Well, i think it would be great if we had a flaming/post whatever u like forum, where u could post anything wich was within the law, but no spamming, porn or anything like that... i think we need a forum were we could be mean to each other. that would maby fire this community up abit... http://www.halflifesource.com/ <-- that is a forum i go to every day, they have a good community, and much of it bcuz of flame wars, and other wiered stuff. maby, if were lucky we could get this community to be asgood as that i linked to... cuz i think this community seems to be abit booring... nothing fun ever happens and nearly every1 just seems to post here to get their hosting, wich make this forum somewhat booring...
Is it allowed to have splitted files? like if i splitted a 30 mb file into 6 peaces (5mb each) is it allowed then? cuz then every1 would download all 6 peaces, wich would be eqal to downloading a 30 mb file... but! if it isn't allowed u could make the splitted file a zip file wich contains a url to the next peace, wich would make it impossible to download everything at the same time... so my question is; is it allowed to have splitted files on ur website? if no: is it allowed to have ziped slitted files whit url? if no to that question then: ok... to bad... i hope u unerstod what i ment whit the ziped, slitted file thing...