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Posts posted by mynitr

  1. you have a "www" folder, right?Enter there and see the index.html. That is the default page Xisto has put. And until you add your page, it shows up whenever your site address is clicked.Just make your own index.html and replace.Or you can simply edit the existing index.html provided by them.Hope this is clear.

  2. I wont agree with the "UGLY" term.We are used to google ADs (and other ADs also) and believe me, ADs enhance the beauty of a site as people are used to think ADs an integral part of a website.As far as earning is concerned, google ADs are not the best unless you have millions of pageviews a month.There are good affiliate programs and also many other companies (like Yahoo) are coming forward in this field. After all they have to sustain the market-competition.So if the page-views are low, it's a good idea to opt for other available options. But many affiliate programs need atleast 3000 unique pageviews a month for the website to be eligible.

  3. i have a misunderstanding of how adsense works abit, i heard that everytime you get a click you should earn some kind of revenue. Well i set mine up and added it to my site. Then after awhile i checked my adsense reports. I found out that i got some clicks from impressions and clicks for my adsense content and some clicks for the adsense referrels. But then i checked my earnings and its says that my earnings is $0.00. I dont get it, some please explain this to me.

    This problem has been reported many a times and it seems there is something in it. Experienced members please clarify this, if possible.

  4. Impressions are page(or AD) loadings.So if your page has been viewed(or properly refreshed) 1000 times, you have 1000 impressions.But beware, they are not that stupid to allow this, just go through the forums and see for yourself how many accounts have been banned for doing this.And more importantly, if they have enoufh reason to suspend your account, still they wait till your account balance reaches $90 or so.(i.e. just close to the payment mark) thereby getting a huge benefit.(u can guess how sad it may be!)

  5. Let's be honest. Netscape had the maximum number of compatibility/rendering issues among the browsers.And so it has the minimum share of users.Now that they have come with a new version(check their website),they have mentioned they will be using Internet Explorer's Rendering Engine.So definitely it's clear that IE is the best.As far as Firefox is concerned, it's ok. It had some rendering issues and now they have a dedicated team for making it W3C (WorldWideWeb Consortium) compliant.

  6. Hi everyone,As from the forum details/rules/news etc, it is clear that the revenue comes from the advertisers, opening the forum and even clicking (without posting anything)can do the job.In my opinion credits should be awarded forOpening Page and browsing. <- snipped -> And ofcourse QUALITY POSTING.This way no body will be tempted to post unnecessarytopic/spam etc.Admin, please correct me if I am mistaken.Thanks.}}

  7. May be I have difficulties in getting the real sense of your problem. Can you please clarify?Anyways if you have a hosting space, you can put multiple domains there.And as far as re-directing is concerned, there are java scripts available for free and they even can cloak your real address.(i.e. they can show http://www.yourdomain.com/ all the time in the address bar.)Tell me if it's not clear.

  8. Certainly hard drive noise is a problem. But I believe you have warrantee for the drive and the companies often replace faulty hard drives very easily. If warranty is not there get a new hard drive and use the old one as a removable drive(by adding a usb-to-IDE adapter). And ya backup is not a bad idea!

  9. Though most of the hosts do not reveal this, it is true that they support multiple domain hosting on a single account.What you need to know:1- Create a folder parallel to your existing domain folder on the hosted space.2-Rename it in the 2nd domain name and put a index.html file there.Now try to access the address(2nt domain) from browser. If successful(very probably), You are done.

  10. It's not that everything that google gives is gold. Though the searchengine giant advertises in favour of firefox, the drawbacks are many. For example, complex table layouts dont appear properly on firefox. have you tried it? We must not use firefox for the sake of "not using microsoft product". Explorer reigns because it deserves. I am not a microsoft person. I am a student.

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