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Posts posted by KijanaKiume

  1. I want instal Linux on my computer that will live together with Windows Media Center Edition. I am running into two problems.1) I cannot find a decent free disk partioning software that will work to create a partion for linux with out destroying my Windows partion. Would someone please help me find one.2) My computer is nice and new with some good stuff on it. It has a SATA hard drive with 140GB of space, a Pentium 4 HT (Hyper Threading) 3Ghz, 512 MB of RAM, and a ATI Radion video card with 512MB. (Most of that was just to make you drool.) Anyway when I try to install Linux it cannot find my hard drive, I am thinking because it is a SATA hard drive not a IDE(PATA). What am i suposed to do?? A little help here please!!

  2. I love the Google Toolbar!! It is much better than the Yahoo toolbar. There is everything you could want on there. But. I installed the Google Toolbar, and it ran fine for a wile. I was loving it. Then it started to crash internet explorer. I would be just siting there browsing the web when IE just exited. It did this a lot. And this is the second time that I had installed the Toolbar!! When I uninstalled it, IE worked just fine. What is wrong? This is very anoying!! Can somebody help??!!??

  3. My friend told me about this site http://www.moola.com/ that you play a game against other people and you can win money. I tried it, and it was fun. I did not win wny money. Anyway... My friend also has this site called Moola Club that has every thing moola. If you want to play your going to have to get a invite from moola club because that is the only way you can sign up. Have fun with it, and go make lots of money!! You can win up to about one million dollars, but the most any one has one has been about one hundred thousand.

  4. Does any body play this game?? I think that it is lots of fun. The reason why is that ,unlike other racing games ,that make you stay on a given course ,this game lets you go anywhere when your racing ,as long as you go thru all of the check points. Also it allows you to modify your vehicles any way you want. There is also a places online that alow you to download new cars and tracks that were made by people, and to download the software to make your own track. I would give you some screen shots, but I cant figure out how. If you know, please tell me!! To check out this game for youself goto http://4x4evolution.net/Revival!

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