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Posts posted by dhaval

  1. First of all.......yeah impressions are page views not clicks.Secondly, the amount u get out of 1000 impressions is next to NOTHING at all. It's a joke really. Dont even bother about getting your impressions high, cuz there's another catch to it. If your CTR or Click Thru Rate goes down real bad, then you're site will be getting what google refers to as LOW PAYING ADS. That is the amount u get per click will be drastically reduced. so yeah, unless you're site is getting like thousands of visitors per day....dont bother about impressions or services which pay you based on impressions

  2. Hello Friend,
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    Notice from snlildude87:
    No referral links, dude.

    dunno about the other two, but surfjunky is a scam. I've never heard of anybody being payed. Have any of you guys?

  3. thank you for reply..


    I have two laptops,but there is no network in my home, so they are not connected in anyway. The only thing they have in common is they are using the same wireless router fot access to the internet..


    Is that hard to set up my own network at home?

    is anyone know any network tutorial for setting up networking in my home? I would like to try to set up networking for both my laptops..Thank you!


    If they are using the same router, that means they are on the same network. Just setup your Home/Office Network by going to either My Network Places or the Network Connections Window and check your left panel. I'm assuming u're on Win XP.
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