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Everything posted by alexviii
maybe we should try to keep being realistics... I'm sorry, to be rude. But, again, the main Idea of this religion, have a Natural Inclination to Violence. This is not acceptable. Now, I will never says, mislmin have no reasons to exist!! I'm not racist ! I only want to express My Ideas, we shoudn't be surprised if Terrorism (I mean the new one, not ETA or others groups in Irland) is from the Islam world. The war that Terrorism is making, came from the religion, it's not a political idea, or a philosophy. It's, for me, a religion war. Now the main problem is that this religius war is not moved by man's pervertion, or extremist Ideas only. It is Mouved by the religion it self. That is why I started with the title:"Should We Be Afraid From Islam". I'm personaly afraid, not from the danger it self, because in any cases I will die. I'm afraid because as a religius war, it will never stop. Maybe there will be pauses in the future, or temporany peace. But the main Idea of this war, is branded to fire into this religion. And it will never be changed.
you are true the answer is No, but only because he had no way to use a bomb. But he used his sword.And he wrote the coran who say that Islam have the entitlement and the duty to kill all thoese are against Islam. FOR ME IS LIKE A YES. ok. this is your point of view. I'm actualy living in Jafo, which is an arabic City in Palestine. (near to Tel aviv). Now, I have studied in the Jerusalem French School. 80% of my frieds are muslemins, and 19% are christians Arabs. Even my GirlFrind is arabic. So please don't consider me simply a racist. I just feel free to express what I think about islam.
I'm sorry I didn't ggive you the link. I founded out thoese vers in the site of "Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Endowments, Dawah and Guidance": http://quran.al-islam.com/Loader.aspx?pageid=215 the verses where: 1- Surah Name: Al-Baqara; Verse:191. 2- Surah Name: An-Nisaa; Verse:89. I have told you that I know what I talk about. Please don't consider me one of thoese stupids guys who says thinks because they heard about, and they want to show their selfs they have a position. I read enterlt the coran, as the bible, as I know little for others religions.
you know there is a big difference. My problem is: It's true that "Protestants and catholics have been blowing each other up in Ireland", "The Spanish had the Inquisition", "the Crusades killed hundreds of thousands of people" and it also true that "the religion that has done the most suicide bombings is in fact Hinduism". But please tell me where in the theology of thoese religions some one have wirten down that the have or had to kill? I don't see in the bible a reference to the Crusades or Inquisition. You see? thoese have been historical facts, that have been made by huans been and his pervertion, exactly like today The Jews are blowing up Palestine and the palestinian are blowing up Jews. For muslemin is different: it's the religion it self, with her theology and the coran it self that permit violence. this is my problem. I'm sorry for thoese who will feel offended, but I can't tollerate a religion that in the name of God, make the word where I live more dangerous.
I know the extremist is not the real word... By extremist I mean Violent and that will never condamn thoese who make violence. (not every muslemin is making violent act, but every body agree to the coran that don't condamn this acts). For me this is like if every body was making violence. their concept of right & wrong is totaly different form mine! because I will never applicate violence to violence. What for me is right is what is good for me as for the Society, but for them is just what is good for God (and here we can discuss how they know what is good for god) What is wrong for me is what is bad for me or for society, and/or what is good only for me and bad for others. For them is wrong what ever is against their religion, even if it is very good for the Society. Good and bad are not relatives. Forbidden things and acceptable things is relative. there is no way that violence can be good even if somewhere is permitted. I applaud my self for trying to be free to express what ever I think is Good. Your concept of "neutral" is very different from mine. For me neutral is the one who do not think about. For example I'm not at all "neutral"! Please note every one, that with this discussion I don't want to offend any one but I want to express what I personaly think is wrong in your religion.
Hi everyones! You can check out some real tips ,hints , strategies by visiting this site: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ just visit all the 5 pages of the site...they are loaded with great info on adsense.......
HI everyone. please note that I wasn't saying anything agains muslemin, or I didn't want to. I just wanted to say that Islam as religion, have a natural inclination to violence. And, as consequences, the more religius you are, more extremist you are.... and please note that the coran says: and also: I can't beleive that exist a religion that says such things. PS: the title of the topic was cinic, cause I fill that they want us to be afraid, and we are very ingenues...
