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Posts posted by webaurores

  1. well, i'm gonna leave the forums and i don't know how could i do to close my opened hosting account.i'm not leaving because these forums sucks or anything, but i just don't have time enough to continue posting regularly and i don't need the hosting anymore.i think that if i don't post for a few weeks, i'll be banned, but i don't want you to think wrong about my situation. so, if a moderator reads this, close my forum (and hosting) account.thanks, Andr?s

  2. what is this " science" 


    science  is not a person, or a thing with only one voice or opinion, there is many theorys is some things the  big bang is a only  a "theory".  that is why they call it big bang theory.

    do you know how complicated life is, every dns in your body has it is own place, it mathematicly imbossilbe to be accident.


    it life reading a 10 million page book and saying the letters in the  book are accidently written.


    and what is religion? another theory! have you ever seen somebody who could do anything he wanted like to kill a cow with a piece of bread or something????

    well, i've seen a lot of physics theroies come true. and i'm sure i have too.

  3. i don't know if it's just me, but every time i check the "last topics" at the bottom of every page, some posts appears twice.

    i don't know if somebody double-posts or the forum script has got a bug...

    for example, now i can read:

    Does Somebody Know Drupal?Join The Best Runescape Clan On Earth
    Join The Best Runescape Clan On Earth
    Uruguay - Departament Elections
    Iis There Money On Net
    Iis There Money On Net

    anyway admins and moderators should check this out.

  4. i've been checking some CMS (Content Managment System, a script to administrate content), and i noticed SpreadFirefox uses a script called Drupal. i checked Drupal's website and downloaded last stable version.
    i've just installed it, and seems fine. but i'd like a review or if somebody can tell me if it's good or bad.
    i don't want to search "drupal review" or something, because results can be manipulated (it's called "google bombing" or something) and hope some one of you can give me any suggestion about it.

    (please, don't post "i don't know, i only use php-nuke" or something. it's ok, but it's not about this post)

  5. i live in Uruguay, a small country in South America, with a population of 3 million people, which had never had a socialist president until last october when Dr. Tabar? V?zquez was democraticaly chosen President.this country is divided in 19 "departaments" (like "states"), and yesterday, sunday, we had our departament elections.Frente Amplio (the left coalition) -socialists, comunists, "tupamaros", etc.- won 7 or 8 departaments (a lot of votes are still being counted), and that means that the most populated regions were won by Frente Amplio. here you can view some data of those departaments:------ Montevideo (the capital city) - 57% for Frente Amplio of 1.044.380 voters------ Canelones - 57.2% for Frente Amplio of 333.347 voters------ Rocha - 47.6% for Frente Amplio of 56.669 voters------ Treinta y Tres - 41.5% for Frente Amplio of 37.336 voters------ Florida - 38.7% for Frente Amplio of 55493 voters------ Paysand? - 44.2% for Frente Amplio of 86048 voters------ Salto - 37.7% for Frente Amplio of 90970 votersthere's a quest in Maldonado, famous for the seaside resort "Punta del Este".28.93% of votes were counted, and theirs result put in second place to Frente Amplio (with 43.7%), but polls said left will win, so it's not clear.if polls would say the truth, left, the (actual) government party would have 73,24% of the population would have a socialist "intendente" (like a "state governor").that's a great improvement for left party, because it would be the first time Frente Amplio won a "departamente" outside Montevideo, which has been governed by the left-coalition for 15 years.--------------------just to make it clearer, i support the left, and have been doing that since i was born, because my parents were members of this party before they met. :( well, the results may change, so tomorrow i might update this information with the final official data.i'll go bed now, it's 6 am here

  6. i used google last saturday midnight. i used google search and gmail, and everything worked fine

    they may write something in their blog, i'll check it...

    well, last GoogleBlog update is about Google Mobile, and that was on friday (5/6/2005 11:23:00 AM), so they haven't blogged anything about that

  7. I've been using this for a few days, it seems to work here and there... most of the time the difference is very little though. in 481 pages I've saved 5.1 min.


    so, if you have saved 5.1 minute per 481 pages, that means...

    that means 1 minute = 94.3 pages.

    result: you every a page and a half you load, you save one second.


    i suppose you're using dial-up connection (just like me), and i don't know too much about acellerator programs (i don't trust any programs which runs while i'm surfing the net, even if it's Google's), but it doesn't seem very fast


    when i find a page which is too slow for my connection (more than 25 seconds for loading), i just go away and never come back. i can find what i was searching somewhere else and the webmasters losses my hit.

    so the solution is to develope designs which are lighter than 120 Kb. it's not so hard, believe me.

  8. $name = $_POST['language'];

    you are using $_POST, so you have to either change $_POST into $_GET or use a form instead a link to choose the language.

    fo example, if you want to choose the lang with a form, you may write:

    <form action="first.install.screen.php" method="post" name="langForm"><p><input type="radio" name="language" value="dan" />Danish<br /><input type="radio" name="language" value="ger" />Germany<br /><input type="radio" name="language" value="eng" />English<br /></p></form>

    if i understood your question right, this sould work

  9. it seems i'm a strategist:

    The four aspects that make up this personality type are:SPONTANEOUS - IDEAS - MIND - INTROVERT

    Summary of Strategists
    Quiet, easy-going and intellectually curious
    Use logical, objective thinking to find original solutions to problems
    Think of themselves as bright, logical and individualistic
    May be impractical, forgetting practical issues, such as paying bills or doing the shopping
    More about Strategists
    Strategists are quiet people who like to get to the heart of tough problems on their own and come up with innovative solutions. They analyse situations with a sceptical eye and develop ways of measuring everything, including themselves.

