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Posts posted by travis

  1. For creating web based things Windows XP is a good system to have with Studio 8 and CS 2 available for it. As a server and as a catalyst for a web browser any version of Windows stinks because you really need to dabble and waste processor power on security hogs like Norton and SpySweeper.

    yeah i agree to that, me i don't use any protection programs except like kaspersky its lite and friendly...

  2. http://ipodlinux.org/
    I have completely transformed my old photo iPod into a video playing, gameboy emulating, scripting machine! Yes, you can actually play uncompressed .avi videos on a photo iPod. I'm not saying that you can play new Gameboy Advance games or NDS games, but the developers at iPodLinux have created an emulator to run the roms of original gameboy games. The controls are placed around the touch wheel. You touch (not press) the upper-left corner for the "A" button, the upper-right corner for the "B" button, the lower-left corner for the "Start" button, and the lower-right corner for the "Select" button. I've been a part of the iPodLinux community for a while, and I've watched it grow and grow. And things only get better :)

    If you have an iPod of any kind, from the first generation black and white screened to the latest fifth generation video iPods, I highly suggest checking this out!

    Nothing else to say than WooooW, i didn't no you can do that but thanxs for the link dude :P

  3. My girlfriend and her sister just got this laptop because their parents bought a new one. They are going to use it to do homework, messenger and look up the internet. They gave it to me so that I can fix it because it has windows 98 and it is really slow. If I would like to install windows xp on it I would have to get another 64 megs of ram, otherwise it would be running on lower than recommended but still accepted by xp.
    I then thought about using Linux, but right now there are so many distributions that I dont know which one I should try, and even if I should try it. I dont know if there is some sort of program that can work like messenger for linux. I know there is open office though. I dont know if there will be the drivers for it either.

    Do you think I should buy ram for it and install windows xp? Or should I try Linux and just give them a guide on the basic programs they would use?

    Another plus for installing linux would be that it would sort of be free of more viruses compared to windows. Ive already told them not to open suspicious mail or files, but sometimes a virus ends up in the pc when I check it.
    :) The specifications of the laptop:

    amd k6 500 mhz
    64 mb of ram
    4 gb of disc space
    Thanks in advance for any advice given. :P

    definitely Linux its light safe and you can do nearly anything with it.... even if you
    have the slowest computer on earth... :P

  4. Well Windows Vista is finally nearing its completion of the beta testing stage.The latest build is 5600 RC1.
    Then there will be another Release Candidate RC2.
    Finally in 2007 it will be out for the public.

    I found some screenshots on the Latest 5600 RC1 Build:


    Hope you like them.

    Also i heard that the Ultimate Vista Version would be around $400.
    Thats a bit expensive but i will go for it.

    RC1 is really nice I've tried it and i even did some personal modification if any body's interested...
    iff you noticed something that the new Vista RC1 is much more lighter the XP maybe i am wrong, but
    thats what i get on my PC...
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