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Everything posted by jwcgator
What's Your Favorite Game System - Console select one from each poll
jwcgator replied to ICE-XG's topic in Computer Gaming
I <3 Every Nintendo SystemI don't like X-Box because Everyone I know who has an X-Box whenever I say I like the Gamecube more than the rest they are like "l0l n00b Teh Gamecub3 Suxors! X b0X h4s Li3k T3h Grafix lOL!" and they are the reason that drove me to dislike the X-Box.The PS2 Just sucks, It made me lose my trust in sony, mine and Alot of other peoples PS2's Started craping out on us ;_;!The gamecube is pefect, Its in perfect working condition, since I bought it 1 3/4's years ago! and I <3 SSBMMy 2 Centz -
If google made an OS, would you buy it?I know I would, but only if it had supreme Search functions!!! and Alot of bells and whistles!BUT! if it was free...I would definently get it!!!! I mean, wasn't Linux made by one person? Why couldn't Google make an OS, with their Genius workers with their extreme programming knowledge!That would be awesome!I vote: YAY!
The computer is pretty messed up, the color is 16 colors and size is 640X860 or something like that! I checked the System.Ini File in msconfig and... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! It has been totally been screwed, it has webpage Html in it, and there is about 50 different intries of Boot/ Display Fallback=0/1 being that the 1 and the 0 are not in the same line, just in different intries randomly like Boot/ Display Fallback=0Boot/ Display Fallback=1 but the thing that makes me crazy... Is that when I run SysEdit It shows the System.Ini file the way it was before! I have run all the anti-spyware and anti-virus software in the world and have tried changing the colors and the resolution to no Avail. Any Help?
1. If the internet went down.I would be calm, but I would also be pretty, well ummm... I don't know! I wouldn't be able to talk to anybody because the AIM services are run on the internet!(well, duh!)I would probably read books until the internet came back up!!!2. If Phones and all communication went down.I would FREAK OUT!3.If all of the above happened...SUICIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!or mabey not >_>
if you are bored, google this!inurl:"ViewerFrame?Mode=enjoy the feeling of watching unsecured webcams across the globe and take solace in the fact that some people are more bored than you are!I find this very amusing, I found this one with a dog right up to the camera!
Three words: Carpal tunnel syndromeYou no longer type with proper punctuation, capitalization, or complete sentences...You're pissed off your buddy list can only hold 200 screen namesYou begin to say hehehe instead of laughingYou can now type over 70 wpmYou type messages to people who are right next to you or on the phone with you.You won't work at a company that blocks AIMYou sign on and immediately get 10 messages from other peopleYou have a few screen names, some of them secret.You type in random screen names, just to see if anyone has them.Your screenname has the year 2002 or earlier in it.You know what %n meansYou don't break for the bathroom - even though you've got to go real bad - until you think of a witty away message.You check the away messages of your buddies, every day, to make sure they haven't changed.You have a few people on your buddy list just to spy on them.You've had a meaningful conversation with a bot.You learned Photoshop to make a super cool buddy iconYou actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends who are addicted to AIM.
Petals Around The Rose THis is very difficult, I tried for ever to figure out the logic of the game, but it is impossible! IF anyone can figure out the answer, pm me? I will try to figure it out too!
jwcgator.astahost.comgo ahead!
What Is The Best Digital Camera
jwcgator replied to chris1234's topic in Graphics, Design & Animation
I think the Best Digital Camera is the Sony 8 MP Camera!You know, the 1000 dollar one!Ummmmm, but I don't think anyone wants to really spend 1000 dollars on a digital camera >__>!so I think that the BEST Digital camera in a decent price range is a nice Hp Digital Camera that is 5 MP! My dad uses them at my school for the Yearbook, along with the *oooooo* 8 MP SOny camera, and it is awesome, AND THE SCHOOL PAID FOR IT!THats my 2 cents -
I dropped it
I try to edit the welcome paragraph on my MB http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and this is the error that I get Warning: fopen(welcome.inc): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/jwcgator/public_html/cpanel.php on line 90 Warning: fputs(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/jwcgator/public_html/cpanel.php on line 91 Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/jwcgator/public_html/cpanel.php on line 92 help?
hey guys, does anybody know why it is being so slow? I am soooo glad that none of our sites look like this http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ That really sucks for him!
Ughhh Why Is My Cpanel Being So Slow? ughhh
jwcgator replied to jwcgator's topic in Websites and Web Designing
it is being SOOOO SLOWWW any reason why this might me happening?
