I am brand new at learning Assembly...and can't seem to get this proram to execute.... This is my code....
;;;;;%include "NASMENV\lib\io.mac".STACK 100H.DATAchar_prompt db "Please input a character: ",0out_msg1 db "The ASCII code of ' ",0out_msg2 db "' in hex is ",0query_msg db "Do you want to quit (Y/N): ",0; translation table: 4-bit binary to hexhex-table db "012345789ABCDEF", 0.CODE .STARTUPread_char: PutStr char_prompt; request a char. input GetCh AL PutStr out_msg1 PutCh AL PutStr out_msg2 mov AH,AL ; save input character in AH mov EBX, hex_table; EBX = translation table shr AL,4 ; move upper 4 bits to lower half xlatb ; replace AL with hex digit PutCh AL ; write the first hex digit mov AL,AH ; restore input character to AL and AL,0FH ; mask off upper 4 bits xlatb PutCh AL ; write the second hex digit nwln PutStr query_msg; query user whether to terminate GetCh AL ; read response cmp AL, 'Y' ; if response is not 'Y' jne read_char; read another characterdone: .EXIT When I attempt to make...I get the below.... PLEASE HELP! This is driving me bonkers!