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Everything posted by mwbouwkamp

  1. That is exactly what I am looking for. I just hope they don't fix the IE6 "bug" that makes this possible. Also, I started with my post that frames are no longer used a lot. Why is that anyway!
  2. What I mean is, that I want the menu to stay in place also when I scroll down.
  3. It is getting close. The only thing I would prefer is that you don't see any movement. I just want a static menu that is not moving, but which stays positioned at one particular spot on the page.
  4. Hi,So apparently frames are not done anymore. The nice thing about frames was, that you could have a nice menu, which was always positioned at the same spot. I am currently constructing a Joomla page, as I am working on a website that has to be eddited by people that don't know too much about html. Is there any way to get a menu that does not move while scrolling down? Please help.Marco
  5. Just for "fun" I switched on the warnings and I got the following warning: Even if I move the "session_start()" to the top of the page and it is the first php command (you can see from the warning that it is on line 8), I still get this warning. ~M Notice from BuffaloHELP: Use the proper bbcode and do not sign off with every post. We all can see who made the reply.
  6. My script now starts with "session_start()". The problem is, that each time I reload the page, it makes a new session instead of using the information of the old session. I have php and mysql installed locally on my computer and there is a session file created in my session directory. The problem is, that its excistence is ignored. Also, accepting cookies is enabled.~M
  7. Once again, my script is not that difficult... but even if it is, I would like to understand what I am doing wrong as that is the only and best way to learn.~M
  8. I have googled this issue a little and it seems that I should start my entire script with "session_start()". The problem is, though, that it regenerates a NEW session, instead of using the old one.~M
  9. I am not doing much different. My script can be summarized as: if (isset($_SESSION['loginname'])) { you are already logged in } else { if (submit) { check if the password and username are valid and if so, you are logged in } else { print the form to login } } The problem is that the first line "if (isset($_SESSION['loginname'])" that is supposed to check if there is a login name in the current session is always returning false, even if there is a session with a loginname in there. ~M
  10. OK, problem solved: Don't install php and mysql, but instead install easyphp. This way most of the settings are already correct and you don't have to dig into the php.ini and the me.ini!
  11. I am using the following code as a login page. I try to start by checking if a session already exists so that people don't have to login each time. The problem is that it is just being ignored. How do I check if a session is already set? if (isset($_SESSION['loginname'])){ print('you were already logged in');}else{ if (submit) { list($users,$passwords,$accounttypes)=GetCurrentUsers($user,$password,$accounttype); $nologin=1; for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($users);$i++) { if (($users[$i]==$loginname) and ($passwords[$i]==crypt($loginpassword,$passwords[$i]))) { $nologin=0; } } } if ($nologin==0) { session_start(); $_SESSION['loginname']=$loginname; print('you are logged in'); } else { print('<form>'); print('<br />Username: <input type="text" name="loginname" size="20">'); print('<br />Password: <input type="password" name="loginpassword" size="20">'); print('<br /><input type="submit" name="submit" value="login">'); print('</form>'); }} Notice from BuffaloHELP: Use proper bbcode
  12. If you read the beginning of my original post... I did install the latest version...
  13. This is the error message:Unable to connect to the database because: Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL clientI do still have a user (root) and I am still able to create new users (both using the mysql command line and by using mysql administrator). Also both services are up and running.M
  14. Add it to a ring is a good idea... the only problem is that it is a (for many people) boring page about the research that I am performing. There are not many rings for that.
  15. Its good to know that I am not the only one facing this problem. I agree a new laptop is always nice, but also a lot of money (in case you want to have a decent one). I am not sure yet how expensive it is going to be. One of the bad things is that there are currently two blocks of 256 Mb in there I think (although I can only find one of the blocks) and so to upgrade, I actually might have to buy two blocks of 512 Mb and through out my blocks of 256... so that would make it more expensive.M
  16. Does anyone know how long one usual has to wait untill their page is picked up by the google robot that adds your page? I already added my page a couple of weeks ago, but still my page is not showing up yet when I google myself. I understand that this might not be the fastest process, but it is really too bad that it has to take THAT long...
  17. I am a little hesitant... on one hand I am thinking of buying a new laptop, whereas another option would be to just upgrade it using a little more memory.My laptop has a Mobile AMD Athlon XP 2600+ processor with 512 MB of RAM. On one hand the computer works fine, but I would like it to have a little more power. Sometimes for example I would like to play a nice game on it and this can be problematic.So... I could buy a new one, which will cost me a lot of money, but I can also buy some extra RAM, which would be relatively cheap. On the other hand, I am probably buying a new laptop in a few years anyway. My laptop at the moment is two and a half year old.What are your thoughts...~MPS: never buy a laptop with integrated video card... it sucks!
  18. Do I have the original? Yes and no. I have the original, but my dvd was damaged. The problem is that I moved back from the USA (where I bought the game) to Europe so I have to pay quite a bit of money to get it replaced. Therefore I also downloaded the game.My system meets the requirements (although barely): 512 memory of which 128 is used for graphics (shared card). Anyway... is should work that way...M
  19. I can assure you that it is necessary to change things in both ini files. There are a lot of setting incorrect or not set when you try to run php and mysql on a windows machine. As far as mistakes in the code is concerned, I basically copy-pasted the code I used from a website, and as I told you it used to work. I was trying to play around with using a web-page to create new users when I noticed that a user that I already made earlier did not have the permission to make new users even though I granted all to that particular user. Then I decided to delete the user and try again. That's when the problems started. It doesn't work anymore when I creat the user with both the mysql command line and with the mysql administrator. Marco
  20. There are forums on books, health, and other subjects. I do miss a very important one though: music! Shoudn't there be a special one for music as well?
  21. I just installed tomb raider legend. I really would like to play the game, but I have two problems:1) The game is feezing during the first movie2) When I skip the movie, I can play the game, but the problem is that the landscape is screwed upIs there anyone else with the same problem? Please help!~M
  22. I installed the new version of both php and mysql on my computer and I am trying to work on a database. The problem is the following. Even though I have the latest version of both php and mysql, and I have created users in the new mysql version, I still get the problem that I get an error message about authentication problems. I have no clue what I am doing wrong. It did work for a short period of time, but somehow it is no longer working. Is there anyone who has a tutorial on how to install both php and mysql? I have the feeling that there are a lot of settings in my.ini and php.ini that are hard to find and hard to understand. Any help would be highly appreiciated.Marco
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