io.mac:99: warning: redefining multi-line macro `GetCh'
    J:\NASMENV\lib\io.mac:120: warning: redefining multi-line macro `PutInt'
    J:\NASMENV\lib\io.mac:130: warning: redefining multi-line macro `GetInt'
    J:\NASMENV\lib\io.mac:143: warning: redefining multi-line macro `PutLInt'
    J:\NASMENV\lib\io.mac:152: warning: redefining multi-line macro `GetLInt'
    hex2char.asm:18: error: parser: instruction expected

    ** error 1 ** deleting hex2char.obj

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