Dude, nobody likes to be cheated on, just come right out and tell her, trust is something you can never break or it will be even worse, like lets say i look at pornos lol... if i tell her she wont be that upset with me just cause i told her, if i dont tell her, and she finds out, she will be extremely mad and maybe even break up with me on the spot.But i mean ,, cheating on your girlfriend 2 times and having sex with 2 other people?? thats just down right wrong dude!Sit down with your girlfriend and tell her, then break up with her right away (unless shes stupid or w/e and will still go out with u) to save her life from being all bad cause of YOU!, and u might have an STD.. so dude,, i dont even like talkin to ppl like u.. but w/e just telling u .. break u with her now so she dont have to live with you , cause its nasty . Peace