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Posts posted by Deathinflames

  1. Can you believe that its already going to be 2005!? Wow i still remember when everyone was in panic about the millenium, everyone stocking up the basement with food and water and yea....all that lol. Here we are almost 5 years later and it just seems like 4 years ago was just barely a couple days ago. Is it just me or does anyone one else agree that the time has been flying by faster than usual?

  2. Well, I got some radio controlled UFO for Christmas.  It flies up to 30 feet and is very light.  I love to play with it but I was wondering, why is it called a Radio Controlled UFO when it is controlled by a 'remote'?  Shouldn't they all just be called Remote Controlled or are they called "Radio" Controlled because the Radio waves are what makes the vehicle move?  >_<  I'm so confused!


    Well either way its remote controlled, frequencies are sent to and from a reciever. I guess some people just have to have their way when it comes to naming new things. Thats pretty cool though! i have never seen a remote controlled UFO, ive seen lots of other cool remote controlled things though. Wouldnt it be great to have a remote controlled fly? haha just think of the possibilities! ;)

  3. Its funny yet kinda demoralizing at the same time. Anyone notice as you get older and Christmas comes around, people get to the point where they dont know at all what to get you so they give you money and tell you to go get what you want? I mean its cool, who wouldnt mind getting a little extra cash in their pocket right? But its bad because that only shows you that your getting old..Bah! lol

  4. Man, this is such a fun and RARE game, anyone have it too? I remember reading somewhere that the reason they stopped making it was because it was made in CD-ROM format, and when it spun in the PS2, it would wobble, thus causing a disc read error. Funny thing is there are alot of other games that are in CD-ROM format and they run just fine, i guess there was just something about this game that many PS2 console's out there didnt like eh?

  5. I have been playing counter strike for about a year now, and in my opinion, its simply a classic, and a must have in your collection. Plus there is always Steam! Play counter strike anywhere at any time on any computer with internet ;) The best part about counter strike is how you can make maps for it, its really quite astonishing of what your able to make as far as a 3D world is concerned in the map editor. The only thing i really dislike about the game is you can shoot through walls thats are really thick! And of course all the wretched hackers! ;)

  6. I cant believe no one has even mentioned Estella Warren, mmm so HOT! I think she looked the best in the monkey movie....um what was the name again...Planet Of The Apes, that?s it! She was Chris Christopherson's daughter in the movie. She also was very cute in kangaroo jack, if you seen it, im referring to that part when Charlie and Lewis were in the desert and she came riding in on a camel, ;)


    Posted Image


    Edit: oh im so sorry!, i accidently clicked the new topic button instead of reply, can an admin plz move my post to the "Who is the hottest girl in the world?" post plz, my deepest appologies, it wont ever happen again!

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