Hi everyones, I have been trying to set up my email notification settings for a weeks, and I'm stumped. I even found a solution that helped me before.. but now I can't seem to get this right. I'm trying to use CDOSYS, as I did in the past. Here's the code I replaced in the inc_mail.asp file: case "cdosys"Set objNewMail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.message")objNewMail.Configuration.Fields.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2objNewMail.Configuration.Fields.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = "sendmail2.brinkster.com"objNewMail.Configuration.Fields.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername")="2boobs@davemadethis.com"objNewMail.Configuration.Fields.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword") ="XXXX"objNewMail.Configuration.Fields.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate") = 1objNewMail.Configuration.Fields.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25objNewMail.Configuration.Fields.Update'Format and send messageErr.Clear objNewMail.To = strRecipientsobjNewMail.From = strSenderobjNewMail.Subject = strSubjectobjNewMail.TextBody = strMessageOn Error Resume NextobjNewMail.SendIf Err <> 0 Then Err_Msg = Err_Msg & "Your request was not sent due to the following error: " & Err.Description & ""End if 10x
Hi Everyones, During the summer I read 3 books of Rex Stout (nero wolfe), it's a classic!! Then I read the Key to Rebecca of Ken Follet. I'm now reading Angel Fire East of Terry Brooks (the last one of the series) If you have something to suggest, I read in english, french Spanish and Italian.. 10x
I'm listenning all these new about islam and terrorism. So I think that in order to talk about something I have to know it. That is why with an Objective spirit I read the Coran. Now I know all the history of that book, and I know the life of the person who worte it. I have to say only 1 think as conclusion: the Islam religion is a fanatic group as their profet was. The first that came and says that not all muslemims are extremistes, I will invite him to read their Corane, and judje, what it says. The basis of the Islam religion, is the supremacy of muslemins and all others,, have to die. And it is not a joke as you can see 11 September was not a joke!! Sencond and last think I want to say is: Do you think that Media (arab media) have to reed the all speech of the pope??? I read it and it is not so offensive I think. Even because is a teological lession, and thoese sentences wasn't from him. (read here the speech: Click here)
HI everyone!! I was looking for a good site who explain hot start with C language. I visited some one of them but I didn't learnd so much. Also I need a way to write in C. Actualy I don't have any knid of program. Is there in the web a way to download some FREE software for C editing... HELP PLEASEEEEEE!!!! 10x, bye
ok I did something like that: <?php //Increasing maximum exection time of the script set_time_limit(120); echo '<p>Connectiong to MySQL server <br>'; $dbName = 'skeletons'; //database name $userName = 'root'; //User name $password = ''; //Password $localHost = 'localhost'; //Server //Connecting to MySQL if (!mysql_connect($localHost, $userName, $password)) { echo '<p>Error while trying to connect to MySQL'.mysql_error(); exit; } echo '<p>Connected !'; $username = $_POST['username']; $pass = $_POST['pass1']; $name = $_POST['name']; $surname = $_POST['surname']; //THIS IS IN ORDER TO BE SURE THAT I'M REALLY GETTING DATA FROM THE FORMecho "<br>saved:<br>"; echo $username . "<br>";echo $pass . "<br>"; echo $name . "<br>"; echo $surname . "<br>"; //Insert into Mysql Database: mysql_query("INSERT INTO `user` (`Id`, `username`, `password`, `name`, `surname`) VALUES ('', '$username', '$pass', '$name', '$surname'); "); // Show a alert when data inserted to Mysql. echo "<script language=javascript>alert('Data inserted to Mysql Databse!'); window.location = 'index.php'; </script>"; ?> Now, I'm getting a perfect page, everything ok. The only problem is that when I chek my database, I see that infos have not been added!!! UFFFF I'm getting stressed
Hi everyone! I have completed the MySQL Table creation. but now I have a little larger problem I can't create a string on it. I have here a php code that take info from a form, and it should create a new string in the database but it doesn't (I'm working in localhost, with MySQL, Apache, PHP): <?php//Increasing maximum exection time of the scriptset_time_limit(120);echo '<p>Connectiong to MySQL server <br>';$dbName = 'skeletons'; //database name$userName = 'root'; //User name $password = ''; //Password$localHost = 'localhost'; //Server //Connecting to MySQLif (!mysql_connect($localHost, $userName, $password)){echo '<p>Error while trying to connect to MySQL'.mysql_error(); exit;}echo '<p>Connected !';$username = $_REQUEST['username'];$pass = $_REQUEST['pass1'];$name = $_REQUEST['name'];$surname = $_REQUEST['surname']; //Insert into Mysql Database:mysql_query("INSERT INTO `user` (`Id`, `username`, `password`, `name`, `surname`) VALUES ('', '$username', '$pass', '$name', '$surname'); "); // Show a alert when data inserted to Mysql.echo "<script language=javascript>alert('Data inserted to Mysql Databse!'); window.location = 'index.php'; </script>"; ?> The script it woek, I mean I have now error messages, but then When I check in the database, there in no information entered!!! what is worng??? (probably the query code) 10x
ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!\ I always wash my hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok in effect, I don't do such think....
