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About BillyLowman365

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  • Birthday 09/27/1987

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    reading, hanging with friends, and my fav holiday is x-mas.
  1. I was shocked when I awoke on Monday morning and the news was on and I heard them say that Anna Nicole"s son had died at age 20. It saddened me even more when I found out that she had just recently given birth to her first daughter. She had just welcomed one child in the world and now has to bury another.
  2. I was in Art class in middle school. We were working on a refreshers course on drawing human figures. We always had the tv on in the class room so it wouldn't be so quite. I was just about to have to get up in front of the class and demonstrate how to draw the basic shape of the face when the news came on saying that a plane had just crashed into the world trade center. We were all in terrified silence. One of my friends started crying histerically I blindly said that everything was alright then she told me that her sister worked in one of the towers and then the second plane hit and all of our worlds changed forever. Notice from saint-michael: a topic was already made, search the forums better.
  3. My best friend has been going out with this guy for almost ten moths and things were going great at first and then things got a little rocky. She gave her whole heart and soul to this guy. Now he is treating her like crap. He does not call her or even attempt to contact her. They are now on the verge of breaking up and if they do it will kill her.
  4. Silent Hill was so awesome. It really expains the background of the game. Althought they added some stuff to it for movie purposes it was a great movie.
  5. The Beach House was an amazing book filled with a lot of intrigue, mystery, and some lude sexual exploits. It is a real page turner.
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