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Posts posted by ThatDude

  1. Ok, I have something to say about every post in here.
    I'll go from first to last.

    1. Disses are nothing more than boring. You pretty much wasted your time writting this. It was not complex at all, you had no punchlines, and your delivery was just weak. Structure lacked, and the flow was hardly consistant.

    G Unit, like ALL rap persons (i refuse to call them artists) are pathetic. All rap is is just a black guy ( or a wannabe black guy) talking to a sucky computer-made beat. Lame? Lame.Bands (I mean REAL bands) are real artists. i dont mean rubbish like good charlotte, blink 182, etc. Theres at least three instruments with real music plus vocals with real melody.

    id rather listen to country. at least country music has guitars.

    and for the record, i do not listen to country. it blows.

    Physical instruments when performing does not make music art, when making beats you use those SAME instruments. Instead of having a "band", you have a producer and a vocalist. The producer is the master behind the beat, and the vocalist is the one who tells the "story" to the song.

    Music is all alike, whether it's Rap, HipHop, Country, Rock, Punk, or anything else.

    Rap is not the best form of music, but it is still music. The content usually persist of the same topics, but the artist still write, which is still a form of poetry.

    I totaly agree with isilioth.. I dont like rap.. there is one guy or more of them just fast talking about money, babes and how bad live is for rapers lol.. thats annoying I dont see anything interesting in theyr songs maube some do but I deffinatly not..

    I dont think either of you actually listen to rap music, you may hear the music, but you dont listen to the actual content. Yes alot of rappers talk about money, ho's, and cars, blah blah blah, but that's not all they talk about. Yeah it may seem like it, but it's not. There' are those "thug" / "Gangster" rappers, but there are also educational rappers such as Kanye West, Common, and numerous more artist.

    Okay, rap started as a sort of way to share others poetry. But indeed, some rappers (I dont know why they started that bull shhit), started rapping about money' ho's and cars. And the best part of it all is that they (and people who are fan and try to be them) actually think they are cool or whatever you want to call it. Well hell no.
    Rap like the rappers do who actually try to say something is good, but the hiphop thing nowadays... Can't call them smart or whatever, they talk dumb and talk trash.

    But I do listen to some of that stuff, but I dont listen to the lyrics if its 50 cent or Young Jeezy, I do listen to it when its common, kanye west, or talib kweli. They rap normal things in life. But I do like the hiphop music, even dough it is not as what you said in a band, real music, I think I like the bass and well I dont know, just the beats.

    I agree with you to some point, Rap & HipHop are far from the same musical type. Rap is more stuck to the same content, but HipHop is diverse. You can talk about political issues, or you can talk about drama, or anything else that will make listeners think.

    I kind of took this to offense, because I am a hiphop artist. I dont write about guns, ho's, or none of that. I juss flow to what I kno. I've gone through stuggles all my life, I may talk about it here and there, but what I write about, is what entertains people. I also discuss politics and what not in my songs.

  2. I have done some of what FireFoxRocks was talking about, and they do tend to work. But you can't juss do it every once in a while, you have to stay on top of them.One thing I do that gets alot of traffic to my site is, I am affiliated on rotation under Music on Myspace.com, and I put banners + links on my page, which gets hundreds of views a day, and a majority of the people click to my forums, the only problem is, the free host I was using no longer host forums no more. For one reason or another, I dont kno. I had the most active forum that they had hosted.

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