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Posts posted by Meskaline

  1. Happy New Year! :) I hope you had a nice holidays time! I dont want to seem to be pessimist but the last days of 2004 were tragical... especially in Asia. 2004 ended badly and so started 2005...! I'd love to say 2005 will be a better year but I dont think it will :) Even if we'd to our best to make it the best year ever, there are so many things we cannot control like the natural disasters and the wars all over the world and else...Somehow, I'll try to enjoy 2005 the best I can! Hope everyone will do so! :rolleyes:

  2. Well well well... Believe or not, I found Xisto because of my lack of sleep! :rolleyes: I was actually looking for the best host possible through a list of free hosts and when I read "Xisto" it made me think about an old old joke between a friend and I... so I clicked :) And personaly... I think Xisto is the best one I could have found! I prefere, by far, "the post to host" concept than having to pay to be hosted :) Plus, Xisto is high rated on all the references website!

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