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Posts posted by paperbag

  1. there has to be more than one universe, but before anyone gets on me allow me to explain, if space just keeps expanding, which in theory it is, how would it be expanding if it was already the only thing in exsistance? i mean if it is expanding where is tyhe point of didfference from where it has started and where it is now? is there just nothing outside the expansion, even so, would this nothing be considered another universe anyway, because of it not being the universe, than it would have to be something else, also, i dont think there is infinate universes, i think there is just two, the one we are in, and an alternate mirrored universe, like ying and yang it keeps our universe nin check, as do we thiers, i just find any other concept ilogical, but thats just one guys opinionalso like abover, i would recomend donnie darko to anyone with any questions about the concept of reality. also it is a real entertaining trip

  2. No.
    The reason that there is no "free energy" isn't because we haven't looked, it's because it's theoretically impossible, as far as we currently know. Of course, as I said, it's in theory, so it may be possible though a means we haven't discovered yet.

    I say "yet" because a company, Steorn, claims to have discovered a perpetual motion machine using magnets that has a 300% energy efficiency and the parts that it consists of never wear out. Now before someone scoffs and gives me a witty rebuttle that implies that with intelligence and gulliability being inversely proportional the latter is the the smaller in my case, first wait and see how it turns out. Steorn has nothing to gain from making such an ellaborate hoax (they have spent around a million dollars in advertising and many millions more in development of their "discovery", and with all that, they are NOT accepting any investments, which means they are only losing money on this, as far as can be seen). They have challenged a panel of 12 physicists, which will be chosen from some 3000 scientists that have offered their abilities, to view a demo of their invention and determine if their claims are true or false. If anything, I believe that they think they have found something. They may be mistaken and their creation may not work as they think it does, but I highly doubt that they are flat-out lying. In any case, keep an eye on the website and news and see how things turn out.

    According to their website, there are three phases:

    Phase I Current Phase: Confirm that the Steorn technology has a coefficient of performance greater than 100%.

    Phase II Current Phase: Confirm that the operation of the Steorn technology does not affect the component parts of the technology.

    Phase III Current Phase: Carry out a full thermodynamic analysis of the technology.

    Remember, even the Law of Thermodynamics is just a theory. An extremely well-proven theory, but a theory nonetheless. It is possible that we could be mistaken, that the law doesn't apply in all cases, as previously suspected, or that the law is not actually being broken and the energy output is coming from a source that we are just currently unable to detect.

    The company is currently not releasing the details while patents are pending. After all, if they DID figure out a way to make free energy that could power everything from cell phones to cars and never, EVER have to be refueled or recharged, there are lots of people who would jump to steal such a thing. They have to keep their interests in mind as a business as well.

    Once again, I recommend that everyone hold off their skepticism until the results are published in a few months. State your opinions, but avoid being insulting with them, since none of us here are aware of the details of such a device, and so none of us can really say whether or not it is real. Personally, I would like to see it be true, but I must admit I think it's unlikely, however I will remain open-minded until the results are published.

    i think its great how u really know your stuff, i havent been a member but a maybe an hour, and pretty much everywhere i go you have some elaborate response, which i always find very interesting, magnets are pretty great

    also, i checked out their website, i think they have something, and like you said, they have no reason to make it up

  3. music is pretty much anything that produces noise such as idk a drinking fountain , watever, it just depends on who is listening to it, and what they find interewsting about it, music can be anything, not just the stuff that they regurgitate on mtv, they had so much of that stuff they had to make a whole new channel for the other stuff lolonce again, im notorious for my spelling errors, since i am a quick typer, and by no means a perfectionist so give me a break :)

  4. yeah i agree 3ds max is a very nice program i used it to reneder maps for halo ce ( custom edition) it has pretty m uch limitless features, but 3ds max 8 is priced at about 400 dollars, which i would never pay unless i needed it,great job on the tire by the way, the chrome may need some work, but it looks good to me

  5. i agree , everyone should just slow down a little and not be so into all the labels kids are being branded with, most of the time they just talk and react just to fit in, and usually the things they are trying to do to fit in sometimes are obviously the wrong decision, every new generation is just going to keep getting worse, parents keep giving their trust to tyhe child little by little, and so when that child has kids, they will give them the kind of trust thast their parents gave them, and them give their kids just a little more slack, eventually, this will just lead to our nations downfall, but i guess we brought this apon ourselves,also, that thing ur buddy on the bus said, cracked me up when i read it, see what i mean even i am doing exactly what i believe everyone else is doing, it is pretty much inebitable( i prolly spelt the word wrong, but you can prolly get it) lol :)

  6. and if that doesnt work, this seems a tad drstic, but i had the same problem before, but i also had other problems, so i unistalled and reinstalled itunes, and it fixed everything right up, but whatever works for you :) if im posting this in the wrong section im sorry, just tryin to help out

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