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Posts posted by dmaldonado

  1. Hi I registered for this site after reading some posts in this forum and finding there were some real people on here. Here's my situation, I've been with my girlfriend for almost two years, she has two children from previous relationships. I was with her for most of her pregnancy and birth of her second child. I've come to see the children as mines as well and have helped her with them the best I can, for a long time I was the only one working to support us while she stayed home with the kids. Being 23 years old and formerly living with my parents you can imagine the huge adjustment this was lol. We were very close and had a loving relationship until gradually we got into this daily grind and kinda grew apart (this was maybe 6 months ago) I started playing World of Warcraft everynight and she started going out w/o me more often. I accept the fact that it was my lack of attention to her that caused the whole shift downwards in the first place. We kept getting into reoccuring fights over chores and other petty things, i realize now that really she wasn't feeling loved and that I was ignoring her. In my mind I was dealing with her going out all the time and not being here by being on the computer more so you can imagine the vicious cycle that created. It all culminated about two weeks ago when we got into a huge argument about her not wanting to go out with me to a friends halloween party and she kicked me out a few days later. Two days after I left I got a call from her, She was upset saying she was confused and that the older kid (she's 4) missed me. The time away gave me a chance to think about what I'd been doing and what i would need to change in order to please her. I explained that i realized that i had not been playing enuff attention to her and that I wanted to come back to make it right. That night she cried and said it was all going to work out etc, the very next morning she flipped 180 degrees and ever since then she's been cold and businesslike with me. She says it's too little too late and just wants to be friends, that she dosn't have romantic feelings anymore, I've given up my computer games and she continues to go out to the late hours of the morning, I've tried to keep our house in tip top shape for her and now it's not doing me any good.She says she's not angry or resentful and that she just wants to be my friend b/c she donsn't have the same feelings for me anymore, meanwhile Im still helping her take care of the kids and helping w/ the bills....any advice would be appreciated

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