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Posts posted by KenshinKRP

  1. Having Robots has many advantages. But none the less I think that it is hazardous to us. Anyone seen the movie IRobot? Perfect example of what could and might happen. Although its just a movie you gotta remember people make some movies to make you believe its just not real and could never happen. The question Robots our Future or our end? I believe their both. If you think about it, it makes since.

  2. Here you will learn how to create cool reflecting text effects!


    Step 1. Once your ready to add text onto your signature your ready to being. With your text tool type what ever it may be. I suggest for this effect your text be on something black And your text white.


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    Step 2. Now we want to duplicate that layer to do this select the layer and hit ctrl+j.


    Step 3. OK now that we have two of the same layer select the duplicated layer and hit ctrl+t. Right click it and hit flip vertically.


    Step 4. You want to move it down just a bit. Make sure that nothing touches.


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    Step 5. Now set the opacity to about 40%. This should give you a nice look.


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    Extra: Now this is just a basic text reflection, there are other effects you can do once you know this very basic concept. So I encourage that you play around with it until you get something you like and that looks good.

  3. This C4d Smudging Tutorial will teach you how to make signatures like this.




    Step 1. Open a 350x120 document and make it black. Go to Filter>Render>Len's Flare. Set it to 140 on 150mm Prime. Create new layer.




    Step 2. Open up 1 C4D Render you have and position it on the left and leave the right open. You can re size it using ctrl+t.




    Step 3. Hit ctrl+t then click on the image and hit flip horizontally. Position it right so that they meet in the middle.




    Step 4. Hit ctrl+e, and set the blending mode to screen.




    Step 5. Open up your main stock image, paste it on your signature in the making in the middle. Now re size it using ctrl+t. Remember hold shift while resizing for best quality.




    Step 6. Hit ctrl+j 5 times. Now hide all of the copy layers that you have now.




    Step 7. Move the original render layer to the far right and smudge it. Use these settings for best results. Set the layer to overlay.




    Step 8. Unhide the next layer and move it to the far left. Smudge it, use the same settings as before and set the layer to overlay.




    Step 9. Unhide the next layer, smudge it. Set the blend mode on that layer to soft light. Next do filter>blur>Gaussian Blur set at 6.0.




    Step 10. Unhide the next layer and set it to soft light.




    Step 11. Unhide the next layer and set it to multiply.



    Step 12. Now were getting it. Make a color balance layer after the render multiply layer.


    Step 13. (Optional, for this I didn't use) You can make another color balance layer if you choose.


    Step 14. Unhide the last render layer, and leave it as it is.


    Step 15. Now you want to add your text, I found setting your text in a corner works the best. I used the following settings.


    Step 16. Now you want to add your boarder. I used a simple 2px boarder on this signature.


    Congratulations you just made a c3d smudge signature!

  4. 1px Border.


    Step 1. Get out your signature or other graphics that you are making. Make a new layer.


    Step 2. CTRL + A then edit>stroke>1px inside. You can choose what ever color you want.


    Posted Image


    Step 3. Set the layer to soft light, overlay, darken, etc. What ever suits it best.


    End Result, you know have a line the color of your choice around your signature or graphics.



    2px Border.


    Step 1. Get out your signature or other graphics that you are making. Make a new layer.


    Step 2. CTRL + A then edit>stroke>2px inside. You can choose what ever color you want.


    Step 3. CTRL + A then edit>stroke>1px inside. You can choose what ever color you want.


    Step 4. Set the layer to soft light, overlay, darken, etc. What ever suits it best.


    End Result, you know have two lines the color of your choice's around your signature or graphics.


    3px Border


    Step 1. Get out your signature or other graphics that you are making. Make a new layer.


    Step 2. CTRL + A then edit>stroke>3px inside. You can choose what ever color you want.


    Step 3. CTRL + A then edit>stroke>2px inside. You can choose what ever color you want.


    Step 4. CTRL + A then edit>stroke>1px inside. You can choose what ever color you want.


    Step 5. Set the layer to overlay or soft light. There are many other settings you can have. So play around with them and find the one that you like and use that.


    End Result, you know have three lines the color of your choice's around your signature or graphics.


    Congratulations you now know how to make a 1px, a 2px, and a 3px border!

  5. Welcome to the admin pill tutorial, brought to you by Kenshin of KRP. You will learn how to make this admin pill.


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    This isn't the best example of what can be done, but you will understand how to do these and I look forward to seeing your results. Now lets begin.


    Step 1. Open up a 78x21 document, and select the Rounded Rectangle Tool.


    Step 2. Using the Rounded Rectangle Tool you have selected and create a shape on the document. Delete the vector mask and you should have something like this.


    If its not selected as shown below click your Lasso Tool, hold ctrl and click the little picture on the layer pallet. If this does not work you've done something wrong. Now create a new layer.


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    Step 3. Add your color, select the paint bucket tool along with a color and paint the selected area as shown in step 2. I used 9b0505 for my color choice. Now you should have something like the following. Now create a new layer.


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    Step 4. Here you want to add a little glow sort of effect to your pill in the making. For this select your Elliptical Marquee Tool and make a selection but don't go to far. Then set the layer on soft light. You should now have something similar to this. Now create a new layer.


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    Step 5. Now the admin pill needs text, what better text to put on it then...Admin Pill. To do this select your Horizontal Type Tool. Type your text in my case Admin Pill. Now you want to try to center the text the best you can for the best results. I came up with this. Now create a new layer.


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    Step 6. Now you may have noticed some black along the outside and were wondering why don't I have that. This is because I forgot to take that off while I was making this tutorial. So this is how you do that. Right Click your shape layer, and click blending options. Now click drop shadow, don't just check it click the text drop shadow.


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    Step 7. Click your Lasso Tool, hold CTRL, and click the picture next to your color shape colored layer. This will put those "Marching Ants" around it. Right click the middle of the picture and hit select inverse. Now hit the delete button on your keyboard. Keeping the marching ants there click your layer 1 this should be where we added the glow type effect. And then hit delete. Create a new layer.


    Step 8. A boarder this isn't hard. Click your Lasso Tool and hold CTRL. Then click the little picture for your colored layer on the layer pallet. Pick a similar color but darker then you had for your admin pill. I used, 600505. Now go to edit > stroke 1px inside and use the color you've just selected. Your all done congratulations. For best results save it as a gif in photoshop.


    Note: This Tutorial was made in Adobe Photoshop CS2.


    Posted Image

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