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Posts posted by Bbbbbooooo0

  1. Do any of you guys know any glitches for halo 2 on Xbox Live?


    TURF-Pass level boundries. :P

    1. Go on turf with 2 master chief's (doesnt work right with alien).

    2.Make them both have a sword as wep 1 and rocket as wep 2.(Have rockets on map to get more ammo)

    3.Ok have 1 person go where the plasmus pistol is, look up and u should see a shutter to the right, go againist the far edge wall and couch jump on to the shutter (Jump than couch in air).Look to the right and jump on that edge. Go and couch untill u get to where u cant go foward anymore. And wait there.

    (Player 2) 4. ok when player 1 does the other thing, then u have to catapult up, go to where the tent is. and u will see shield on the ground (the are on the ledge next to the tent) get it off of that and next to the tent, once u have it there, put ur foot on the middle line holding it up and use ur rocket and shoot the top middle where it is 2 slants and shoot try to land on the building where player 1 is.

    5. once player 1 sees player 2, u have to sword cancel (R+X) untill u are inbetween the 2 walls. then move againist the wall where u went through and let player 2 do the same thing.

    6. Now you have to butterfly up on the wall (1 player gets again the wall and jump up and down, and the other person aims up when the player againist the wall is at its highest point then sword cancel so u are on the building.ALMOST DONE!

    7.Now the person on the building stands there and lets the other player sword cancel up and now u can explore the city and not able to fall down ! MWUHAHAHAHAHHAHA! :P



    Do any of you guys know any glitches for halo 2 on Xbox Live?


    Turf Super Jump

    First go to the tent. go on the ledge where the shields are. couch againist the wall run foward and jump on the top square on the top of the tent, (hit L3 right before u hit it)Land on the wires to break the boundries.


    Do any of you guys know any glitches for halo 2 on Xbox Live?


    Acension-Super Jump

    1. Go on Acension.

    2. Go to the large base.

    3. Go right infront of the base where there is a corner on the left which goes down a ramp.

    4.Couch under it from the ramp that goes down for awhile. then go to the left and left pass the rocks.

    5. Jump off it to land at the end of the ramp but hold A.

    6. Next u should go Flying in the air, move so u land ontop of the tower.

    (You should have a sniper if ur playing a match)


    Do any of you guys know any glitches for halo 2 on Xbox Live?


    Zangzbar (lol Cant spell it)- SUPER JUMP

    1.Go in the base where the battle rifle is, break the glass in the second window at the battle rifle. Now couch into untill u couch without pressing the button, now look down and to the right.

    2.Now jump and hold A u shud land on a crack and go flying up, now push right when ur flying and ull go ontop of the base.


    Do any of you guys know any glitches for halo 2 on Xbox Live?


    Turf - Go through the cage at the Warthog spawn spot

    1.First get some1 to go in the middle of the cage couching walking backwards.

    2. Have some1 else in the warthog and run into the guy couch at mid-speed, (going to fast might splatter him). It is a great place to have a cage match. :):P


    Do any of you guys know any glitches for halo 2 on Xbox Live?



    1. Get 2 tanks, on any level.Puting 1 tank upside down and put the other1 on it, (MORE FUN TO HAVE A GUY IN THE TANK ON TOP) Now onces ur ready, Flip the tank under the other tank....

    2. WATCH IT FLY!

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