10x guys, Let's Say I have to make a table like this: Id = Autoincremet id username password realname = the name of the applicant realsurname= his surname country = chosen from a list of countrys in the form e-mail url = web site avatar = which is uploaded in the form rank = auotomaticaly is always 1 (than from the admin it can be changed to 2 or 3 etc..) date = when he register Thoese are the information that I need to store for all client. How do I create a querry for that?? 10x
Hi everyone! I have a problem: when I create a table in MySQL, I'm asked to fill up some information about each column. for example:- | Name | Type | Value | 2nd Value | Attributes | Null | Default | what do they are?? name, default it's ok, I know them. But the others??? Type. for example, I have to choose between :- Or also in Attibutes: May some one explain that? or, is there a link that you know I can find explanation to that? 10x, Bye
Hi everyone! I am trying to set up an export map from UPS's WorldShip software to MySQL Server using WorldShip's built-in feature for this purpose and MyODBC 3.51.11-2 on Windows Platform (WinXP and Win2000). Basically this involves setting up an ODBC DSN to connect to the MySQL server and then setting up an export map from within WorldShip that uses the ODBC DSN. If everything is set up correctly and UPS WorldShip software can successfully connect to the MySQL server (as it is supposed to) one has the opportunity to define the mappings between WorldShip's (local) database table fields and corresponding MySQL database table fields (which were created beforehand). The problem I am running into is that everything works as long as the ODBC connector refers to the MySQL server host as 'localhost' or '', and doesn't work otherwise even if the host IP address for the MySQL server refers to the same machine. In other words, say I have WorldShip and MySQL server installed on the same system with, say, fixed IP address Then as long as I set up the ODBC DSN using MyODBC so that it refers to the MySQL host as 'localhost' or '', everything works fine. But if insead I set the IP address as (the IP address of the machine) and try to set up an export map from within WorldShip using the same process, then WorldShip comes back with an "ODBC Source 'xyz' is not valid for 'export'" error even though the ODBC connection tests okay when it is set up through the windows ODBC administrator. I have tried previous ODBC versions as well, but nothing seems to work. Not sure if this is an ODBC problem or a WorldShip problem (UPS can't help - as far as they are concerned this is an ODBC issue - I am not convinced yet). Has anyone encountered this problem before. Is there a work-around. I couldn't find any registry setting to tweak or any options to set that will make this work. Following is my setup: - UPS WorldShip 7.0 (for anyone who has used this) - MyODBC (3.51.11-2, 3.51.12, 3.51.04, 5.0 Alpha - none work) - MySQL: 4.1.10a-nt-extension: mysqli - Server installed on Windows XP Pro (also tried on Windows 2000 Pro) - MyODBC installed on Windows XP Pro as well as Windows 2000 Pro machines - MySQL Server configured correctly with remote access over the local network. Tried varying user / host / db permission settings. Everything works as expected but nothing works with UPS WorldShip when trying to make a remote connection to MySQL server. Please help asap. 10x
hi everyone!! I want to ask:" want exactly happen if hi have 0 credit?" Let's make an example: I cam back from holydays, but I steel have 3.10 credits.... then I make a post that give me other 3 credits for a total of 5. now, let's says that that last post I made wasn't in the wirte forum, just for mistake...ok? But, as I have to respect law as anyone, My post were moved, and I got a penalty of 5.30 credits. this mean that I have now -0.20 credits. I'm not makeing spam, it was only a mistake... (in the example) In this kind of case, what happen to all files in my host??? I will louse them?? I will have a period to backup them?? 10x
