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Posts posted by Drumman

  1. Hey guys.


    I have someone a rep plus. I type this message for it:


    Good user.


    Comes up with good stuff to talk about.





    It then appeared as:


    lol i just felt like doin dis



    That is not what I typed. 0.o


    lol i just felt like givin u a pt

  2. What Jesus said is a metaphor. A camel cannot pass through the eye of a needle - it is impossible. Hence, if this is easier, it means that a rich man cannot enter the kingdom of God. I think that's clear and simple. Mark 10, where this is from, is about how people must not be rich and not share. Jesus told a man to sell all his posessions and give away his money. But I'm not going to get into it, I don't think this is necessary or worthwhile...


    Okay, well I still say there's a narrow passage in Jerusalem that was called, at the time, The Eye of The Needle, but lets assume you're correct. He was reffering to a real needle. It's impossible for a camel to go through a real needle eye right? Why did you stop there? Let's keep going as long as we're quoting the Bible. It was irrelevant so I didn't say anything earlier but the quote you gave is actually two verses, Mark 10:24 and 10:25. Now in the next verse, 10:26, Jesus's disciples were amazed and asked him who could possibly go to heaven if it's easier to shove a camel through a needle eye. In 10:27 Jesus answers "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God." If you believe in God then how can you think He can't do pretty much anything he wants, even put a camel through the eye of a needle?


    I have no idea how much money Bush makes, and no one but his inner circle of people do either I'm sure. Of course, when I said he maybe makes $10,000 a day, I was being semi-sarcastic, but knowing that he's a big business man (he owns companies and doesn't even know about it, such as that lumber company which was mentioned in the second debate between him and Kerry) it's certainly possible that he can make $3.5 million a year. The point is that he's rich, and he's greedy (for more reasons than I state here). Therefore, according to the Bible, he's a bad Christian.


    I'm not a Christian myself, so I really don't care so much about his personal worth as a "God-fearing man" and I'm not at all preaching anything here. I just hate how articifial it is... people believe that he's really a good Christian. I think it's nothing more than a label and method of control for him, which helps him get the support of his Christian "sheep".


    Yes, his $10,000 contribution was his own money - the President can't just give away federal money. Congress did approve of $350,000,000 though.


    Again, I don't think you can't be rich and a good Christian at the same time. It's hard because you can do pretty much anything you want in this world with money. If you have a lot of it you may start to think of money as power and the giver of all things instead of God. It takes great discipline not to, I would think, but it can be done. If rich Christians keep their worship directed at God instead of their money then God can bring them into Heaven as easily as he can make a camel go through the eye of a needle.

  3. Rather than a stupid thing that a "Christian" has said, I'll tell you of the stupid things that "Christians" are. But first a quote from the Bible.


    Mark 10:24 "How easy is it for a man to enter the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."


    And I'm sure you all know where I'm going with this. Yes, that's right! There are so many rich, rich, RICH, RICH "Christians" out there. And ah yes, my favorite is the infamous G.W. Bush. Dictating away to the country what he thinks is right for all - issues of abortion and gay marriage - while he decieves himself as being Christians by ignoring the parts of the Bible that don't agree with his own interests.


    So rich as he is, he was generous enough (extreme sarcasm) to contribute $10,000 to the Tsunami aid while he asked the citizens to contribute their own money. Yeah, he probably makes and spends $10,000 every day...


    That quote does not say you can't be rich and be a Christian at the same time. It sounds impossible for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, but it's not talking about a real needle. There's a passage somewhere, in Isreal I believe, that is very narrow and hard to ride through on a camel. I can research where this is for you if you'd like and get back to you. The quote simply says that it is difficult for a rich man to go to Heaven, not impossible. Most people with money are arrogant, stuck up, snobs. They, therefore, do not posess Christian morals and it is very difficult for them to change their ways. Some rich folks, however, realize this difficulty and try to keep themselves in check.


    Oh, and about the President. $10,000 a day is a little over $3.5 million a year. If you think he makes that much you're crazy. He may make that much through investments and such, though I highly doubt it, but it's not just from being the President. I didn't know he contributed $10,000, but I'm fairly sure that if he did then it was his own money and not the governments so him asking everyone to contribute is not hypocritical.

  4. Well, I do think it is idiotic(now) and most Christians bible bash without even knowing it(and a lot of the cr*p said is mostly just that).


    Sorry, force of habit, I meant the 'New Testament'(I always call it the second testament for some reason), soz for confusing ye.  Yes I started thinking rationally and questions much of what I heard, but it's the religion I think is false, not the man. Like I said, he was a guy who didn't like what he saw, tried to change things, then after he snuffs it, some mong comes along and creates a religion out of his ideas.  He was just the biggest and best institutional rebel of his times, not some son of the almighty.


    Again, you're telling me a lot about what you believe and nothing about why you believe it. Is it just because you think it sounds stupid or do you have actual reasons?

  5. Yes some people find it gross, me included, but sometimes these women that are forced to go into this line of work have no other choice. It's an easy way to make money. Because there are always people who are gonna pay for that. But fortunately if you are not one of those people that hires these women, then it's not one of those sort of things that you see all over the place. So if you don't like it you are fortunate that you are not gonna have to see alot of it...


    Did you even read the first post?

  6. Ah, yeh, soz, my bad!!  Just from reading the second testament mainly, plus I just stopped swallowing everything I heard regardlessly.


    The reason I ask is because I don't think Christians are as idiotic as this thread makes them out to be. Granted, some Christians may be idiotic, but the Christian faith itself is not.


    By "second testament" you mean what...The Book of Mormon? When you say you stopped swallowing everything you heard regardlessly I assume you mean you starting thinking rationally and logically about the things you were hearing and somehow concluded they were false. What brought you to this conclusion?

  7. I thought it was obvious, he didn't like the state of things and tried to change them, becoming the new christ(aka the Messiah, Son of God etc) was one of the best ways to do it, but he just cause a bit too much noise and got killed for it by the Romans!


    Yes, it's obvious what you believe. That's not what I asked. What I'm trying to find out is why you believe what you believe.

  8. Me and some friends were watching a horror movie & ends up there was a bit of bumping & grinding involved plus loud screaming during those scenes.  Well my mom was also watching and it was soo embarassing, because she kept asking me whether this was porn!  LOL!


    This post has been erased.

    Notice from Johnny:
    Do NOT use comments like that, or next time, you will be banned, no questions.
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