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Posts posted by Vogue

  1. I have to say that it is one of my pet peeves when guys use pick-up lines as ice-breakers. Here are a few of the stupidest, most juvenile lines that have been used on me??I lost my number, can I have yours???Speak of the devil!...or should I say angel?.??The only thing your eyes haven?t told me is your name.??Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I walk past again???How does it feel being the most beautiful girl in the room???I thought I had died and gone to heaven! But now I see that heaven has been brought to me?I know?really lame huh? :)

  2. Ok?the thing that is bothering me is that guys seem to think that it?s ok to be a ?playa?. IT?S NOT!!! It?s actually really childish and pathetic. It?s as if guys have made up this mutual game between them ? to lie, deceive and break girls? hearts. ?Don?t hate the playa, hate the game? WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THAT??? It really makes me sick! But when the tables are turned and the guy is the one being played?it?s a whole different story.If girls ?play? guys it?s a total different thing ? it?s classified as cheating. When girls cheat their reputations deteriorate, but when guys play it seems like the effect is the complete opposite. PLAYING AND CHEATING IS THE SAME THING!!! They should both not be tolerated because they are both WRONG!!!

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