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Posts posted by iervan

  1. My teacher speak that Computer video can be characterized according to the following charahteristic, 1. Color capabilities 2. Sharpness and viewabiliy 3. he size of screen 4. the projction technology can You explain to me one by one. Please....!!!!!! :) :)


    what's the different of CRT, LCD, and gas plasma technologi??? Which the best??? Why??? I hope You can help me,,,, Pleaaaaaaaaaase !!!!!!

  2. My pc hard drive has always been a bit of a clanker, but it seems to have aquired a new & disturbing noise when processing things.
    Its not any slower than it was before, & doesnt crash or anything (well no more than anything else running XP)

    Can I expect it to self-destuct in the near future, & start backing everything up?

    first,I want to introduce myself. My name is Iervan. I a new member in this Forum.so I think, I need help for you.( Pleassssse............!!!!!)
    yesterday,my Harddisk have a problem similar as,and the Computer Technical suggestion to check the Platter,and it right. So,please check your Platter's Harddisk..........
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