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Posts posted by moeoehre_05

  1. It's out in germany and i've played it in stores for fun... whe i first saw it i thougt how old is that game ???the whole vidoe quality is much worse than gta san andreas and i think even than vice city...rockstar games should have payed more attention on that... but still it has the "normal" gta gameplay features... fans like me should buy it i think...although it has this bad video quality...moeoehre_05

  2. I'm living near an army base. I am able to see my house in Google Earth but not the army base. Not that I cannot find the place, but the place was entirely in blacken patches. Somehow that place was blocked from satellite cameras. I believe army bases uses a device called radar jammer, like what a unit has in a game called Command and Conquer.
    So I believe we can never find Area 51. Even if we could, it will be blacken.


    i'm a guy from germany, so i have the german version of google earth.

    And in this version i can find area 51 without any problems... i just type area 51 in the search space and it brings me automatically to it... it's just some airfields ..but stil it's quite detailled... you can even see the planes on the airfield...




    so if u are interested just download the german version... you can contact me if you want...


    just made some picture for the guy who can't find it...^^

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