Hi everyone! i am having a database connection problem, i am using this code to connet to the database - *******************attempCounter = 0**** public static Connection getDbConnection(String p_db, String p_schema){Connection conn = null;int attemptCounter = 0;while (conn==null && attemptCounter<3){attemptCounter++;try{ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("hailEss");String dbName = rb.getString("db.name." + p_db);//if(p_schema.equals("custom"))//p_schema="haileip";String dbUser = p_schema;String dbPass = rb.getString("db.pass." + p_db + "." + p_schema);System.out.println(dbName);System.out.println(dbUser);System.out.println(dbPass);Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver");conn = DriverManager.getConnection(dbName,dbUser,dbPass);}catch(Exception genEx){EssLocalLogger logMakerObj = new EssLocalLogger();logMakerObj.error("Source ConnectionManager.getDbConnection(): " + attemptCounter + " - " + genEx.toString());}}return conn;} ******************** now the problem is when i run this class i get the connection in the first place itself, but when i call this through a jsp page it tries for 3 times, it gets the connection and comes out with this error which is why i am able to proceed firther---- PLEASE HELP!!
Hy everyone! I am moderately familiar with PHP and have been using it for a couple years for various different things. Basic information about my system: PHP 5 MySQL 4.1 Apache Windows XP Pro I'm using PHP/MySQL for a web-based server and have an ODBC set up in my office. I'm running into some problems using the ODBC code as opposed to the MySQL code in some scripts I have been writing. **In my scripts I use an ODBC database converter found in a tutorial on phpfreaks here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ , contains connection string also. Also using MySQL Query Builder for testing SQL syntax. What i'm attempting to do at this point is make 3 scripts that allow me to input data specific to a patient, call the rest of the patient's information from my database, and update the additional information. This first script makes a form where I input information patients at the office, Patient ID in this case. This works fine, and after this form the form posts to my next script, displayrecord.php. After inputing data, the script should call the particular record and display the rest of the information **code to create the form that accepts the patient id and displays the record from the patient table <p> </p> <form name="updateform" method="post" action="displayrecord.php"> <table width="250" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="3"> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <center><b>Enter Patient ID</b></center> </td> </tr> <tr > <td width="100"> <center>Patient ID</center> </td> <td width="150"> <input type="text" name="ptid"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" > <center> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"> </center> </td> </tr> <? require_once(odbc.php); ?> **PHP script to display the record and accept the updates for the existing record** I run into problems as soon as I call displayrecord.php, i'm pretty sure my SQL syntax is correct, but it could be a problem with the form construction. The output will show the beginning of the form, but no other fields of the form. I feel it doesn't work because of naming/calling the fields from the array for the form inputs. Here is le code: <p> </p><form name="displayrecord" method="post" action="updaterecord.php"> <table width="250" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="3"> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <div align="center"><b>Update Patient Information</b></div> </td> </tr> <?php require_once('odbc.php');$query="SELECT * from tblPatient WHERE PatientID='" .$PatientID ."'"; $varquery=odbc_exec($odbc, $query) or die (odbc_errormsg()); if($record=odbc_fetch_array($varquery)) { echo "<tr> "; echo " <td width=\"100\"> "; echo " <div align=\"right\">Patient ID </div>"; echo " </td>"; echo " <td width=\"150\"> "; echo " <input type=\"text\" name=\"PatientID\" value=\"".$record["PatientID"]."\">"; echo " </td>"; echo " </tr>"; echo "<tr> "; echo " <td width=\"100\"> "; echo " <div align=\"right\">LName </div>"; echo " </td>"; echo " <td width=\"150\"> "; echo " <input type=\"text\" name=\"LastName\" value=\"".$record["LastName"]."