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  1. I guess it's the little things that are hitting me, the people to whom I never really talk to, but when I do they give me something that stays with me for that day and helps me out or something that they say will pop up when I'm stressed, the little things that people say the fact that school has just become familiar, when you've had a fight at home, the school and all the people you ever need to encourage you is there. But to then go to somewhere where that all stops and you have to adjust to something new.It's just hard and sad, but exciting. I guess those that are in middle school, whatever that is (since Australia has Primary and Secondary schools), they have another few years of that left but yeh...
  2. I had thought about making the router just a wireless access port but that got me thinking what the point of having two devices was if I was just going to do that.I guess the main reason for asking here is the fact that there are people out there that have put it to the test and have made it work so they know how it should be done, rather than techs who are giving advice based on assumptions so that they get their day's coin.When you setup a modem in bridged mode is there anything that needs to be done to it's subnet, IP range settings to align it to the routers IP and subnet range? Maybe that could be an issue, I guess it's not the two types of hardware, but the way you set it up and real world people over techs put that into practice everyday.
  3. I was having a play around yesterday and realised that I still hadn't put my Speedtouch 530 into bridged mode, so I did...and ended up loosing all IPs. Now since my wireless router (WGU624) is my DHCP server, I'm guessing it relies on the external IP from the 530 to begin to generate?If anyone has successfully managed to get the two to work together, could they tell me how?
  4. Well I realised the other day that I have less than a month of school left ever, and I started to think about the years and years I'd spent with most of my classmates and came to realise, "Hey, I won't be seeing them ever again."I mean, don't get me wrong, I love to see school end forever, however I can't help but think just how sad it will be saying goodbye to some of those people forever.Am I the only one who gets/got that feeling?
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