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Posts posted by Yoicks

  1. I don't like Bush or Kerry but I would rather had Kerry as president as a lesser of two evils. Having said that, I don't think Kerry would have been any different from Bush. It would have been political suicide if he overturned Bush's policies, especially the war on Iraq. I think most American would not want their troops to be pulled out of Iraq at this stage, they would rather have the troops to finish the job. It also would have been to do something quick about the economy and unemployment, these things take ages to fix.


    Like always, I must differ in my views. :rolleyes:


    Ok...no, neither of them is good. But Kerry WOULD have been different.


    1. Pulling out of Iraq would certainly not be political suicide. Polls show that most Americans are now against the war. And want our troops to be pulled out (for good reason, if I may say so myself). They'd rather keep the troops alive, thank you very much. Oh, and there's always the fact that it will be near impossible to finish the job.


    2. No, there's not a quick fix for the economy. But Kerry could have started to make it better...instead of worse. Bush pulled the US Eco. from a record surplus to a record...deficit. I think Kerry could do better.


    All for now, then... :)

  2. And so...what do I listen to... *thinks*Folk music. It's great...so...happy!Bluegrass. I know...plunk, plunk.Punk *old school*. Greenday, Antiflag, the Offspring, Rise Against. The REAL punk, in my opinion. :rolleyes: Blues/Rock. Three words for you: The Black Keys.Jazz. Everything from Norah Jones to Buddy Rich Big Band...I LOVE jazz of all types.New Age. Creepy...but cool.Classical. Chopin, Beethoven, Debussy...aaaaah. So relaxing.Classic Rock. Heh...sometimes old is good.And I'd say that that pretty much covers all of the MAIN genres. I just don't like modern country, and rap. Yeah. :)

  3. I'd say that it's probably normal...I mean, if other people are sad...you get sad. It's only natural to feel sympathetic.I've been to funerals and stuff...where I didn't know/care about the deceased...but because everybody else was sad, so was I. And it IS amazing how just chatting with a HAPPY friend makes a bad time so much better.Ah, the wonders of the human nature. Oh yeah. It's a cool thing. :rolleyes:

  4. It is quite cool. I mean, I can get into good discussions with smart people and not have them...kill me, or inflict massive physical pain. :rolleyes: And, even though I don't QUITE have my hosting yet, I'm really looking forward. I mean...free host with CPanel, PHP, MySQL, etc...wow. It's awesome.And the post requirement, even for those that DON'T enjoy this type of forum thing...it's pretty easy to meet, I'd say. 10 minutes a week. That would be ALL.It's a good deal, I'd say. A very good deal. :)

  5. Ok, question to everybody? Do you know if Photoshop 7 has an included image splicer?...I used to have PSP and it had a good one, that generated code for a layout, too. I was kinda wondering...because if not, I really should find a free one online...Which brings me to my next question...any good splicer/code generator out there, that's free? I really could use one...it makes things go so much faster...I mean, doing everything in notepad and all. :rolleyes: Thanks in advance to all repliers, then. :)

  6. Yes, Christmas shopping is stupid. Wasting all our money on things that people don't need. Oh joy.It'd be nice if we could all celebrate the holiday by giving our hard earned money to something that really mattered...like people who literally couldn't eat. That'd be a little more worthwhile.Otherwise, we just continue serving our rich selves...*tisk tisk*Plus...I'm a thrifty guy...so that pretty much covers it. :rolleyes:

  7. Feminism is sexism in action. Sexism against men, women wanting to make us their bďtches. If you can't make that connection, well, you're more ignorant than I though. Again, words are offensive depending on their use. It depends on what context I was called a dog. If someone called me a dog because I have sex every night, have everything I'd ever need, and willfully speak my mind no matter what others think, then I'd take it as a compliment. If I called a girl a "chick" because I considered here a cute, cuddly person that I want to hold and take care of, then, that's a compliment in itself. Catch my drift?


    I'll defend you Milk, whoever you are!


    Sidenote: Yes, I AM I guy.


    1. Feminism is NOT sexism in action. This notion is, in fact, completely ridiculous. I mean, c'mon. True feminism only wants to level the playing field, keep the sexes equal. And this, if I'm not mistaken, is what Milk is advocating.


    To use an example...the civil rights movement. Just because blacks were fighting for more rights didn't mean that they somehow SUPPORTED racism...they wanted to end it. Same thing here.


    2. Language is very important. Calling somebody a 'chick' can, in fact, be demeaning. It doesn't matter whether you are complimenting her or not, if she takes it wrong, then you're in the wrong. It's a matter of perception. Don't be blinded into thinking that just because YOU think it's ok, then everybody else would.


    3. Women don't want 'to make us their *BLEEP*es'. Again, they want a level playing field. I mean, what's wrong with a guy cooking, or a woman construction worker? Absolutely nothing! We've just been taught that it's wrong for this to happen by society. And look what else society has taught us throughout the years... (slavery, anyone?)


