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Posts posted by mrkill47

  1. i use dreamweaver MX2004.front page is awful... i mean really awful, its utter crap, BUT its easy to use. frontpage makes building web pages as easy as creaing word docs. however, its not very standards compliant and from a professional point of view, it shouldnt be used.if you want to be professional, use dreamweaver... its "industry standard". its what all the pro's use I guess.there are probably some other editors out there that are just as good as DW tho. but its best to hand code your pages (i do - in DW's code view)... thats professional. as this gives you total control and its also helpful if you are using a programming language or complicated scripted language.

  2. this is for broadband users only!!


    ive already done the tweak ages ago. believe me, it works a treat. it really does work, pages do load 2/3 times faster.


    try it if you have firefox and you are on broadband. you really will be amazed.


    however, if you have dial up, DONT do it as it will have the opposite effect.


    ElBandoneonWEbsite, this tweak isnt the same as that - just to clear things up.

  3. SuperScript, I think I know why you're saying this; I'm guessing you're a business user who only use Microsoft Office, Outlook Express, Window Media Player and Internet Explorer and that's it. Ya, by running those, Windows have a 99.5% not crash. If you run other things than the percentage will drop to 60-70% which is not good.




    lol u linux user :rolleyes: i kno M$ make some *BLEEP* products sometimes, but winxp isnt that bad. its just got quite a lot of security holes.


    i actually find it pretty stable, and i play games on it, run a web server and a shoutcast server (online radio broadcasting).


    it doesnt crash often either, in fact i cant remember the last time it crashed :)

  4. right, the first reason i hate it is because it has a splash page suggests that it was designed for IE 6.0 & 1024.768 screen res.i consider that wrong. you should design your site for all browsers and screen resolutions...the actual design doesnt look too bad. but its a bit... well generic. you need to sort out that side bar on the left, its a bit messed up (images not aligned correctly) but maybe thats coz im using firefoxthe font is a bit too small as well, increase it to say 10pt.and make headings bigger than body text as wellum...thats all for now :rolleyes:

  5. It seems that many of you have chosen Gmail.  It is very interesting because at first I thought most of the people would choose Yahoo Mail.  Why is Gmail so attractive to you?  Is the speed of the Gmail faster than Yahoo Mail and Hotmail?

    I would like to have an account if anyone of you have spare invitations left.


    Brian, PM me your first name, last name and email address and i can send you an invite :rolleyes:


    i think the fact that it was associated with google (the best search engine :)) made it popular and thats why lots of people wanted one.


    plus once you actually try the service, you'll come to realise how great it is.


    oh yea, and the space, how can u forget the space, a whole gigabyte of storage, no other free email service gives you that much space.


    and POP access :)

  6. i dont think its possible to edit a swf file with flash.you will need the .fla file if you want to edit it.then with flash, you can export the .fla file as a .swf and upload it again. however it sounds as if you dont have the .fla file, so i dont think its possible for you to edit it.btw, the trial version of flash doesnt let you export files or save them anyway, so ur prolly wasting your time :rolleyes:

  7. Personally I like the Hotmail user interface better than Gmail's. It looks nice even with many many e-mails. It's eye pleasing. Gmail looks a little ugly with many e-mail inbox in your inbox.


    Feature wise Gmail wins. You just try it and you will know. But I will still vote for Hotmail because it is more developed as a web mail and is more integrated. Gmail is good but it will still be a long way before Gmail can catch up with MSN. Furthermore, more people use MSN messenger to talk. You can also be alerted of any new mail. For Gmail, I know there is a Gmail desktop notifier. I am using it too. But the only thing it does is to inform you of new mail but it takes up a certain amout of system resources. MSN messenger is more effecient. I am currently using Gmail along with my MSN account. The only reason when I will totally switch to Gmail is when it is more integrated into the web as not just web mail but a communication tool. (E.g MSN Messenger)


    I'll go for Hotmail. But still, work hard Gmail team. You still rock!


    sorry mate, but ive gotta disagree with just about everything youve just said!!


    gmail looks a lot better than hotmail - its simple and its not cluttered with ads all over the place. but i guess thats opinion.


    you can also use your gmail with msn messenger, all you need to do is get a .net passport for it.


    you can also set up messenger to check your gmail for you as well. i havent actually tried (i use gmail notifier) but wht u need to do is get msgplus. then u need to enable POP access for your gmail (thats something hotmail doesnt give btw).


    i hear what your saying about the integration, but what does gmail have to integrate with?

  8. im not actually hosted yet, but i came across it through one of those sites which large databases with free hosts.this has been getting a lot of good comments, plus ive looked at the features and they offer stuff that not even PAID hosts give, which is excellent.i dont mind having to stay active on the forums, i dont get out much anyway :rolleyes:cant wait to be hosted :)

  9. which amd processor are you thinking of going for?any athlon 64 outperforms the pentium by far, there is just no competition.when it comes to athlon xp vs p4, it depends on the CPU. an xp2800+ could easily outperform a p4 2.8Ghz (without HT ?)the motherboard will depend on what CPU you intend to buy.P4's arent really worth it these days tbh, but it depends on your main use for the computer.

  10. However, all of you folks that say gmail is faster, it's not for me. I have 7% of my inbox filled, and it goes pretty slow.

    my inbox is 22% full and it loads in like 2/3 seconds. im on 1mb broadband connection though, so i dont know about you.

    btw, there are either 2 MS employees in this thread, or 2 morons, according to the poll ;)

  11. the great thing about phpbb is that its free! you have to pay for an invision power board or vBulletin board.

    phpbb is easily customizable, easy to use for admins and users as well

    invision board - you have to pay for, but its also easily customizable and has great features. this seems to be the most popular choice tbh

    vbulletin - again u have to pay for it. if you have a business site, specially one doing e commerce, i suggest this one... makes u look rich and respectable lol. it seems pretty customizable, but i dont like the features for the users. also i havent used this a lot either (as an admin), but tahts just wot i tihnk.

    one forum ive got my eye on is one called ProBB, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . its not yet released are there are no public beta/test versions, but it seems to have the normal features of any board. also the code is valid (you dont get this on any of the 3 mentioned here), which also means it loads pretty fast as well.

  12. ive always gone for AMD, only once i can remember having an intel CPU... i think it was a p133 lolthe main function for my pc is gaming, amd always seems best.if you are on a budget the athlon XP's are great value for money. if money is no object then go for an athlon 64 as its performance cant be beaten by any other processor ;)the intel pentium 4 is crap tbh, i dont see any reason to buy one, they are too overpirced IMOoh yea and the AMD's are easily overclockable

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