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Posts posted by -bLiNd-

  1. Schools areen't what they were in the old days. My little cousin is in the same school that I was a few years and i've heard some shocking stories!He told me they buy and sell drugs aswell as alchol and smokes. I seriously hope he isn't part of it!He also said they are abusing other student, ASWELL as the teachers. Whats gonna happen to our little world if this keeps up?But, Like i said, schools aren't what they were like the old days, especially not when they sell drugs alchol and any illegal materials!

  2. i think china has the biggest population in the whole world. Although I am from the country where the sun always shines the brightest, the country is called South africa and its really not that of a bad place most people are friendly and always smiles. I think the people who has been here will agree with me...

  3. :) A very interesting topic!!I would like to live in action games, such as Resident Evil, Grand Theft Auto San Andreas and Silent Hill.Then Also in games that are more relaxing such as The Sims!Then Some cool games like Pokemon, Yugi-Oh and Digimon World 2!I think it would be great if can live one day in a game LoL, though are we allow to use cheats if we live there :P:P
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