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About an_unattributed_source

  • Rank
    Newbie [Level 1]
  1. I AM new to web development and would like to look at some of those resources. Is there any chance you could post some good clickable links here to avoid having to Google each one. Not that I'm lazy or anything, I just like being able to go directly to the pages.
  2. The other posters in this thread are right; no other search engine has the advanced technology that Google has, because none of the other search engine companies are as large and financially successful as Google has been. Although it's not a search engine per se, Yahoo! is the only other company that comes close to Google in terms of market capitalization on the NYSE. Plus Google is almost a lone pioneer in doing things like scanning millions of books into electronic media and then indexing them for on-line search. You almost need a book to understand everything that Google is capable of, and O'Reilly has put out a good one called "Google: The Missing Manual." You might see if your local library has a copy and browse through it.
  3. Wow! What will Google think of next? Well, the obvious answer would apparently be Google Mars, since the Viking and subsequent rover/lander spacecraft (as well as orbiting missions) have mapped a substantial amount of the Martian surface. Does Google do all of these things (the unusual projects) just because they seem cool, or is it to build up the Google "brand name" so that people think that Google is a somewhat philanthropical company, unlike Microsoft, which has a reputation for being, well, greedy is the word that most immediately comes to mind. Whatever the motivation, keep the fun (and free) products and projects coming Google!
  4. Wow! That was quite an impressive story, but I wanted to ask a question that I hope will be perceived in the manner which it was intended, which is what they call "politically correct" in the United States. Although you write in what is very "readable" English, it is apparent that English is probably not your native language, or maybe even the one that you use most often. Would it be rude to ask what your linguistic background might be? I like to guess where people might be from based on their spoked accents, but it is harder to tell from their written English. By the way, I ONLY speak and write English, so the fact that you are fluent it probably at least two langauges already makes you superior to me!
  5. I am new to Xisto, and am a little incredulous that you can offer as many quality services as you already do for free. But the parent corporation is now giving some sort of consideration to providing no-charge domain names? Is there anything on the Xisto website that tells something of the company's history and business model? I would like to read about the company's background, and if you can provide a convenient link to such, I would be most grateful.
  6. If you care about security and don't want your computer infected by all of the malware that is written to take advantage of the many vulnerabilities that Microsoft has written into IE, then Firefox is your obvious choice. The fact that is open-source ensures that the code will get constant peer review from a talented band of programmers and contributors around the world.
  7. I haven't looked recently, but some Google Earth imagery of the Washington, D.C. Area was deliberately obscured, presumably so as not to give information to potential terrorists. If you have a current Google Earth image database handy (I don't at the present moment), see if you can see the Vice Presidential residence at the Naval Observatory in N.W. Washington. It is where RICHARD (defeating obscenity filter, which did not like his commonly referred-to first name) Cheney lives when he is not at his "undisclosed location."
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