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Posts posted by triple6fistdestructionsoulhammer

  1. MLA style and all champ. Happiness is what one should define it as. What is happy to myself may in fact be horrible to you. A state of happiness is momentairy and will soon be forced into a state of sorrow. Now, without making this a huge reply (I should be doing my mid-term paper) happiness can indeed be obtained, it is just a matter of long this seeming state of happy lasts and to what extend it is existing. What if happy were just a chemical reaction anyways? Take it from a totally eliminative materialst perspective. Happy as a result of physical function, nothing more.

  2. To be Holy is to be good, just, and/or perfect. You cannot be these things if you fail. To fail would contradict God's, or a Supreme Being's nature. When something fails to do what it is supposed to do, it is no longer itself, but just worthless, and it gets tossed away, unless it is capable of being fixed. If it is capable of being fixed, it is not perfect. This should have ceased all continuing thoughts. You cannot fail in something if you don't even try to do something.

    Then why all the questions? You should have gotten it to make sense by now. I think what's going on here is that you keep reverting to the, "failure to fail is failure" thought. Doing so will cause confusion, because you seem to just stick to that and forget everything else that is mentioned.

    Oh? How so? Not sure where you're going at with this.


    And are you sure we're not repeating ourselves, just with different words?


    I'm not sure a human being can fully fathom the concept of God, if there is one. Shame on me for going into such a debate. Agree to disagree? The fact is, when it's all done and said, you will still have your ideas, and myself mine.

  3. It seems like we'll just keep repeating ourselves--is what to be expected from paradoxes.
    According to dictionary.com, "power" is the
    Thus, again, not being able to fail at what they set out to do. God, or a Supreme Being would not set out to fail, lest they'd ruin their Holiness or Godliness. So, techniqually, they're not failing at failing, cause they didn't even try to fail. It is extremely unlikely for God, or a Supreme Being to even think about trying to fail. There's a common phrase that goes, "When God acts, who can stop Him?".

    There is no repeating after the period. This is not a hard concept to comprehend. To fail at failing is failing, simply put. Why wouldn't a God set out to fail? What in your logic infers this? To fail would not deminish their assumed holiness if they willed to do so. You point at that it is unlikely for a God to ponder failure, but that does not eliminate all possibility. That phrase is indeed apt, assuming God is what you seem to think he or it may be. It seems you are falling victim to a catagory mistake with omnipotence here.

  4. Here's a quote that might be able to make more sense of this so-called paradox:

    I don't fully understand why an all powerful being can not fail. What if this being, of all power, does in fact decide to fail at some point in time? This leads to the possibility of willed-failure. There is no absurdity here at all my friend. This paradox can be as complicated as one should decide to make it and this quote over simplifies it. An all powerful being can fail. The ability to not fail is failing at failing. Therefore, casuing a degree of faliure. Omnipotence does imply unlimited power, so why not the power to fail? Explaine this to me if you will. If the ability to fail is not a part of omnipotence, then this diety is not compltely omnipotent.

  5. Being that there seems to be some opinions regarding religion here, I was curious to see how this paradox could be approached. To put it metaphorically: Could a divine being create a rock so heavy that even the divine being itself could not lift it?

  6. Not everyone shares the morals you seem to have for yourself. Who ever said that this wasn't supposed to happen? I see how you could be offended by a phrase of sorts but please understand not everyone shares your view on sex and life. Some find sex to be enjoyable and when both partners consent and are responsible, then they justify it for themselves. You know, I hope this is what the world is becoming. People may find more fun in sex than blowing each other up....there is really nothing to do but take this stuff in!!!

  7. calm down, don't go all hitler on us or anything triple. lol :)
    I think that we all can do more to help save the planet, but to be perfetly honest as a people it is the greedy industrialists who are to blame. I'd love to buy bio-degradable plastic-like bags and have all my foods packaged in them. but the companies all like to package their porducts in plastic which isn't soo great. don't destroy the human race, just destroy the corporate fat cats and industrialsits and get some people who are more "green" to take their place!

    Haha, I don't really see what Hitler has to do with this matter. I am not focusing on the elimination of a group of people, I am looking at the complete destruction of human kind. This was a joke more than anything else. Sheer bordum between classes.

