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Everything posted by Sive
I agree with Sweety, sit down and talk with her. ether way you cant lose , if you talk to her she'll kinow how you feel ,and if you tell her how you feel she might see the way you see her, and you just might find out why she is being the way she is being.
you're first thought (Tell her, hey Katherine i like you and i was wondering if you may go out with me one of these days?) dosent sound so foolish, but mabe before you do this you should ask her what she thinks of you, dose she think of you as just an 18 year old or dose she think of you as just an other person some what near her age group. -hope this helps and good luck. you sound sweet in an interesting way(wanting her/ a girl thas your gf to get mad so you can calm them down and kiss them thats cute) anyhow good luck
k well mabe when the three of you are standing around talking start up a conversation about something,something like music then once the conversation is started up ask him what kind of music he likes.It will give you a base to start on ,to start to get to know him then once you start to get to know him a bit better you might be more comfortable in telling him how you feel or in asking himout. hope this helps .
mabe find out why they dont like you,then when you find out at lest you'll know why they are not interested. An if absolutly no girl likes you at your school mabe you should try and meet a girl that dosent go to you're school.
Yes we are both 18 , we both go to school together we sit at the same table at lunch, but at every lunch he is playing Magic cards with his friends.An I do truely love him ,i have done l things for him showing him that i love him, i make him supper every night , I even sent him little poems i write for him by e-mail (and I even bought him a 4 month& 6th aniversery gift, even though im not geting a gift back) . I've sort of tryed talking to him but i dont think he gets how much i want to do things an go out together with him. Plus almost every time I biring this up( of going out) he gets upset.
me and my boyfriend have been going out for about six months now, and he dosent seem to spend much time with me anymore. I ask him to come out with me but he dosent feel like it, he likes staying in and i like going out. so i stay in with him but even then he dosent pay too much attaion to me, he's really sweet and all but when i want to spend time with him he's either on the computer or playing with his dule cards. I know he loves me i just wish he'd ma a bit more of an effort to spend time with me!-Anyone have any advice for me?