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Posts posted by spieleforum

  1. Well.. Homosexuality is wrong in our society today due to the religions - However, the media have also changed the way we look at homosexual people.
    There are no right and wrong answers, however, we should also concider the homosexuals point of view.

    We should avoid another Holocaust

    *hope i spelled that right*

    in Germany and most european countrys Homosexual people are allowed to marry each other
    personaly i know 2 homosexual guys(iam not homosexual) and they are totaly normal i never would dislike someone who is homosexual sometimes iam strange too and nobody cares i think everybody of us is a little bit strange and when i would dislike everybody thats a little bit strange i couldnt like anybody

  2. Currently at the moment, uncensored nudity down under in Australia only occurs between the late hours and early morning. However, there are still the likes of people who wants it banned all-around. Personally, I dont mind it its a good looking lady (like any other guy).. but I wont go as far as saying to display it at other times (due to school kids, children, and so forth) But at other hours, all I can say is if you dont like it! change the channel!
    What are your thoughts?.. try and think with your head on your shoulders..

    in germany its allowed to display porn from 10 o'clock i think
    i dont like it at all because when somebody wants to see a nude girl he should go into the internet or buy porno DVDs thats much more better for familys with kids

    displaying nudity without porn is allowed for the whole day
    and nobody cares because nudity is natural and nothing thats bad

  3. i think there was no reason to make war with iraq and the people who decidet to make this war did know that the reasons they told to the rest of the world wasnt true its all about money iraq always wanted a higher price for oil but the the america gounerment didnt want because they dont have enougth money to pay them out so they mad war and this isnt fair i think they are going to make war to iran too i feel sad for all the soldiers (the american and the iraq) who have to lost there lives in the war and there familiesand all the people who were injured in the war and iam angry about all politicans that decidet to to this warits a shame for the american gouverment to attac a land that doesnt have a real infrastructure or a way to defend there selfesi think when the iraq didnt had so much presure they could have lived normal without any religious fanatics like many other arabic states too

  4. lol what a question i think i would do many things for a million that other people wouldnt do but i wouldnt do many things even for a million that other people would doi never would do anything thats hurt my body in a non temporary way but loss of internet acces wouldnt be proplem even for 10 years i thinki also would hurt any people when its a temporary injury i would eat almost everything that isnt dangourus i would even do a tatoo or a piercingif it involves something sexual, I'd agree if its with a female person doesnt matter but a male person i would have to think about it i think i wouldnt do anything with a male personIf it involves the destruction i think would do almost anything when nobody gets hurt

  5. I have a programming assignment involving a poker card game. But since I don't play poker, I wouldn't know how to figure this instruction: I did my own research and saw that there are different types of hands that can come up when dealing a five-card poker hand: a pair, two pairs, three of a kind , four of a kind , a flush , a straight , a full house.

    I want to know which ones get get a high rating or low rating and what if none of those hands above appear what would be the rating of the hand?


    you realy want to programm a poker game ? a online poker game?
    do you have a clue how much time this will take? you would need a own server wich is verry expensive i know many people who tryed to programm a online poker by there self and nobody has realeased a beta version till now i dont think you going to manage this when you dont know in wich way the cards are rated

  6. I am almost certain you have to be at least sixteen years old to drop out or quit school.At least that is what I thought I may very well be wrong though.
    How exactly does one drop out or quit?

    yes in Germany you have to be 16
    i didnt drop school but when i had my examen i didnt continue school but i could have done a better examen so maybe iam continue school
    i know many people who droped school i even know 2 persons who dropped at the age of 16 i think dropping school isnt good except you know what your job will be but most times school is much more fun than working in germany you can go to afterwork school when you have a job and want to have a better education so you theoreticly could drop school go to work and when you want to continue school you coold go to "afterwork school" and than you can go to a univerity because i think making a exam at after work school is much easier than making a exam in a regular school

  7. well my first Laguage isnt Englisch because of this and because iam not good in learning Languages my english is verry bad(i hope when iam posting often in this forum its getting a little better) my mother Tounge is German but when iam honest my German wrighting isnt much better than my English writing at school my English grades are even better then my German my 3rd language is Latin wich i was forced to learn at school and my latin is much worse than my english so i hope everybody can imagine how worse my latin is after 3 years of learnign latin i only could 40 words and i never Understood Grammatick lol i hope you can understand what i did wrote

  8. u can extend from JButton and set your wishes in constructer than whenever u want your button u can create it
    class MyButton extends JButton{
    public MyButton(){
    write your wishes here



    //then create it anywhere

    new MyButton();

    Yes i would Prefer this way because its much easier than doing a own Look and Feel but when you create a own look and Feel you can change the Design of all Buttons in you Programm even the Buttons that are used in the programm bevore you created the new Look and Feel

    i have a question too
    he wanted to set up a background image to his new Button how can i do this? when i extend From "JButton" ?

  9. does anyone know how to create beans with netBeans5.5 beta? if iam honest i dont realy know what a bean is and how to use it but when i create a new JFrame Form there is a treeNode called "Beans" so i want to create a bean and then i hope i can drag and drop it into my Frame Form but the proplem is that i dont know how to create a bean Correctly i tryed it with:new File-->java gui forms-->BeanForm and as super class i used Canvas .but when i try to drag'n drop a someting from the "Component List" it just disapears and isnt shown in the DesignModusand i Tryed it with:new File-->JavaBean Object-->JavaBean Componentbut i cant see a design modus and the new Beans isnt shown in the "bean" tree nodedoes anybody know a good Tutorial how to build Beans with NetBeans or can me Explain how it works?

  10. oh i like the style expecially the color the orange Black is verry nice like on a verry old pc maybe i should switch my desktop prefferences to this collor its nice that the Forum has almost the same color but a shoutbox would be cool so everybody who is on the site can chat without logging in to the forum maybe i should metion that my webbrowser shows a big empty space on the left side of the page but the forum is normal

  11. communicate with the remote server. This allows users to save an environment to return to later, and for multiple users to collaborate using a single environment. The software is currently in alpha stage.


    An easy-to-use application-development API is provided for YouOS, as is an IDE for development. This has allowed for the creation of over 150 applications for YouOS.

    Notice from serverph:
    use QUOTE tags when lifting verbatim contents copied from other sites/sources. copied from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YouOS

    quotes added. REVIEW Xisto FORUM RULES & TOS.


    i think the most significant difference is that its possible to use together one os so you can share with your friend applications and preferences but i dont know how secure something like this is and if big files can be stored online

  12. nice tutorial so at first i must get close to her friends?sounds good i have a good tip too i saw it at ali G. (its a british TV show) if you dont want to wait try to :when she is talking to youjust smile at her and dont say anithing just look in her eyes so she knows that u like her verry verry much i think most girls like this and will get embrased then u can tuch her a little bit maybe on her shoulder or her hand and then ask her why she is so beautiful or somethink like this i think she wont ever get u out of her mind

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