    Strategists are the group most likely to say they are unhappy in their job, according to a UK survey.
    Strategists are generally easy-going. They are intellectually curious and enjoy abstract ideas. Sometimes they like thinking of a solution to a problem more than taking practical steps to solve it.

    In situations where they can't use their talents, are unappreciated, or not taken seriously, Strategists may become negatively critical or sarcastic. Under extreme stress, Strategists could be prone to inappropriate, tearful or angry outbursts.

    Strategists may be insensitive to the emotional needs of others or how their behaviour impacts the people around them.

    Strategist Careers
    Strategists are often drawn to technical or scientific careers, where specialist knowledge is required. They also seem to enjoy jobs that involve long-term planning, abstract thinking or design.

    Is this your personality type?
    Do you think you think you are a Strategist? Click here to vote and find out how often this personality test gets it right.
    It's important to remember that no survey can predict personality type with 100 percent accuracy. Experts say that we should use personality type to better understand ourselves and others, but shouldn't feel restricted by our results.

    such a fool thing

  10. Use GMail. Because they are now giving 2GB of free mail, but I think more...... probably 2.5 GB


    I think they are planning to open to the public by giving invitations.


    yeah, last time a checked my Gmail account, it says:

    "You are currently using 0 MB (0%) of your 2085 MB."

    and it increases daily


    and a few days ago, Gmail's homepage had a counter with the updated MB number. but it isn't anymore

  11. do you really think topics like these are useful???i don't care if that man says Yahoo is better than Google or Google's better tha Yahoo.Yahoo may be better than Google for someones, and so Google.what is the idea with posts like these? there are hundreds of topics with "Yahoo! vs. Google", "Yahoo Mail vs. Gmail", "Gmail vs. Hotmail", etc.i mean if you want to post Guardian's aticle, title it something that descripts the article or the original title, etc.

  12. well, first, download the official documentation. it's not too useful if you begin, but you always find a something new an dyou don't know what it is, so you can see there.

    also, there is a "Simple Tutorial" in it, but I've never read it.

    download it from php.net.


    then, a good tutorial for starters...

    there is a very basic one in W3Schools, which I had began to read once but couldn't finish it. i think it's good.


    good luck, Andy


    PS: If somebody needs a good PHP tutorial in Spanish, I can suggest many!

  13. It not always too much worrying. If you have researched the stock well and are sure of it giving profits. u don't need to worry. coz.. though it might not give ur good returns in the short term.. but over a longer period it would definitely appreciate in value thus giving good returns...




    High Risk, High Return

    Low Risk, Low Return



    do you know how is that called? speculation!. do you know what does it do? nothing good. you may ask why? because it only adds more difference between social scals.


    how? you see... you invest most a lot of money in a company which you think is strong. and you win a lot! but do you know what? with the money you invested, the company used it to expand its market. how? killing similar companies which had less resources!

    or it may be upside-down! your invested money may not be enough for that company to expand its market, and it may be killed by a larger one.

    and so, the life becomes a "Survivor" programme, in which only the strongest survives. and that's wrong. that's what the imperialism has been doing since centuries, and that's what kills people all 'round the world: Iraq, Sudan, Palestine, Kenia, Checheny, and many other places, which are covered by News Agencies and criminal goverments.


    and if all this still don't care... if you don't care to power the "kill-or-die" law... you should, due to the following:

    why you think petrol's price flies around the planets every day? because of speculation! yes! the fear of Iraq's situation makes petrol companies' association to decrease the production, which means that the price becomes to fly away a little bit more every day, and that is something, i'm sure you care about.



    Don't invest in Microsoft, because it will continue killing smaller companies, like Mozilla (Mozilla Browser, Firefox, Thunderbird, ...) and other ones.

  14. i think the XHTML/CSS solution is too theoric. i mean, it would work with most of your visitors, but not all of them. because MANY people uses old browsers, which doesn't support whether XHTML or CSS.and, sometimes, those browsers aren't too old. check it out on Firefox. it won't work; i tried something similar to it some time ago: i put SEO information about a page in the begging of it (so Google gives it more value), but it looked awful in the layout, so i tried to hide that info with a CSS code like rvovk's, and it didn't work with Firefox (it did with IE5).

  15. hi, i'm from Uruguay. a country which is in Latin America too, between Argentina and Brasil.i haven't visited Ecuador yet, but it seems to be a really nice place.mine is also really, really beatiful. it's got lots of beaches (about 400 Km on the east coast, entertainment places and cultural activities.in the summer, there's as population as visitors due to tourism.finnaly, have fun ( ?que la pases bien! )

  16. A mail notifier can not take place of Messenger. Mail notificaton is just  one function of messenger not only one. So  I don't think that Gmail notifier can solve messenger's problem in any case.

    But it will be very good if Google launches its Messenger becasue I am sure it will be different and useful than others.


    remember Gmail has te conversation function, so a GMessenger wouldn't be such a tool, as you can have a conversation trough mails which is more convenient in many aspects than a messenger.


    i agree that there more IMs on the net that the enough, so if you have a Gmail and want a messenger for that account, go Passport.net and get a free .NET Passport with your Gmail address.

    so, you can use MSN Messenger with it.

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