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Posts posted by beastjordan

  1. Hi i own a runescape clan called the wealthy warriors and we are a 70+ clan (with the exception of pures which have 70+ range or magic). We welcome anyone with level 70 combat or over to join, and will be doing events, such as: castle wars, dual arena, the fight pits, pking trips, and combat and non-combat training hours. We currently have two members beastjordan (75) beastflemo90 (88).

    Forum: http://z11.invisionfree.com/The_wealthy_warriors/index.php

    Consider Joining! thanks alot beastjordan (clan leader)

    quick find code on runescape forums: 44-45-685-33115299

  2. Size: 900 x 200
    Theme: Runescape
    Render: Yes, can i please have lots of expensive runescape items, like d chain d med and thoose sort of things
    Render Theme: Runescape expensive items
    Color: what ever looks best with the renders
    Text: Yes, wealthy warriors and in small writing in one corner can it say https://www.gameservers.com/
    Other effects: none

    Thanks alot to whoever attempts this!

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