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Posts posted by quiksilver

  1. He was a user here. He had the site gamefaqselite.trap17.com. He was a good coder and well respected.
    Sadly he died recently. His father posted on digital pandemic message boards (lue2)

    alapidus was Avi Lapidus, b. 12/15/90. died 2/23/06.
    I am sad to inform this board that my son, Avi Lapidus, age 15, died a week ago today of acute onset diabetes.

    We had no idea of his activities here until his older brother discovered it yesterday. He then had an MSN and phone conversation with kaok, who was stunned by the news.

    During the weeks preceding his death, I had been warning Avi of the need to improve his grades, because if he wanted to be a programmer, he would need to graduate college due to the increasing competition for jobs.

    He cheerfully ignored me, because little did I know what kaok and most of you had known for a long time...

    Please feel free to write me, Jay Lapidus, at jlapidus@snet.net

    Notice from serverph:
    corrected date of his passing.

    dp topic

    I just thought I would let you guys know.

  2. Google's Instant Messenger service is currently in beta, but so far looks pretty **** good. ;)


    They say talk is cheap. Google thinks it should be free. Google Talk enables you to call or send instant messages to your friends for freeanytime, anywhere in the world.Google Talk offers you:


        * Choice: Get in touch over email, IM or a call


        * Quality: Talk through your computer but hear your friends as if they were in the same room


        * Convenience: Your Gmail contacts are pre-loaded into Google Talk so inviting or talking to your friends is just a click away

    It uses your Gmail account so if you want Google talk you will have to get a gmail account. Which is invite only, but ask anyone that has one they probably have over 50 invites.


    If you don't have a micophone go get one >_> seriously I got mine for eight dollars. With GoogleTalk you can "call" one of your contacts, they will hear a ringing and click accept or ignore and if they click accept you two can have a conversation. If only one has a microphone the other can still listen.


    I hope they make a chat type of thing in which you can use microphones.


    Well, enjoy it! :P

    Google Talk

  3. On school nights I usually get about 6 hours of sleep. My parents make me go to bed at like ten o clock PM and I can't get to sleep that early so I usually fall asleep an hour or two later. Then they wake me up about 6:30 AM because they have to get to school early because they are teachers.on weekends I usually go to bed at 11 or midnight or one am if I have something to do and usually get up about 10 or something. During the summer I usually stay up till midnight or later and depending on when I have to work I get up about 7 or 11 am.You get brain damage from lack of sleep or too much? :)

  4. I'm sure you can learn php from http://php.net/, but I was told it was better to use that site has a resource to look back on or check things.

    php book

    That is where you can learn php. It is a book that anyone can freely read.

    Tizag tutorials

    There is another place you can learn php. I have never looked at that one, but I'm sure it's good. You can also learn html, css, and a bunch of other well needed programming languages.

    Good Luck -_-


  5. hmmm gangstawar.com maybeA deffinite must have game for the Playstation two is The Suffering. You start out as a guy in prison who is accused of killing his wife and two kids. This game just gets better and better as you try to escape the prison, the island, and the demons that condem you. It has three different endings Good, nuetral, and bad. The sequeal is coming out in about three months The Suffering Ties that Bind. You start off in the streets of Baltimore and you can upload your last ending and start as good, bad or nutral, or if you never finished the last one you just start as nuetral.I'm telling you this game rocks!

  6. It doesn't seem like the background is very Homer-y and you blended a bit of the background into his white shirt, which looks a little awkward though. You might try a more comic font, something bubbly. I like the text, render, and idea of the sig, but it needs to have more of a theme to it.




    I agree the background isn't very Homer-y, but other than that I love it.

    I think it is pretty funny and cool since you made it. Good luck on your next one. :D

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