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Posts posted by iVTEC

  1. Yes,I agree,Because with all of the cords being used for non-wireless,enables people to trip and get hurt.The only thing is some Router's have a length to them so I check each time I buy one how far I am able to go.Be sure to check that,also some internet companies don't have extentions for wireless computers.But from befor about triping,what happins when you trip?You bring the computer down with you.You could spend thosands of dolors just for being non-wireless.Just my opinion.

  2. I know what your saying,but people come over here because were they used to live it was in war's zone or the goverment sent them here and they were treated like crap.Be helpful to them they will respect you alot and they can teach you things and a better way to live because they have not experienced (cable,internet,TV,even telaphones) were so used to it and we take it for granted they can teach us not too.(Just my opinion)

  3. I thought it was ok,but the graphics look like GTA 3 not like San Andreas.It was kind of hard to see the picture was so dem playing I could'nt see were I was going (LOL).But it is new and I thought it was good.I have a question,is it supposed to be a GTA 3 pt. 2 because it is like the GTA 3 with the car crusher and the bridge being down,also with the car lot next to the FireStation.Thanks in advance for helping me.Sincerly,iVTEC

  4. I have to be honest I was googling for this site,but I will be active here and I like this forum you get to meet new people.Other forums its like a ghost town and hardly any support and you guys are regular people just like me so it's easy to talk.Anyways I was getting off topic googling is the best way I think to get your website popular.

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