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Posts posted by justlikepaper

  1. I would say PS3 at the moment because of the upcoming game, Home. Its basically like Habbo Hotel and Runescape put together. The PS3 also has less hardware failures.But the 360 is better in graphics in my view. Also, they have the Halo series and Gears of War.

  2. Probably the best game I have ever bought for my Xbox 360. It was the first RTS game I had gotten, and I had not played the demo. I was hoping that it was real good because I threw away my receipt at the store. Put it in, and played for about 4 hours straight.

  3. It depends on your game style. Do you like high quality graphics with good plots or do you just like cheap games that do not come in HD?I think it is worth your money, only if you have HDTV because you are basically paying for graphics first, then games. My friend has it without HDTV and it doesnt look that good.BTW, HDTV discs for 360 are 20 dollars more than regular discs

  4. As per the PM:


    Sign on to the Forum as Administrator. Got to the Administration Panel and adjust the User Permissions from the drop down's available.



    Another method would be to delete the Member (also done in the Admin Panel, I believe) and have them sign-up once more.

    Only this time do not give them Moderator Permissions.


    Do not do that. If you do, you probably will lose a lot of posts because when you delete a member you are deleting their posts, i think. Instead, just do the first suggestion. Also, if you dont want them coming on your forum, ban their I.P. adress but never ever delete unless they are very very bad

  5. What I am going to do is wait for the PS3 to come out. Then, I will read online about it and its features. I want to know if I would like it before I spend a huge amount of money.If people say it isnt worth your money, I might buy a Xbox 360 because those are cheaper and I know they are good because my neigbor has one and I play it everyday.

  6. I have bought every game that has come out from NFS. I cant wait until this. I have been watching videos and looking at photos. You can find some pretty good previews if you know the best websites.Also, I could get this game for so many platforms. I will probably get it for PSP or PS2 because those are the platforms I play the most. I dont really play games on the computer because it is too slow.

  7. I personnaly agree and disagree.What I like about Gmail is the space. You can hold a lot of emails for a long period of time. Also, I like the key shortcuts, like "c" would start a new email.But I use hotmail instead. It is because it can be used for MSN messanger, which is what I use all the time. It also has a good layout and easy to find links.If Gmail had it's own messanger, it would expand very far.

  8. Use notepad. Learn some html and your set. But if you dont really want to learn HTML go to some site creators like Google Page Creator, Tripod, Geocities and Piczo. They all are great but most of them display adverts at the top.If you decide to code your site yourself, find some ad-free hosting so you wont have any adverts on your website. Adverts do not look good and can make websites go slow.

  9. Go to tutorialized. It is a great place to learn and it has categories for each kind of tutorial.I think you should start out with a dress up game, since they are very simple. Then, start making games like snake or tetris. Before you make platform games, be sure to know all the keys number because if you dont know that, you are never going to get close.Also, newgrounds.com is a great site. They have a few tutorials and on the forums people will post tuts sometimes. I have seen a platform script generator and I have seen tuts on how to make snake.

  10. I noticed this when I got online. Google has been my homepage for over 3 years, so I am very glad it is 8 years old. It seems like it just had its 7th birthday, because I remember a post about it on another forum.


    Well, Google has gone further over the years. With Gmail, it made it get way more popular. I was invited by my friend to get a Gmail account and now I use it for business stuff.


    Happy Birthday Google!

  11. It is a pretty good site in my opinion. One thing I do not like is the layout of the site. It isn't very appealing, and sometimes that is a bad thing. Make sure that there is barely any white and it may turn out better.Also, you should start making tutorials on how to make a news box that works. I have not seen very many that work, and this would be great for your site.One more thing. Is your site hosted on Xisto? I know it may seem like a random question, but I was just wondering.

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