    So, in conclusion, give people like Milk a break. All they want is equal rights. And you demeaning them, just like you are now, just makes it worse. You support the wrong construct of society. Be sensitive...even though society may tell you not to be.

  8. Im 16,  And when i turn 18 and graduate highschool i am joining the Army Rangers ( Army Special Forces ) ok well in school today these girls were saying that they are so against the war and they hate the soliders over there , and how they think they are stupid.  Yeah well kiss my but.  I mean omg they are dieing over there so you can have a better life.  and not all of them are for what they are doing either but they have to do it.  I mean i guess its ok to be against the war but at least show your respect for our counrty and give the Soldiers over there .  They are fighting for you Remember that.  So next time you hear that or if you feel that.  Stand up for them or Stop thinking that i mean The Draft will soo be re enstated ( im against the draft ) and most of us will probaly be over there ya know ( that is if you live in america ) so please all im asking is Show your Respect


    Ok, I'll gonna go back to what this discussion/thread was originally about. So...let's get this party started...


    1. Power to you for joining the Army. It's a free country, do what you feel is right.

    2. The soldiers are not dying over there so that we can have better lives...in this case. They're dying because of the whim of a power hungry group of neo-cons...and oil, mind you. Yes, it's not their fault. But I still won't buy into patriotic stuff.

    3. While it's great to show respect to soldiers, why would I have to show respect for my country? After all, 'respect for the country' is what helped the Nazis stay in power for so long. They had the most patriotic state...ever. Remember that much.

    4. Please don't say that 'hate' somebody just because they disagree with you. Everyone is always gonna have different opinions...especially in politics. So it's best just to shrug it off. Living in Kansas, USA (and being a liberal), I know what it means to be in the minority. And getting heated about it is the worst thing possible..


    But yeah. That's about all I had to say. Rant over. :rolleyes:

  9. Don't get SP2!Wow...if you can at all avoid it, do. Before I got SP2 (even with XP), my computer NEVER crashed...or did so maybe once every 3 months. Now it does it regularly (with SP2).And the firewall is a completely different story. It limits connections that can be established by P2P software (at least the kind that I have, which isn't cool), and it blocks stupid stuff like Firefox! I mean...that's a freaking browser, and it gets blocked!Argh...I hate it. And I've read tons of stuff that says that SP2 just makes your computer more vunerable to attacks. If it wasn't for PCCillin'...I would probably be in big trouble.

  10. I've got (I think), 6 invites to wonderful old Gmail just sitting around. And although they're fresh now, Gmail really doens't have great refrigeration...and so they're rapidly spoiling. I'd be very appreciative if somebody decided to PM me and give me a hand, or two.Or email me: misplaced.not.lost@gmail.comAnd guess what? They're absolutely, 100% free for whoever. Enjoy!And once you've got one...would you like fries with that? :rolleyes:

  11. Multiplayer games are better, then what online games and multiplayer games are not the same!? :rolleyes: they have diference :)


    Hehe, yes they are different.


    And with that difference in mind...I'd say that online games aren't as good as offline games...generally. There are so many of 'em out there...I don't know how you can but a brand on all of them. There are some that are quite fun and excellent...but most aren't.


    BUT, if you mean multiplayer games...no contest. They're so much better and are more fun.


    Or, just find a good freeware game or two. Then you'll be good.

  12. Honestly, it's really hard to find a good free MMORPG these days...at least a graphical one. If you can deal with just reading...try some text based ones...better quality gameplay, even though it's just boring text. Fun, though, as long as you don't get confused.I've played lots of the games mentioned above...but none really work. Fairyland was fun for a while, but there's really no purpose except beating up bugs. And that's it. And there were alot of 'em w/ flakey servers, which is never cool, either.However...I'm gonna go try some that Zenchi mentioned. Thanks! :rolleyes:

  13. Ok, I guess that it's time for me to go against the grain, here.I'd recommend (if you're alright with something that's not 'mainstream') that you use the SimpleMachines forum system.simplemachines.orgIt free, and although it may not be the easiest to deal with, it is easily the most powerful. Great features, everything. Very customizable.Anyways, I've seen it used on many a site and the people who use it are basically awe-struck. Try it out, if you're up for a fun time. :)

  14. Alright, I've been an avid Photoshop user for quite a while now, basically teaching myself (and so I don't really know everything that there is to know), but I'm quite good w/ effects and everything like that. However, I'm wondering about drawing.Specifically, lines. I'm good at drawing like that in PSP, but Photoshop...I'm lost. When I need to draw...I have to make shapes and give them colored borders...it's sad.Anybody know (if they understand me) what I can do?

  15. Honestly, I think it's almost impossible to find a 'good' free graphic design program. I searched for a very long time, and I really got nothing. If somebody needs something decent, get Paint Shop Pro. And Photoshop is even better (the best, in my opinion...and what I've got).I dunno, maybe I'm biased. After all, I've been using Photoshop for quite a while now...and nothing comes close. :)

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