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Posts posted by Chakraman

  1. intel pentium processors are slow and laggy.. plp that think that are using pentium 4 or d processors might think that their processors are the best. BECUZ they think that amd are much slower in terms of clock speed. THEY ARE WRONG. AMD PROCESSORS can THresh intel pentiums. they run 9 cycles instead of 6 in a full clock unlike intel. INTEL INSIDE, IDIOT OUTSIDE.

  2. AMD IS THE Best... even though the clock speed is slower, it is faster. an amd 64 is enough to thresh pentium D. intel got lousy processors that are for business, totally no good for gaming. laggy and expensive. of course, amd is better- cheaper and fasterOMG... wat kind of topic is this... amd and intel have different purposes. don compare them. amd = low clock speed but fast becuz it runs 9 cycles in one full clock also it saves more electricity, basically for gaming purposes. intel= for video editing, quite laggy . high clock speed but slow becuz it runs 6 cycles in one full clock.

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