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Posts posted by Shadowcast

  1. Personally I'm not really in any rush to go out and buy software from Tesco when there are free alternatives, but I am sure that alot of people will buy this Tesco branded software simply because it is the cheapest option, weather or not it is the best option remains to be seen. However Tesco do have a reputation for good quality products at a reasonable price so as long as the software doesn't totally suck I can't see a reason for people who are unaware that you can get free (probably better) alternates.

  2. Well if it isn't about racism it's about a sweeping generalisation that all people with shaved heads are evil... I think I'll stick to the racism aspect.Now we all know that racism is a bad thing, I'm fairly sure all right minded people can agree that skin colour along with sexuality, gender, age, religion etc. are ridiculous grounds for discriminating against people (which is always bad too, I mean someone has to really be evil to warrant discrimination, I mean like psycho killer evil)However if you insist that this is a topic about why we should not like the whole of this group (skinheads) because a few of the are small minded bigots who resort to violence when the feel threatened by people they don't understand, then I have a problem as this is just as bad a racism. Granted you are allowed to comment on how some of them are aggressive but don't link the aggressiveness to the shaved head, every social group has a minority of people who behave inappropriately, that doesn't mean the rest of the group should be labelled as the same, if this was true the whole human race should be labelled as violent and ignorant.

  3. I'm not too sure on this one, if it is really bothering you maybe the best way to do this is to come out and tell her, as you say it's not about spending loads of money... it's not too hard to keep yourself clean but it is true that raising a child does take time.The only problem here is that it's just not the done thing in this country, the situation would be a lot better if it wasn't for the long standing British tradition of just ignoring the problem so as to not offend anyone.Should you decide to confront this problem it should definitely be handled in a tactful manner i.e. take her to one side and simply tell her that a few of the students have been mocking her because she tends to smell a bit (that way you don't look like you're doing her a favour by notifying her that others view her as a source of humour). Other than that you could just turn up earlier so you don't have to sit next to her (that's what I'd do by the way.)

  4. The main problem being of course was last time there were at least leaders who had some ideas that were remotely related to the real world (well for the most part anyway), the last Cold War was largely just fanfare, with no real threat (although it appeared to be there at the time, and both leaders knew and used this as a tool to ensure that peace remained - with the exception of Cuba obviously that could have been very, very bad. If something similar was to happen with the current administration I doubt the result would be so happy).

    This time around we have a very real threat of nuclear war (given that both sides have extremist leaders Bush and Ahmadinejhad, don't know much about the Korean bloke).

    Added to this that there is a very real chance that this time around the US government will not have it's people to keep it in check (If the Military Commissions Act gets through and effectively suspends habeas corpus, great article about why this is not good at all: http://ivorjawa.livejournal.com/338059.html?nojs=1, I don't know the situation in Iran or North Korea)

    If this is indeed the beginning of a new Cold War I wouldn't expect it to remain all that cold, and I don't just mean by proxy like Vietnam and Afghanistan (not the last invasion the Russian-American funded rebel war) I mean full on war (and potentially of the Nuclear Kind). Hopefully someone with a grip on reality will have emerged by then who can calm the situation, I also expect that the result of said war has the potential to not be in the favour of America, given the recent performance of the Allied troops in Iraq and the continued struggle in Afghanistan.

    Off topic but I read the first line and actually thought you meant Aliens as in from Space, wondered what that was going on for a bit.

  5. As far as I know this is entirely to do with Relativity. The basic principle of relativity is that space and time are linked i.e. space-time. The thing that causes time to slow down is in fact the curvature of space-time (unfortunately I don't really know how travelling faster curves space-time, I do know that it increases energy, and thus mass as mass is proportional to energy, so this might have something to do with it). As well as speed and altitude gravity can also affect time (large bodies which have a high gravitational force can also slow time down, due to the curvature of space-time, I think).The really interesting part however is not that time slows for the person travelling at close to light speed, but that time will also appear to slow down for other people from the point of view of the one travelling close to light speed.Then again my knowledge of advanced physics is very rudimentary (I only barely passed at college, I got an E which is the lowest pass grade. And we only briefly did relativity) so if this is incomplete, confusing or just plain wrong feel free to add or correct (alternately you could just laugh)

  6. It says something about you that you aren't simply abandoning the place.
    Drop in and visit any time. I always enjoyed your posts.

    See you around.

    I hope what it says about me isn't that I need to get out more lol, and now I need to make this into a worthwhile post... anyway I don't plan one leaving anytime soon. Which I suppose also says something about the community here, as I'm not usually big on forums however something about Xisto just seems to be right. Off Topic but this just made me realise how popular Xisto has become, I was member #305 now after ~2 years I'm member #30,957, now my maths ain't up to much but I reckon that increase is roughly somewhere between lots - lots & lots.

  7. Well I can't wait till the day when we look back on what we have now with the same level of humour, when the days of 1-2GB RAM were the norm instead of the 10-20+ GB of that day, it will come and I hope I will be there.In case you didn't realise by my avoiding remembering this, it's because I don't, I wish I did, but I just don't I think it's got something to do with not being born :). Still I am able to comprehend the impact that this made upon the world, an I must salute IBM for changing the world in such a massive way, that even they couldn't see, still it's nice to know that my MP3 player has more RAM than this did and a lot bigger hard drive (I know this didn't have one by the way) I know I wouldn't fancy carrying around a bunch of 5.25" floppies around with me so I could listen to music. Anyway nice one IBM... The Geeks Salute you!

  8. Hmm well sure makes me feel inadequate about my set up, lucky for humanity I don't have to run nuclear test simulations on my machine then I suppose. This definitely represents an mammoth achievement in supercomputing and a breakthrough which can only be a good thing. Just one question... When can I buy one from PC World?

  9. Nice work on the expansion, it appears to be going well. I hope you every success with the new venture, and hope you can help to not only provide a killer service yourselves but to help improve the more mainstream image hosting services (they know who they are) as to me these have always been a bit lacking (something which I cannot say about Xisto). To be Honest I didn't see Xisto going to far away from all out site hosting, I guess this proves me wrong (well this and all of the other services I just realised Xisto provided) ... anyway Good Luck.

  10. Well following my recent decision to terminate my hosting here (I got bored of developing the site after 2 years, nothing to do with the service, which is ace by the way and so I am now a happy member as opposed to hosted) I have since also created a new account to consolidate Xisto with the rest (well most of) my other usernames.So I am here to introduce myself as Shadowcast... So here are some of my interests: Computers / Technology / Science, Video Games, Classic Rock / Blues / Metal Music. I would say that I had a very dry sense of humour all though I do like classic 'slapstick' comedy and satire alot, some would say I was a freak or a nerd but to be honest I prefer the term Geek. Those who have been here a while may have some idea of what to expect from me, however all of my posts as dontmaimyourself are still here so you are welcome to look over them to get a better idea (should you find your self with less interesting things to occupy your time... if this is the case I can only offer my deepest sympathies as you must be seriously mega board)I look forward to many more years of hearing the views of others here and I may one day rejoin the hosted group and once again utilise the great dervice here. So in a word: Hi (again)

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