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Posts posted by zipple

  1. Best thing you can do is tell her that if she needs someone to talk to any time day or night that you can be relied on or have shoulder to cry on. She has to trust you if it's a personal problem, and the best thing you can do is listen to her and if you cannot give her an answer best suggestion would be to let her know what her options are on who can help her and what not.
    Don't do the comedy routine no matter how good of a friend you 2 are. Because that is bad taste and it shows you really don't care. It's all about trust, best thing is not to push it but let it come out slowly.

    Best thing to do is hang out with her, maybe get her mind off the problems she is having and when she feels she can trust you then she will let you know whats wrong with her.

    maybe u are right.I met a girl of my friend.some day she is sad and tell me to meet.
    when we met ,she said she met some problems(for her it maybe a big ting or a terreble problem) and dont know how to do it.and want to cry and want to say it to some one.she is trusting me because we were good firends ,then that day I seat beside her listen to her story,maybe that thing you can help her or some parts you thought it was a little thing ,don't worry about it.just listened to her.when she is crying just let it be.I think she will be better after she cry.
    I dont know your firend is the same sa mine. but I just do like that. hope yours will be happy soon!!
    good luck!!

  2. I have never owned anything made or branded by Nike except a cap, I love adidas, I bought of two pairs of the same white Superstars, they are the most comfortable shoes ever.


    I like adidas,I also have a superstar.it's simple but nice..

    adidas shoes are simple but it contain itslef style and look all nice

  3. I have 2x256 Mb, should I take them both out and put in a 1 gig or leave one in with it?


    u ve had 2*256Mb,if u want to change them to 1gig.u have to remove the 2*256.and buy 2*512Mb.so the old 256Mb is wasted.

    I heard the news that someone have compared between 2*256 and 2*512 to see that how speed 1gig faster then 512?

    the result is theirs distance is so close.

    I suggest u have no need to do that!!

  4. I like my school.it is not so famous and so large.it is in the countryroad. there is few buses here. but there has been green hills and near the blue sea.we can hear the sound of the sea.the school support some good teachers to teach us,though most courses are a little hard.but I like staying here. In here I ca do sth. I want to do. study sth. what I want to!!so . :lol: I love it!

  5. we know AMD is cheaper than pentium and higher speed than pentium.thereare something of pentium better tahn AMD. most clients like to buy pentium rather than AMD.I don't know. but there are some reasons,perhaps pentium make much ads in mrket. pentium advantage: 1:pentium can run steadily. 2:pentium mkae less heat than AMD. 3:pentium let clients more reassurence than AMDI think this is intel'sadvantage!!! :)

  6. Well, my bed is quite high to the ceiling, and one day I hit my hand on it, and burst out into a song....



    Ooooowwwww! I hit my hand on the ceiling

    It is bleeding!


    Oh, who cares about that hand I've got my other hand

    Ooooowwwww! I hit my other hand on the ceiling

    It is bleeding!


    Oh, who cares about my other hand I've got my foot

    Ooooowwwww! I hit my foot on the ceiling

    It is bleeding!


    Oh, who cares about my foot I've got my other foot

    Ooooowwwww! I hit my other foot on the ceiling

    It is bleeding!


    Oh, who cares about my other foot I've got my knee

    Ooooowwwww! I hit my knee on the ceiling

    It is bleeding!




    ..... You get the picture, I made a quite nice tune to it on sibalius 3 too, but I think someone deleted the save of it. Sad really, it really did sound quite nice.

    I think one time I sung it all the way past my nails and my intestines untill I got to my soul, which I coincidently hit on the ceiling causeing it to bleed. Yes, very amusing, at least for me, it was about 1 o'clock in the morning. Hope you liked it.

    Please give me feedback.


    is this your own song?u should upload the files that the music u sing!!

  7. About five millions people  signed to against  to grant Japan the status as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council .

    IF you agree with my option!

    Plese sign !



    Notice from snlildude87:
    Please do not copy and paste articles from the Internet without using the quotes BBCode. I have given you a warning for this.


    is this your own song?u should upload the files that the music u sing!!

    Notice from NilsC:
    This is my song! Comment's like this is not accepted behavior. Your posting rights are suspended.

  8. few days ago,my brother bought a computer ,512M, Gforce5200.but when he is playing Games,it doesn't work.I have thought it is just once,after several times,I know ther is a problem with it.then I have the same idear with u.install windows again,um... 0_0....it also doesn't work.. I went back to ask for the seller, finally he find the problem , CPU isn't suit for Mainboard.he change the Mainboard for another Size. it works.. :D

  9. technology is AMORAL - neither good nor bad. :D it's the people who use them which can be good or bad, not technology per se. like a knife for example, it is double-edged and can be used by a person to commit a crime (bad), or to slice bread (good, try spreading jam on unsliced bread :D), but the knife by itself is neither good nor bad.


    as for technological advancement, there's nothing wrong with it, and i'm not controlled by a machine yet. lolz! there will be repercussions of technological advancement, but those repercussions will depend solely in the hands of the people who wield them.


    fire is technology, and without fire, would you eat raw meat? we've gone a long way since fire was discovered (i will microwave the meat nowadays to cook it B)), and we can manage a few leaps in technology some more. :D


    I'm quite agree with u..it is a wonderful sentence.nice example :D (knife is neither good nor bad).as machine,just computer...now most people need it to work, but one day anyone can think if it has personal ideas what it can do and waht's the result!!!damm...
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