Every time you go to the grocery store, you offer the cashier one cent more for each item in the cart of the person in front of you.To cut costs, FedEx and UPS are considering relocating their operations centers to your house.Sitting on the floor of your empty apartment, you stare at your fingers and wonder whether they'll sell better individually or as a matched set.Your spouse is loving and caring but you decided to file for divorce because you need the storage space.You're the reason they adopted the "No selling your children's vital organs" policy.ou find yourself searching eBay auctions for milk, eggs and bread.When your wife agrees to have sex with you, you become suspicious and ask how many other bidders there were.Just ask your kids, eRay and eFaye.After a particularly passionate night, you lean over and whisper in your spouse’s ear, "Excellent service, great communication! Would recommend again! AAAA++++"You set your alarm clock for 3 am so you can log on to protect your bid.You've called someone a naughty name for outbidding you at the last second.You've questioned your sanity because of the price you've bid... more than once.You've changed all your clocks to "eBay official time (PDT)."You've bid on something even though the picture doesn't show up correctly.You've purposely run up the bid on something similar for which you paid more.You've rolled your eyes at the word "antique" or "vintage" used on something made in the past decade.You've gritted your teeth each time you've clicked on a description that uses the word "L@@K."You've turned up the volume on your email alert so you'll never miss an Outbid Notice.You've made "My eBay" your default home page.You've emailed a seller to correct their description with accurate dates or details.You've come to rely on "convenience cash" from PayPal and wish you could pay all your bills like that.You've earned a "Shooting Star" Feedback Profile for more than 10,000 purchases!You won't go to estate auctions because they don't take PayPal.You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends who are addicted to Ebay.
You Know You Are Addicted to the Internet When... # You actually wore a blue ribbon to protest the Communications Decency Act. # You kiss your girlfriend's home page. # Your bookmark takes 15 minutes to scroll from top to bottom. # Your eyeglasses have a web site burned in on them. # You find yourself brainstorming for new subjects to search. # You refuse to go to a vacation spot with no electricity and no phone lines. # You finally do take that vacation, but only after buying a cellular modem and a laptop. # You spend half of the plane trip with your laptop on your lap...and your child in the overhead compartment. # All your daydreaming is preoccupied with getting a faster connection to the net: 28.8...ISDN...cable modem...T1...T3. # And even your night dreams are in HTML. # You find yourself typing "com" after every period when using a word processor.com # You turn off your modem and get this awful empty feeling, like you just pulled the plug on a loved one. # You refer to going to the bathroom as downloading. # You start introducing yourself as "Jim at I-I-Net dot net dot com # Your heart races faster and beats irregularly each time you see a new WWW site address in print or on TV, even though you've never had heart problems before. # You step out of your room and realize that your parents have moved and you don't have a clue when it happened. # You turn on your intercom when leaving the room so you can hear if new e-mail arrives. # Your wife drapes a blond wig over your monitor to remind you of what she looks like. # All of your friends have an @ in their names. # When looking at a pageful of someone else's links, you notice all of them are already highlighted in purple. # Your dog has its own home page. # You've already visited all the links at Yahoo and you're halfway through Lycos. or [C]ontinue? # You can't call your mother...she doesn't have a modem. # You realize there is not a sound in the house and you have no idea where your children are. # You check your mail. It says "no new messages." So you check it again. # You refer to your age as 3.x. # You have comandeered your teenager's phone line for the net and even his friends know not to call on his line anymore. # Your phone bill comes to your doorstep in a box. # Even though you died last week, you've managed to retain OPS on your favorite IRC channel. # You code your homework in HTML and give your instructor the URL. # You don't know the sex of three of your closest friends, because they have neutral nicknames and you never bothered to ask. # You name your children Eudora, Mozilla and Dotcom. # You laugh at people with 2400 baud modems. # Your husband tells you he's had the beard for 2 months. # You miss more than five meals a week downloading the latest games from Apogee.t, or [C]ontinue? # You start looking for hot HTML addresses in public restrooms. # You wake up at 3 a.m. to go to the bathroom and stop and check your e-mail on the way back to bed. # You move into a new house and decide to Netscape before you landscape. # You tell the cab driver you live at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ # You actually try that 123.elm.street address. # You tell the kids they can't use the computer because "Daddy's got work to do" and you don't even have a job. # Your friends no longer send you e-mail...they just log on to your IRC channel. # You buy a Captain Kirk chair with a built-in keyboard and mouse. # Your wife makes a new rule: "The computer cannot come to bed." # You are so familiar with the WWW that you find the search engines useless. # You get a tatoo that says "This body best viewed with Netscape 1.1 or higher." # You never have to deal with busy signals when calling your ISP...because you never log off. # The last girl you picked up was only a jpeg. # You ask a plumber how much it would cost to replace the chair in front of your computer with a toilet. # You forget what year it is. # You start tilting your head sideways to smile. # You ask your doctor to implant a gig in your brain. # You leave the modem speaker on after connecting because you think it sounds like the ocean wind...the perfect soundtrack for "surfing the net". # You begin to wonder how on earth your service provider is allowed to call 200 hours per month "unlimited." # You turn on your computer and turn off your wife. # Your wife says communication is important in a marriage...so you buy another computer and install a second phone line so the two of you can chat. # As