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Posts posted by rama3i

  1. Java can be integrated into web pages using javascript (have you ever use java web framework like struts, spring or JSF?)


    On a web programming Javascript is a client side script means that your script would seen by client. But not Java.


    I don't get confused about Java and JavaScript at all actually. :)


    Similarities: They both use The Web and The Internet.

    Both of them are used to perform a specific function.



    Java is a programming language (like C++ or Perl, I think)

    JavaScript is a scripting language (like VBScript)

    Java is much harder to integrate into web pages using valid XHTML.

    JavaScript is a little hard to learn at first, but easy once you get the hang of it.

    Java is very hard to learn, and is best left of programmers. :P

    JavaScript usually performs functions inside webpages.

    Java can do a lot of other stuff as well.

    You can find lessons on how to compose JavaScript at http://www.w3schools.com/.

    People use JavaScript for cool effects in webpages.


    Both are used for different purposes. If you want to learn easy, cool stuff, learn JavaScript! :P


  2. I think javatutorial from sun's web site is enough for learn java from scratch. It contains how to program simple java program like hello world. Give you concept of Object Oriented Programming, then it tels you how to build a UI using swing. and at the end of tutorial they give you somethings smell's Enterprise programming like RMI (Remote Method Invocation). I Learn java from sun java tutorial and still i used it when i need some basic concept that i forgot.

    Hey guys I plan to start learning Java soon and was wondering if you could direct me on some good Java based programing books. I think im gonna get Java for dummies probebly because thats always a good book at least in my opinion(ive always liked the dummie books) especialy when your jsut starting out. However do you know of any other good books?
    I was also wondering if you knew of any good online turtorials as well, I noticed on w3 they have JavaSCRIPT but not java turtorials and since i Know nothing about java I just relized I should ask the question do you need a compiler? And if so are there any good open source ones I could Download. Thanks in advance.

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