\">"; echo " </td>"; echo " </tr>"; echo " <tr> "; echo " <td width=\"100\"> "; echo " <div align=\"right\">FName</div>"; echo " </td>"; echo " <td width=\"150\"> "; echo " <input type=\"text\" name=\"FirstName\" value=\"".$record["FirstName"]."\">"; echo " </td>"; echo " </tr>"; echo " <tr> "; echo " <td width=\"100\"> "; echo " <div align=\"right\">Address </div>"; echo " </td>"; echo " <td width=\"150\"> "; echo " <input type=\"text\" name=\"ADDRESS1\" value=\"".$row["ADDRESS1"]."\">"; echo " </td>"; echo " </tr>"; echo "<tr> "; echo " <td width=\"100\"> "; echo " <div align=\"right\">Phone </div>"; echo " </td>"; echo " <td width=\"150\"> "; echo " <input type=\"text\" name=\"HM\" value=\"".$row["HM"]."\">"; echo " </td>"; echo " </tr>"; echo " <tr> "; echo " <td colspan=\"2\"> "; echo " <div align=\"center\"> "; echo " <input type=\"submit\" name=\"Submit\" value=\"Submit\">"; echo " </div>"; echo " </td>"; echo "</tr>"; } ?> This last script accepts the record entered by the end user and updates the record in the MySQL table. <?php require_once('odbc.php');$query="UPDATE tblPatient SET ADDRESS1=\"". $ADDRESS1 . "\" , HM=\"".$HM."\" WHERE PatientID=\"".$PatientID."\""; $varquery=mysql_query($query); if (!$varquery) { die(" Query execution failed!!!<br>"); } else { echo "<table border=\"0\" align=\"center\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"5\" width=\"300\">"; echo " <tr> "; echo " <td colspan=\"2\"> "; echo " <center><b>".odbc_affected_rows()."record is updated successfully</b></center>"; echo " </td>"; echo " </tr>"; echo " <tr> "; echo " <td width=\"100\"> "; echo " <div align=\"right\">Patient ID</div>"; echo " </td>"; echo " <td width=\"200\">".$PatientID. "</td>"; echo " </tr>"; echo " <tr> "; echo " <td width=\"100\"> "; echo " <div align=\"right\">Last Name</div>"; echo " </td>"; echo " <td width=\"200\">".$LastName. "</td>"; echo " </tr>"; echo " <tr> "; echo " <td width=\"100\"> "; echo " <div align=\"right\">First Name</div>"; echo " </td>"; echo " <td width=\"200\">".$FirstName. "</td>"; echo " </tr>"; echo " <tr> "; echo " <td width=\"100\"> "; echo " <div align=\"right\">Address</div>"; echo " </td>"; echo " <td width=\"200\">".$ADDRESS1. "</td>"; echo " </tr>"; echo " <tr> "; echo " <td width=\"100\"> "; echo " <div align=\"right\">Phone</div>"; echo " </td>"; echo " <td width=\"200\">".$phone. "</td>"; echo " </tr>"; echo " <tr> "; echo " <td colspan=\"2\"> </td>"; echo " </tr>"; echo "</table>"; } ?> Any and all input is greatly appreciated. If you feel I am doing something a really stupid way, please let me know.
How To Crate Mysql Database? urgent help
alexviii replied to alexviii's topic in Web Hosting Support
I just wanted to make my pc a server, in order to have my own domain name in internet with my serverat home. how do I do that? should I install "Windows Server" or I can do it dirctly on Windows XP??? -
Hi everyone! I'm trying to make in my site a page system that allows me to create users account (with a foto for every user)... I'm doing that in PHP, I learned all I have to know about PHP and MY SQL. I know how to make new array and querries in the data base, only 1 think is messing: HOW DO I CREATE SUCH DATABASE?????? Using normals ones I just open access and create one. DO I have to download any program that make them?? or I can't if my computer is a simple computer (not server). In this last case, how do I create a MySQL database in my hosted space??? Guys, is very very urgent...... Notice from truefusion: Moved from Website Discussion > GENERAL
Hosting Your Own Server i need help
alexviii replied to illdevilinc's topic in Websites and Web Designing
Sorry but probably I'm totaly ignorant... If I have an operationg system such windows XP professional, and I want to convert him to a server, can I simply download apache and so convert my computer to a server? anf yes, how do I do it?????? -
HI everyone!! I' going to complete it, only the Hoe page and photo page are done. the rest is under construction.. But please check and tell me what you think about the grafic (I am particularly fierce of the photo section) Alex VIII - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ check also the forum: Alex VIII Forum - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/