your car crashes through the guardrail on a mountain road, your first instinct is to search for the "back" button. EDIT: hehe more You Know You're Addicted to AIM When... Three words: Carpal tunnel syndrome You no longer type with proper punctuation, capitalization, or complete sentences... You're pissed off your buddy list can only hold 200 screen names You begin to say hehehe instead of laughing You can now type over 70 wpm You type messages to people who are right next to you or on the phone with you. You won't work at a company that blocks AIM You sign on and immediately get 10 messages from other people You have a few screen names, some of them secret. You type in random screen names, just to see if anyone has them. Your screenname has the year 2002 or earlier in it. You know what %n means You don't break for the bathroom - even though you've got to go real bad - until you think of a witty away message. You check the away messages of your buddies, every day, to make sure they haven't changed. You have a few people on your buddy list just to spy on them. You've had a meaningful conversation with a bot. You learned Photoshop to make a super cool buddy icon You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends who are addicted to AIM. And these go PERFECT for this website You Know You're Addicted to Coding When... Triple espresso's start tasting bland You have nightmares about COBOL and ADA. You have good dreams about multiple inheritance, factories, and compilers that support partial template specialization. Instead of using MS Word, you type your essay for school in HTML using NotePad. School? What's that? You can multiply a 32 bit binary number by a 6 digit hexadecimal number in your head. You laugh at movies that show programmers at work. You walk outside and wonder why the sun doesn't make a lens-flare in your eye.... You get withdrawal symptoms if you're away from a computer for more than 3 hours (Lines_of_Code) / (Hours_of_Sleep) < (Number_of_Energy_Drinks_Consumed) Every time you look at your clock, you see a power of 2 (6:40, 1:28, 2:56, 5:12, 10:24) You're pressing CTRL+S every 5 minutes, in every application.. You end each line you type with ";", even plain english ones; You code your own support software for the digital camera you just bought When your significant other mentions having kids you lecture her on the disadvantages of multiple inheritance. MSVC opens on startup. Whenever somebody asks you to do something, you try to think of a way to write a program that would help you. You have 2 bookshelves filled with programming books in your room... because the 5 shelves in the living room are full. You know the following sequence by heart: 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 65536 131072 You read The Tao of Programming...and relate. You need an intercom for downstairs to tell your parents / girlfriend / wife / whatever to get you more JOLT. When you take a break from programming, and program. When you can say with a great level of confidance that you have written more lines of code than english. You wake up in the middle of the night with the solution to your coding problem. Your 4 year old son has seen you login and out of Windows and Linux so much that he can do it himself. You are the only one who knows what the difference is between a coder and a programmer. You have more groceries inside your keyboard than in your fridge. You have a toothbrush next to your monitor. You watch a tv sitcom and think "I could write an algorithm that writes the scripts for these things" You sit stuck at traffic lights and work out a more efficient algorithm for them, based on road orientation, sensor placement, time of year, time of day, weather and local sporting events, in your head. The people you respect most you have never physically seen or spoken to, but you always bow to their knowledge. Your family informs you than you should go and make some more friends ...so you start coding AI routines. You consider 'drinking caffeine' and 'sleeping' to be synonyms. You can write 'Pong' in any language for any OS (or even NO OS) in under 4 minutes. You get drunk\high\otherwise intoxicated just for a different coding experience. You think of sex as an algorithm. Sunshine genuinely hurts your eyes. You actually feel like crap from getting 8 hours of sleep, that just so unnatural You can't help but squeeze math and research topics in while sweet-talking to a girl. You have a "hacker's manicure" (i.e. huge calluses on all your fingers) When you die you want "Hello world" carved into your headstone You keep old computers around and boot them up every once in awhile for the nostalgia. You would like to have an Aibo to see if you can run Linux on it. Your mother phoned you to see if you were still alive, and you responded "ping". You look at your old code and cringe You got a D in Computer Programming class because you where coding a plasma effect instead of a "Hello World!" program You read books on quantum physics and time-travel to relax. When someone asks you your favorite color, you give the RGB code in binary. No one else can ever use your computer, as it is tweaked so much only you know how to use it. The first time you use another person's computer it takes you less than 30 seconds to completely disable all useless programs from running at boot and uninstalling all the ad-ware the fools had on the system. You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends who are addicted to coding.
Man, These programs are the BEST! Except.COMET CURSOR IS SPYWARE!!!!!!!!I'm serious they spy on you like crazy, I had it on my old computer!Along withe 4000 other spyware products lol
Omg I got the newest model! My parents only let me get the best!!!It's Called!!!:The none cellphone 2005 ;_;They won't lemme have one ;_;
Its like this:I triy to install phpBB on my site, but it says installation failed!!!When I try anything else, it doesn't work!!!HELP! please!
How Would I Go About Making A Message Board? Yep
jwcgator replied to jwcgator's topic in General Discussion
I tried it, but it gives me an installation error everytime! Edit: UGGHHH! I even tried Invision Boards!!! Invision says that it installed good! but here is the link: this is the link -
Thank you all, but I fixed it!jwcgator.astahost.com/boardsTHANK YOU ALL!
Help! Please! I cant get the password to work
jwcgator replied to jwcgator's topic in General Discussion
you don't understand, i got my new cpanel password from an e-mail, copied it, then copied something else without saving it and then I had realized what I had done!