  8. By sense data do you mean data from the senses? Meaning that the world is infact "made up" of data in the senses, which is similar to what i mean about reality beinng an illusion in the mind.

    Well, take this as an example if you will; A man in the desert comes to an oasis, but this oasis is a mirage. There is not really a oasis there, but something is still being seen. It does not exist in a physical or material form, but it still exists. That thing that exists is a sense-data. If you are interested in learnign more about the concept of sense-data, perhaps start with A. J. Ayer who is a philosopher who talks of the subject.

    Now, the way we take in the world is through our senses. We see, we smell, touch, hear, and so on. Our senses take in this information, process it and interpret. This information exists within us for a ver small amount of time and is then project outwards to experience. This experience of materail is our sense's data of that material. So according to Ayer and other philosophers, we only experience the data of the world, our interpretations of the world, and not the actual material object.

  9. This could go into a whole bit on sense-data as well. Something may not exist in a material sense but something is indeed there and that something is sense-data. There are ideas that we do not directly percieve the materail world and only percieve this sense-data. Now with schizophrenia, it may very well be "tuned" into something. I really haven't read much on how or why schizophrenia works and I'm a psych major. Nobody seems to be able to provide any agreeable answers to my knowledge. If anybody knows anything, I would love to find out more.

  10. Selfishness is natural. If creatures were not selfish, they would have no will to exist and would die.
    Humans aren't a scourge that came to this innocent planet to take it over. We supposedly evolved here, which would make us a natural process. While some animals have sharp teeth, some have poison, some have claws, we have sentience. It just seems our natural defense outdoes that of most animals in the long-run, but that doesn't mean that we are any less animals fighting to survive in a cruel ecosystem.

    As has been said, humans do not possess any negative attributes that animals do not also possess.

    As for eradicating humanity, many in the past have tried to help do that (i.e. Adolf Hitler), and yet I'm pretty sure you do not support his work, even if it may have helped humanity in the long run by thinning out the numbers and creating a race that is much less disease-ridden (no offense meant to those not of the Aryan race, that was not my point nor my intention).

    I don't quite see the connection between being selfishness and a will to live. One has to believe in many aspects of evolution to accept we evolved here in a natural process. I do not share that view and I do not take a Christian perspective. I agree that there were in fact several individuals that tried to eradicate humanity as you said, but what was their motive in doing so? I feel there is quite a difference in eliminating a race due to their race and the removal of human kind as a whole. As I said in an prior reply, this isn't an idea I would go support and make any stratigic plans to make it a reality. It was simply put to provoke thought on a subject. Perhaps by reviewing the nature of its content, one could explaine as to why humanity really "doesn't" need to be destroyed. We all seem to be able to claim we don't want it to happen, but why?

  11. Humans have become a scourge on this planet. I shall not resort to the clich? of the cockroach comparison, though it may well be apt. In truth we are more akin to the locust, we descend upon and devour, destroying all we come into contact with. We destroy entire ecosystems for resources to build frivolous things. We hunt and kill other animals for our own amusement. When we do not needlessly devour the flesh of these things we display them as trophies, cruel mockeries of nature. When not inflicting misery on all the other living species that surround us, we torture each other. We murder our own far more than any other animal on the planet. When shooting or beating or strangling isn?t enough, we build weapons that inflict horrifying plagues, or worse, nuclear weapons capable of destroying our planet many times over. Despite our self-destructive nature we breed far into excess, building harmful habitats that pollute and sprawl like vast scar tissue on the planets face. What then must be done? What can we as a population do to save our world. The answer, my friends is all to clear. Humanity must be destroyed. We must be destroyed before our cruelty and destructiveness destroy the rest of the life on this planet. We have had our chance on this planet and have proved infallibly our unfitness and our degeneracy. We are a plague, and I fear that perhaps ironically it is the virus that is the cure.

  12. Punk seems to be whatever the individual says it is. If one were to ask five different "individuals" what punk was, there may very well be five different answers. That is what I feel makes it so special. I dig what alternativenick has to say, no doubt it's a life style over an image and a one line slogan to live by. I see punk as finding unity in a hopeless world. When family and school systems have turned their ugly backs on you, where do you go?

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